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Everything posted by FutureVentures

  1. I dunno, maybe it's age (45), or the cruising nature of the venture but I find year by year I am more worried about functional equipment and less worried about how cool I look. Case in point, I just bought a Tourmaster 2 Pivot jacket, it's not leather. See it here: [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001A6U9R2/ref=oss_product]Amazon.com: Tour Master Pivot Series 2 Jacket - Small/Yellow: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21sOC3lOcXL.@@AMEPARAM@@21sOC3lOcXL[/ame] I got the yellow one. I've been wearing my reflective vest in the early predawn trips to work, over my leather jacket. But I want to be more visible all of the time. I mostly wear a full face helmet, switching to 3/4 white on warmer days. Always wear a helmet. I just bought my first two pairs of Kevlar lined jeans and khakis (sliders and I love em). But, I'm still an avid snowboarder so, I hope I'm growing up, not old! Maybe it's the pilot in me (hang-gliders mainly) that knows, "there are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots...
  2. Done.
  3. There's a nice one for sale on eBay. I had no idea how fast these were until your post, wow. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/GMC-Typhoon-1992-GMC-Typhoon-black-turbo-AWD_W0QQitemZ150434108107QQcategoryZ6248QQcmdZViewItem
  4. Hah, I have the same truck, same color, nice ride. Dang nice bike too. See, your problem with the flats is, your tires are too skinny! I also need to get back on my other ride too, but it doesn't like roads, it likes trails! Fat tires r more funner.... 1st Gen Trek Y-33, bright yellow. Here's a photo of my bike, that ain't me on it though...
  5. Saw this Venture at local dealership the other day. I noticed that it doesn't have the metal strips on the fairing and it has silver/fire accents. Is this the 2010 S model someone mentioned in another thread?
  6. How bout these guys: http://www.route12rental.com/trailers.htm Enclosed Trailers 4 X 6 Day 29.50 118 354 60 5 X 8 Day 36.50 146 438 60 6 X 12 Day 50 200 600 60 Not sure if they're big enough though... Oh, just saw this: Motorcycle Trailers One Place Enclosed Day 79 316 948 200 Two Place Enclosed Day 115.50 462 1386 200
  7. I've worn shorts a time or two for really short trips on the bike, it just feels tooooooo weird to me. Especially when the shorts ride up and I'm flashing my pearly white thighs at everyone! Once after golf, I actually put chaps on over shorts for the ride home. Now THAT, was a truly odd feeling.
  8. Hi, First of all, there's only one "r" in Marine. Now drop and give me 20! USAJOBS.GOV is a great site if you're looking for federal employment, which can compliment military service nicely. You can even end up working alongside active duty Marines. Echoing the other comment, the type of discharge is critical. Also, in the Corps they give you on an annual basis a form we called the "propaganda form". It's a document listing your annual salary combined with the dollar value of all benefits. This is the number he should/could use as his base salary, when looking for a comparable salary. On his resume, hire a professional unless you have skills in that area. Need to ensure all the military acronyms are removed or spelled out, for the average "slimy civilian" to understand. He needs to be aware that while many employers value the discipline learned and practiced in the Corps, they also worry about the perceived rigidness and inflexibility of a Marine. Stress the ability to be flexible, learn new things, a positive attitude with aptitude is the key.
  9. What an incredible event, glad to hear everyone is "okay". If/when you and your sis get a chance, could you post any more details about the crash? "yesterday while out on a ride with my dad brother in law and a friend a young lady felt the need to pass the car in front of her without checking for on coming traffic. with less than 30 yards between us she hit me dead center of my front tire launching me over her nissan maxima. i was going roughly 50 mph her closer to 60. i cant be sure but i would bet she was on her cell phone." I'm amazed that after impacting head-on at a combined speed of 110 mph, you "only", thankfully, have two broken arms. I assume you and others were wearing helmets? Other Protective gear? Just thinking there's always something to learn after a crash, that might benefit others in some way. Obviously, you had no chance for avoidance at that speed, wow. Also, phone records of the idiot girl driver should readily reveal if she was chatting at the time of the crash. I see young girls on cell phones, tailgaiting frequently around here, they're horrible drivers. Congrats on surviving an incredible event and best wishes for a full recovery.
