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Everything posted by Tysons87venture

  1. Hey guys, I am wondering if anyone has ever experienced fuel coming out of top of carb main air jet? If you how did you fix? I have adjusted float, tried new float valves and no matter what I've tried everything fuel just keeps coming out top of carb
  2. First time to port dover, this is pretty wild
  3. We are coming from london, I think our plan now is to meet closer to port dover and join the ride back more toward kitchener as my dad is in cambridge, hope to see you guys there
  4. We are coming from London but could meet you for the ride
  5. My woman and I are going down, we could drive we could meet you for the trip
  6. I was able to get petcock out without removing the tank, the trick was to remove the selector(Phillip's screw) pry cover off and remove 2 more Phillip's screws, this makes petcock much smaller and able to slide it out on an angle towards rear tire between swing arm. Thanks everyone who helped me get this figured out.
  7. Thanks saddle, I am to the point where I've got to lift tank in order to get petcock out, how would you go about doing this?
  8. Thanks Spencer, I will try to tighten up the 2 screws. Do you use a stubby screw driver to get in there or a right angle bit? Seems like it will be tight to get a standard screw driver in there
  9. It was indeed the petcock, dripping pretty good there, looks like 10 litres drained out and absorbed into the floor over 3 weeks, oil looked good, bike runs good, but gotta figure out how to replace this petcock now
  10. Did you replace yourself? If so what was the difficulty like? Did you have to remove the tank completely?
  11. Thanks for all the info guys, I'm wondering if it's the fuel petcock myself, going to storage to look at again now, it did look like the vent overflow line was wet tho which is just in front of rear tire where leak is on ground
  12. Stored bike for 3 weeks came back and found a decent puddle of fuel on floor, I had filled before storing and put 30 km on it, turned it on and was almost empty and put 12 litres in it/. There was not 12 litres on floor, could that much fuel have evaporated? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, bikes running good and no signs of leak from ride just from sitting
  13. Did you try spraying some wd40 in where you put your key? Might just be seized up from sitting so long hope you can get it to turn over
  14. Thanks marcel, I had attempted with a small bit being to nervous to use bigger and that is probably my issue, a bigger bit could be the answer, I'm wondering if I can get this with a cordless while carbs still attached to bike, would love to get this screw out just dont want to mess anything up
  15. Thanks for the tip saddle! I think I will try this, probably gonna wait until winter, hopefully by then I will work up the nerve to try to get this air fuel screw out, it's difficult because it's in the bore and not much room for error, I do think using drill press rather then regular drill would help get centered, my problem is trying to center a cordless drill is to hard and keeps slipping and I dont want to damage the carb body
  16. I found thermostat at my local dealer but it wasnt cheap and feel they took advantage of me lol. I believe I played 85 Canadian for it
  17. I feel the same way in my field of work I'm always learning, yes I'm licensed and love teaching the younger guys the tricks of the trade but I will always be learning and trying to become even better at my job and be as valuable as I can possible be. You older guys have tons more experience and I will always respect you guys for all that you have passed down to us guys. It is alot of information to take in at times i re read the case for fogging and realized I didnt do it right at all and alot of that was me being impatient and wanting to get out on the damn thing lol. And I am new to this hobbie and love working on bike. Lots of trial and error and wish I had found this site sooner. You all have made everything easier for me and im constantly fixing issues. This site will be valuable for many years, it was such a good invention and so much dedication and hard work put in by members to make it easier for new guys like me. As I get some more experience on bike I would be able to provide more input on what I like and dont like about it. So far it's been a blast. Riding 2 and doesnt even feel like a 2nd rider on the bike, I few times I had to reach back and make sure my woman was still on as I thought maybe I dumped her out around a turn lol
  18. Thanks saddlebum, seems like a great tip using a drill press, I'm also debating about maybe using a drill press to get out a stuck air fuel mix screw on my one carb, gotta use a reverse thread bit to get it out as head is not usable due to the soft brass being mangled. Didnt even think about a drill press until you mentioned it for this job, thank again!
  19. Nice tip, I may have to cut mine down and try it out
  20. Thanks guys!! It was the switch, she was seized up pretty good, thru some dw40 on it and now it's out much further and working, so happy to have this working again in case it was ever needed. Saddlebum I can see what you are saying and can see myself having to do the same thing at some point, what do you use for a sleeve?
  21. I'm really liking the comfort of the venture royale. I used to like the adrenaline rush of my 1000 honda superhawk. The only thing I found was I would get way to sore on longer rides and I'm only 32 years of age but I feel i grew out of it and wanted comfort. The venture royale still seems to have a ton of torque, I love twins and how they sound, really the venture royale has everything I would want in a bike, the new star ventures look really nice too but have yet to drive one. I do seem to be digging the linked brake system, I can admit of only drove 8 different bikes in my lifetime but this bike is special, I can see why my grandpa loved it so much and took it everywhere
  22. Also with key turned it should lift up, I will double check mine but I believe that's how she comes out, I would think id know with how much gas mine is burning lol. And the other guys are right you are gonna want to fully remove the air box, give it a good clean down and keep working your way to he carb and see if you can get them all cleaned up, judging by the picture there I could only imagine you will have some pluged jets and passageways
  23. Might have to lubricate in the key slot maybe the key isnt fully disengaging
  24. Push down while turning key maybe? Could be seized up from sitting so long
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