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Everything posted by woz111

  1. Hi all, I've managed to fit the throttle cable assembly, my bike didn't have one at all, and it was missing a cable on the throttle as well, the one that screws in. Anyway, the throttle's really tight at the mo, I did like Mike said and greased all the cables but to no avail? The cables from the throttle to the box are such a tight fit you wouldn't believe, are they supposed to be like this?My bikes an 1984 Venture Royal, I started her up yesterday today Mike, sounds really quiet with the new exhaust, sweet:cool10:
  2. Hi all, could someone explain how to fit the throttle cables properly to the XVZ1200 Venture royal? I bought my bike in bits and have just had a new set of cables to fit but cant, once you try fitting them to the throttle cable assembly there's no room to play?
  3. Brian, if I was you I'd take it stright back to the shop I bought it from and DEMAND my money back. If it's a known fault the shop will have to give you a FULL refund, it's better to be stuck with your old working cassette deck than a faulty CD deck.
  4. Hi Brian. Best of luck to you on this, please put some pictures on after you've finished and let us all know how it turns out, how it looks etc. One think that puzzles me is how are you going to waterproof the new unit?
  5. Thanks for the picture Mike, it's sorted out what I thought was the connector for the CLASS system (which has COMPUTER written on it), obviously not. Why put a sticker on it and write computer, it should obviously be hazard The bike is now about 90% completed, so I'm hoping to get it on the road in the next few weeks, it's silly little things like this that are putting a hold on things.
  6. Does the hazard connector have mostly blue wires with one black/yellow wire? This connector looks like it may be the one, it's got a small black rubber block on it?
  7. I know that squeeze:) My bike comes originally from America so I'd have thought that it would have the plug, but apparently not, or at least I can't find it:confused24: there's the indicator plug and a speaker wire/plug there but that's all:confused24: I'm asking because I can't get the indicators working, the two front indicator lights have a double spade connector & filament just like a break light, they just light up.
  8. Oops, sorry squeeze, got too much on my mind and trying to sort everything out all at once, I'm in and out of the house like a yoyo. I've taken a look at the wiring loom now and can't see the connector for the hazard switch at all, strange?
  9. Thanks Dan, I'll have a look now, what year's your Venture Squeeze?
  10. Hi, I'm missing the hazard switch from my 84 Venture Royal, however after going over the wiring loom I can't find where the 5 pin plugs located, should it be on the right side or behind the headlamp? I've looked but I'm stumped, not sure if it's been cut off:detective: as there's no battery plug as well, that's also been cut off as I can see the white/red wire. If anyone's got one for sale with the right hand grill please let me know. Things get better, playing around under the dash and now, the onboard computer's not working, great. I've taken the clock off now and will give them a good going over.
  11. I'll do as you say George, and thanks everyone again for your help. Any help you need for getting older british bike parts let me know, there's an old bike shop near me which may be able to help, the guy never throws anything away.
  12. Hi all, good new, I got it running, YIPPEE, I can finally hear her run, sounds good too. I found, as George said, a leak on cylinder two. Who'd have thought that such a small leak would cause such a problem right at the end, the carb was out by about 1mm, I gave them a push, until I couldn't see the top line of the carbs, charged the battery up again and left the bike for an hour after which she started quite easily. Needless to say al, I was smiling from ear to ear. I still need quite a lot to do to the bike to get her back on the road but a major job is sorted, I'll make a start on the electrics today, indicators are not working as well as the radio/cassette players really quiet, nothing compared to the engine though. A big thank you to everyone on this site for all you help, "Thanks All, it's Much appreciated", Woz.
  13. Thanks for that squeeze, I've blocked the pipe up that comes from no 1 carb/cylinder, as with carbs on, when I put my hand over it there's no suction. Does this pipe go to the Pressure sensor? I'm asking because I didn't have one on my bike when bought, there is one on there now though.
  14. I'd do a test on the front break switch and the indicators, do a test on each indicator to see if there's a surge on one? Just an idea, probably one that you already thought of bll the best though mate, hope you sort it out soon.
