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Austin E

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Austin C Ellenburg


  • Location
    Fort Worth


  • City
    Fort Worth


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe


  • Occupation
    Private Security

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  1. She's a beauty. I was thinking that would.be the year model I'd want. Maybe I'll look into seeing if anyone is selling one for fairly cheap. I'll have to save some $ first tho 😛
  2. I told the dealers I wanted a touring. But they had none in stock. So i got stuck with this. And since I'm on a contract, I doubt I'd be able to return it 🤣 kinda wish I could that way I could put the monthly money towards more important things. Granted, it is a good bike. I probably would've been better off saving the money. But it is what it is. I looked at the 2021 Star Ventures, man, they look ugly compared to the earlier Ventures. Mainly just the fairing. Those fairings are ugly in my opinion.
  3. Hey guys. New member here. I got a 2009 Tour Deluxe 1300 back in February. I'm hoping to be able to start buying or saving money for some upgrades here in a few months. I'm wanting to change the windshield to a Touring fairing. The fairings I'm looking at are: ●Yamaha Royal Star Batwing Fairing with Speakers and Stereo System 214-0000 Vector ●Night Fury Fairing ●Hoppe Industries Quadzilla Fairing with Audio for '05-09 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe '05-Up Any personal recommendations, or any other fairings I should look at? So far I'm thinking of the Night Fury. Has all the features I want. And as far as installing it, would that be a difficult task for a beginner, that lives in an Apartment? Should I pay someone to install it? Any other parts or tools I'll need? And then I'm wanting a seat like the Ventures. A driver backrest and passenger venture backrest. I read an article on here from 2008, it'd have to be moddified. I'm also wanting a trunk on with storage racks. Any recommendations. I know all of this will have to be moddified aswell. I live in the Fort Worth, Arlington, TX area. Tire recommendations and wheels? (Not a big deal, just curious as to what you guys use.) And any other parts you guys recommend I change in order to turn this into more of a touring bike. I never had anyone go with me to pick out a bike, as nobody I knew was available. So I got salesperspn recommendation based off my budget. Touring bikes would've been a bit much for me right now.
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