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Naked Rider

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Everything posted by Naked Rider

  1. well this should be interesting. please keep us in the loop. be safe and have fun and try not to kill each other:rotf:
  2. i liked Rockford files and Hart to Hart now all of the CSI
  3. as of right now i am planning on going.
  4. if i ride on the back roads doing any where from 55 to 65 mine comes on about 190ish i can go about another 20 miles before it starts to buck and jump then i put it on reserve and get another 30 something out of her. but once that light comes on i start looking real quick if i have been on the super slab all day.
  5. me and slick97 went for a ride and seen one. the week before i was in st louis and seen a couple then in the town next to us i seen 5 at one time sent a post but got no response it was the saturday after the I R rally there was one 08 black/cherry 2 blacks 1 silver/charcoal and one 2000 mm surely that many RSV traveling together at least one of them might have been a member on this site.
  6. i changed the spark plugs rode it and it didnt seem right ran out of day light so i put it off till the next day went for a short ride still spuddering got to my freinds house and looked around and found that i had for got to put one of the spark plug wires back on so pulled the tank (full i might add) the bone because wouldnt you not it had to be the front one put it back on and problem gone.
  7. i was out running around saturday night and i seen a 08 black/cherry so i turned around and found it at a hotel with 4 other RSV 2 blacks one silver/charcoal and one 2000MM was it any body on here it was in Cape Girardau MO? i did notice that they all ahd IL plates
  8. :stickinouttounge:i bet it will be in the last place you look
  9. i wish i was going on a two week ride. hey Herb check into the Iron Butt award if your going to ride 1200 miles the first day.
  10. the govenor of illinois is signing a bill in the next day or two to ban all texting while driving. i think all the states should do the same we will see what happens and how many governors jump on board.
  11. i wished they were closer i live in the southeast and the are in the northwest part of the state. local dealer is a jerk have to go 80 miles north of here to get any thing done.
  12. after talking to some of you guys and listing to talk about warranty i got to thinking way back when i bought the bike june of 08 i didnt receive any paper work on the warranty so i e-mail the place where i bought the bike and this is the response i got from them Here is the warranty info that you requested , at the time of sale to you we did not transfer the warranty into your name, this was an error on our end. This does not matter however as the warranty is on the bike and not the person. Today, I will have your information added to the owner record at Yamaha so that their records are up to date. When it is updated online I will forward you another copy of your owner registration card. Thanks i bought it in KC at RENO"S a real nice bunch to deal with.
  13. i for one am glad you didnt leave and it takes a big man to apologize.
  14. i opened the trunk yesterday and the tab thet goes into the latch was still in the latch. it some how broke off is there any way i can glue it ansd if so what kind of glue do i use and also do you think i might be able to use fiberglass resin to hold it better?
  15. have you seen the one with a hayabusa engine in it omg:happy34:
  16. went to the one in Sikeston Sunday had a hour and ahalf wait good thing it wasnt to hot or i wouldnt have waited that long.
  17. Do you remember the part number of the trailer might be looking into getting one.
  18. i am sure you paid with a credit card you can get the statment from them if you need to
  19. I had a 83 got it up to 112mph that was as fast as i wanted to go but she still had more left in her and as somebody allready said need bigger balls than me. I sure do miss her though.
  20. i just asked Freebird the same thing
  21. i was at a camp ground looking for some friends of ours. we were going real slow in the park and then the fan comes on it was the first time that it had ever come on since i owned the bike it bothered me a little bit but then i thought well its doing its job after we parked it for awhile it went off but it took like 4 to 5 minutes.
  22. not today raining when i got up and is still raining with lighting and thunder:headache:
  23. http://www.sixity.com/
  24. i was behind a boat trailer this past holiday and the tire blew. Junk went flying all over the place hitting my bike my legs my face it didnt take long to drop back. He got it off the road but by then it was nothing but a rim.
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