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Everything posted by FutureVentures

  1. Wow, Thanks Beer30!!! Received my saddle/trunk bags today, better than described. Will be putting them to use this weekend when I circle Lake Michigan. Thanks!
  2. Yeah, I keep hearing that. Weird. Kinda like Oregon. Pronouced, Oregun. Quite fitting actually. Then there's this stupid state I live in: Illinois, pronouced Illinoi, where the politicians are quite Illannoying!
  3. We'll be in your neck of the woods this Sat., Mackinaw city, the on to the SOO area, maybe Canada for a few hours too, who knows. Say, isn't it mackinaC, not mackinaW island?
  4. Yeah duh, that would be a lot easier, eh? Taught that trick to my kids with their milk years ago. Big mistake. Never thought it would have a practical application! Will do tonight, thanks again!
  5. Ya know, I've noticed that the master cylinder always read over full but stupidly, thought that was normal. Soooo, simply drain a little fluid from the bleeder valve thing?
  6. Yeah I agree, I won't be riding it till I fix the issue. First, I'm going to simply try reinstalling the pads, in the highly unlikely event I installed them improperly. Then, I'm going to retap the threads for the top bolt and hope that works. Dang, long ride coming up starting Sat., don't need this stress! Thanks for the input guys, most helpful.
  7. Ok, something isn't right, obviously. Replaced my front tire with a WWW Maxxis Classic, by myself with a buddy's help. That, went ok. However, when reinstalling the left caliper, the top bolt would not thread in properly all the way. May need to tap it out as it appears to be stripping a bit. So, had the bottom bolt in and the top in 3/4 of the way. The wheel was snug when rotated (on the jack) and you could hear the calipers rubbing, thought that was normal. However, I rode about 15 miles, brakes working fine but, the left caliper was VERY hot to the touch, as was the rotor. Obviously, I won't be riding more till I fix this. Is it just the bolt not being fully secured or, do I have something else wrong? Should the wheel spin freely while on jack or is some audible rubbing normal? Thanks.
  8. Your dog has hooves? Must be rough on the carpeting.
  9. Yeah, when we do our annual round-the-lake ride, I always lose cell signal at the top. Much to her dismay and concern. So, this "should" help. If you go to http://www.findmespot.com you'll get all the goods. But, do NOT purchase the Spotter from them directly, it's overpriced. Search E-bay, as I did. Saved about $30, even after shipping. There is only one model, far as I know. It also works in rain and even, under water. It's really meant as a survival tool. Cheers
  10. All I can say is WOW, what service! Ordered yesterday, created and shipping today! Yeehah! And they'll be in digital desert camo, no less. How cool is that? Very, I say. Thanks Beer30, can't wait to put em to use. Cheers!
  11. Hey, If you're asking me, I picked it up for about $125 and the annual fee, with tracking, is $150. That includes a $7 annual rescue/location/finder fee. Well worth the piece of mind knowing someone might find me if I'm in a ditch, lost in the boonies, or take the wrong back country route snowboarding. That and it's just a really neat gadget.
  12. Ahh, but here's the difference. This isn't a GPS receiver, it's a transmitter. There is no display, just a few lights. Sooooo, if someone does steal it and it's on, I will be able to track their sorry arses down every time it transmits it's location! It's kind of like a portable lojack. Course, thieves are dumb. I've thought about putting a sticker on it telling would be thieves if they steal it, they will be found. But then I thought, most thieves probably can't read.
  13. Yeah, that might work. R U in Crystal Lake? Sun. is probably my only available day though. Working Monday. :-(
  14. So to speak. I flipped the bumers upside down/backwards and jammed them back in there, seems to work. However one problem, the risers now rub/squish the top part of the plastic housing surrounding the ignition, both left and right locked turns. I'm sure over time this will wear it out. Anyone else have this problem?
  15. Hey, does it actually work from your pocket? Thought it needed a clear view of the sky. No Wizard, I'm not yet on house arrest. Though sometimes when my wife is mad, it does feel that way!
