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About RyanBrown8152

  • Birthday 11/13/1976

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ryan Brown


  • Location
    Sturgis SD, USA


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 XVZ12T


  • Occupation
    Mental Health

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  1. More progress(?) I got the starter removed, had it tested, spun fast but no shaft extension, so I now do I rebuild, or buy? Not sure if the current starter is OEM or not... Case reads: "Mitsuba SM-229c 12v 0.6 Kw" best I can tell from google is that it is 1st gen. So Recommendations on rebuilding v. buying a 2nd gen 4 brush. Hoping that you guys can share your experiences on the "best" path forward here. Thanks, Ryan
  2. Update... Thank you all for the advice so far, I have a new relay, checked all connections and fuses, hooked up a battery and got lights, gages ect, hit the ignition button and I get a nice strong click from the relay, so... went right to the source and jumped to the positive post on the starter, and I get a bump, not enough rotation to cycle a cylinder... So I'm thinking new starter new battery and I might be back up and running. Please let me know if you folks see a different path that I am over looking... 🤞
  3. I have removed all but the battery box (trying will destroy it) and I can find no blade fuses anywhere. all fuses are the old glass barrels it's a 1983...
  4. I will try to give you the most accurate Information I can, i got the bike very used but miraculously running, i did what I could to unmess the wiring, mostly just replacing splices and wires that had been done "poorly" and everything was working near perfect for around 10k miles, then one Saturday afternoon in the DQ Parking lot, i turned on the ignition engaged the starter and it has been stuck open ever since, i originally thought it was a battery or a fuse/relay problem after replacing the relay testing the battery charging and reinstalling the battery and turning the ignition key the starter tries to start the bike but it acts like the battery is dying and the positive cable gets hot. That's when i was told it was "a contact tab in there that's welded open" I tried to get clarity on exactly what that meant but never got another answer. And now its been almost 2 years. I really hope that comes across ok, I really need the help and I will try my best to get you guys the info you need when i can or you let me know what to find out. Oh... And I do believe the headlight worked but dimmed really really fast .
  5. Thank you, yes I did and it was the 1st thing that was replaced
  6. Thank You, I'm very happy to have found you guys, I have a 1983 Venture, that I love, but she need some TLC since her last owner, I hope to both benefit from the advice from this community but also to be able to show the progress made on this project, I'm also excited to be able to leave helpful comments and see the progress of your projects and rides!
  7. Hey, so Happy to find you guys, I came across this 1983 Venture a few years ago when I desperately needed a bike, Picked it up for all of $800, and she ran great until, one afternoon I went to restart her and I got a couple of cranks and the battery died, tried to push start (previously had success this way circumventing dead batteries) no luck this time, had a guy try to help charge/jump only to burn up the jumper cable. the best advice i could pry out of anybody is that there is a tab somewhere under the front left engine cover, so I have been sitting looking at this dream grow dimmer and dimmer because I can't afford to take it to anybody and I don't know where to begin with this bike, I have built demo cars, a street-drag truck, rebuilt and repaired a handful of motorcycles but I just have know idea what to do or where to start with this issue... any help with a more precise diagnosis and/or a proper starting point would be greatly appreciated, if you guys can help get me there, I can probably get through without a lot more help. Thanks in advance, Ryan "DevilDog" Brown
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