  15. Just to make sure I've got the right TCI unit, as the guy I bought the bike from reckons that the non working unit was the original. My bike's an 1984 Venture Royal and the TCI - Ignition Unit number is:- Type TID14-28, 41R-10, its an Hitachi LTD model. Does anyone know if this is the right model for an 84 bike?
  16. Thanks for that George, MikeB has shown me this. I've now sorted out the YICS system and connected it all up, I've also tried starting the bike again, it's missing on the front two cylinders, "it would be as theirs no gas getting to the rear cylinders", so decided to take the carbs totally off again, the back two inlets were totally dry, so carbs are most definitely faulty. I'll start to dismantle them now and get back to you all.
  17. I agree with you Squeeze thinking about it, if the pick-up coils can't be adjusted and it's firing in sequence as it is then it can't be them. I did notice that on the front of the engine there's a long black box with pipes coming out of it, the right hand pipe has snapped off and there's another pipe behind the carbs that isn't connected?
  18. Just done a compression test and there's plenty of compression there, the bike's only done 29.000 miles so I didn't think anything was wrong there. The pick up coils are in the Left case? I'll try a test on these, I've had to replace quite a few electrical parts on this bike since buying it, starter motor/solenoid, repair the TCI unit as it was only sparking on 2 plugs. The starter motor was wired up wrong and shorting out on the main body, so it burned out a few things, maybe it's burned the pick-up coils out messing up the spark, just a thought.
  19. I've not checked the cylinder compression as I don't have a compression tester, I have checked the tank which is spotless, and the filter as well as checking that petrol is getting to the carbs, all's fine as are the 4 hoses nice and clear, no blockages in them. I've also squirted plenty of starting fluid right into the carbs, still the same though? That's why I'm thinking it may be the ignition timing?
  20. Hi Squeeze, I checked the coils, all are good. The plugs are new as well as the plug caps so the spark's good. I've also tried swapping the coils around but still the same. It's late here now so I'll give it another go tomorrow. Thanks all.
  21. Hi all. Still can't get my XVZ1200 84 model to run, I've sorted out the TCI unit, thanks Mike, and cleaned the carbs but it still refuses to start. I think I'll check and reset the ignition timing tomorrow, weather permitting. I think the problem's with the ignition timing because when the bike's turning over it's missing, giving out a loud bang every other spin, so that points straight to the ignition timing, right???
  22. Anyone know if you can buy the Carb Needle set for the XVZ1200 Venture Royal 1984 model. I've got the original set of carbs which need to be reconditioned, always nice to have a spare set.
  23. Hi all. Here's an interesting thread started by Moose on the Venture UK forums, I've copied and pasted it here to see what our friends over the pond think? Unfortunately no one's answered his query on the UK forums, could be because the 1st gen is quite rare here. So as Moose finishes off, I'll leave it to the masters wisdom, you've all been riding these bike since day 1 so who better to ask. Thanks all, Woz. Hi everyone, I'm sorry to ask this, but as you may have read I am new to the Venture and I need to know what you mean when you say 1st & 2nd generation Ventures. Sorry for being DIM http://www.yamahaventureclub.co.uk/forum//smileys/smiley2.gif I have read that the brakes on the Venture are left lacking at times. Do you agree, if so is there a fix to improve them? your wisdom is sought O masters.......... Thanks, Moose.
  24. I can't get my XVZ1200 (1984 Venture Royal) running yet, I bought a non runner. I've taken the carbs out to give them a good clean, it looks like two of the cylinders aren't getting any petrol at all, they were totally dry. After trying to start the bike up I checked all the spark plugs again for a spark and only the front two are sparking, the two rear ones look like they aren't sparking at all, not even a weak spark. I've also bought another set of coils so I decided to change the two rear coils, and still no spark?
  25. I've finally repaired most of the fairing and side plastics, they were in a hell of a state, some were snapped into 3 parts and one side had no tabs left to screw the sides onto. I managed to sort this out with a product called Plastex if anyone's interested. I bought it from here:- http://www.repairproducts.co.uk/page20.htm in the UK. I'm now trying to buy the screws and support clips (the metal clips that push onto the 3 fairing tabs each side) Anyone know where I can buy these from in the UK? I've looked in a few places but no luck yet, or will I have to buy them from Yamaha?file:///C:/Users/Warren/Desktop/04052008047.jpg
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