  16. Hah, not quite. Golfing!
  17. So, I picked up a REALLY cool new toy, a GPS transmitter, for a few reasons. One- to enable folks on this forum to follow, in almost real time, my bike travels. Two- for my wife to have comfort knowing where I am, esp. when out of cell range, on my long trips. -Mtn. biking alone in the trails, this can send an alert of my location, should I whack a rock or something. So, I have a GPS transmitter I've been playing with for a week or so. Click here to see my recent travels: http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=07AVc4aiQsNh8cYYCBy7sbYRAizTEtyEW You will see a map on the right, with a bunch of foot prints with numbers. Those are my "tracks". Every 10 mins. the GPS "Spot" transmit my location. On the left is a list of the spots it transmitted from. Hover the mouse over one of the tracks and the correlating footprint on the map will, for lack of better term, radiate waves. Go to the satellite or hybrid view and you can see what activity I was doing this past Tuesday. Anyways, I have a trip starting on Sept. 6th, early am. Wanted to post this here now to make sure it's working as intended prior to leaving. I will put the spotter in track mode starting at, uggh, 4am on the 6th. Then, if you're really bored, you can visit this site and see where I'm at. I'll also try to post a couple messages to the board during the trip via Blackberry. What can I say, I'm a geek at heart.
  18. Now here's the real trick. If I call today, any chance of getting them by the 5th? I leave on a trip early Sept. 6th, round the lake. I'll call later and see. Thanks!
  19. Yeah, maybe I do have the bars a tad high, that could explain some of it. I did push the throttle in as far as I could, but might try again and also add some lube. Once I had the throttle body open, I could easily see, how the cable connects/disconnects, just like a bicycle's brake actually. However, I couldn't get that sucker out of the hole. Ran out of time and had to put it all back together. It sticks but, I haven't noticed it in riding at all. Will try more later and as always, THANKS!
  20. Ok, my wife isn't a risk taker, apart from marrying me. So, I've got her on two other bikes previous to this one, for a few hours total. She's only been on the bike...........in the garage. I'm delighted to hear it's a bit easier 2 up, I hope she will be too. Hell, the back seat looks soooooooo comfy too. Any other advice/bits of wisdom out there from the "2 up" gals? On, how to get on and have fun?
  21. Ok so, I did major surgery (for me) on the bike this weekend, to try and remedy this throttle stick, post riser implementation. To no avail. So, I removed the seat, the tank and finally, split the fairing. I could NOT get enough slack to stop the lock of the throttle on hard-full locked right turns. The throttle is still stuck, when bars move to 3/4 and more to the right. But, I rode today and did MANY figure 8's at slow speed. Soooo, until I have time and money to replace with braided cable, it will stay as it is.... Unless, you folks tell me this is a bad idea. Sooo, any other helpful ideas? Cause, I'm stuck. Cheers.
  22. Ok, I'm resigned to rerouting. Sooooooo, few questions. I assume I disconnect from the handlebar to begin the reroute? Removing the gas tank, can/should I leave the gas in? Is there a specific way I should look to reroute or, just hunt and peck? Wonder why others were able to add risers without rerouting.....hmmm. Thanks again for any tips.
  23. Also posted this in the tech. forum but, no response yet and I want to ride soon! So,any help you can provide, is MUCH appreciated. Just installed Barons risers in my 2000 MM RSV. I installed the risers in about 20 minutes, as everyone said it would take. However, my throttle cable is so stiff when bars turned right, the throttle sticks and doesn't return to idle. I read that you can re-route the throttle cable..... New territory for me here, the throttle cable disappears into a black abyss..... Not sure where to loosen or reroute. BTW, sitting in the garage, the bars sure feel a lot better. I also took the rubber bumpers, flipped em upside down and backwards, seem to be wedged in there quite nicely. Any other ideas on how to reduce the tension? Danka. Erich
  24. So I installed the risers in about 20 minutes, as everyone said it would take. However, my throttle cable is so stiff when bars turned right, the throttle sticks and doesn't return to idle. So LSupina and/or others, how does one reroute the throttle cable? New territory for me here, the throttle cable disappears into a black abyss..... Not sure where to loosen or reroute. BTW, sitting in the garage, the bars sure feel a lot better. I also took the rubber bumpers, flipped em upside down and backwards, seem to be wedged in there quite nicely.
  25. Yeah that's real scary. Best wishes on a new bike and speedy recovery! I've used my air horns several times to scare the H out of Deer, coons and recently two coyotes. Of course, I had the luxury of seeing them before they hit me. It's also just fun to honk at them in the fields. Again, good luck and congrats on coming out of this "ok".
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