  10. Don't enjoy being the bearer of bad news but... http://www.azfamily.com/news/local/Multiple-motorcycles-truck-involved-in-wreck-on-Carefree-Highway-89149257.html Looks like the truck came into a line of bikes from the back, then truck or bikes caught fire, terrifying, tragic and sad. Ride safe, watch your 6 at stop lights...
  11. This looks bad, really bad. Just reported on the news: http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/traffic/dump-truck-motorcycle-crash-3-25-2010 Multiple bikes down, several riders dead, hit by a dump-truck.
  12. Yeah wow, didn't realize it was that wide. Still, it's kinda cool.
  13. Surfing Uhaul for a trailer to haul a golf cart (thanks tax credit!), I came across this. Uhaul rents a small 2 wheel trailer that to me, looks bike-towable. Anyway, just thought I'd share the information. http://www.uhaul.com/trailers/?src=body
  14. I'm a post 'nam era vet but, I've got one on my keychain right now! Used to eat C rats with my Dad as a kid and thought they were so cool, still do. We always called em John Wayne's though, just learned the P38 nomenclature last year.
  15. Great bike, great price. Ya gotta love the color scheme of the MM's. So, what number is your "new" ride? Mine is #515. Congrats!
  16. R u kidding me? I'd love to get my hands on a pair of double D's! Awww come on, someone had to say it.
  17. I live 15 mins due west of Great America. It's a fun place, Hurricane Harbor with lazy river and patio bar overlooking said river is good fun. For camping, there's quite a few options. I'm typing on an iPhone so, you'll have to Google exact details. Here's one link: http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/landmgt/parks/r2/ilbeach.htm There is IL Beach park north and south, both along the lake, both 30 mins or less away. Southern unit has better/more camping, northern has better surfing.....really, surfing. All depends what u r lookin for: pit stop near stuff, or cool place for a few days AND near stuff. U have kid? I assume so. Hope so? GM is huge now, more than enough rides to make u puke, or retire at the bar.
  18. Dang, nice discovery there! The denting on the fork covers is hard to notice, IMO. But still, I'm watching this bid, just in case.... Thanks!
  19. Here's a link to a photo of the one on the riders right, it's the worst. Seems the one on the right sits closer than the one on the left. http://gallery.me.com/eslrichey/100012/Scratched%20Deflector it's not terrible, I can live with it. I'm just nervous about reinstalling. I'll reinstall and take some photos to show ya. I'm sure it's my fault btw so, I'm not blaming the deflectors.
  20. Finally put the polished fork deflectors on the bike the other day, thanks Ruffy! They look(ed) great. Took the bike out for a ride around the block or two for the first time of the year, to see how things were running. Kept hearing a metallic rattle/clang when I hit larger bumps, particularly going over curb to/from driveway. I determined it was the fork deflectors banging against my chrome front fender rail. Upon further inspection, I noticed what you see in the photo, the lower part of the fork cover is dented, from bottoming out on the fender rail attachment point. Sooo, I quickly removed the fork deflectors, a bit scratched now! I then purchased a progressive air pump and took forks from 0 to 5 lbs each. I haven't put the fork deflectors back on yet. My bike is lowered (forks raised) about 1 1/4", which raises the fork into the fork covers by that much. Guessing that's what caused this? Soooo, I'm thinking I might want to raise it a bit, to maybe 3/4" total. Also attached a photo with the "new" seat (thanks Godlover). Thoughts anyone? Rode in today, beautiful day, no problems.
  21. Great stuff. Sadly, I've not seen this before, quite amazing.
  22. Yup, no doubt about it, that's a 2k MM. But it's not mine. When we do our annual Round The Lake ride, we take that very road along the lake, it's really scenic. It's rarely warm enough in Sept. however, to ride down that road like they are, without jackets... What's amazing is that you can interact with that imbedded photo.
  23. "And once I leveled it, it felt like someone had taken about 300lb off of the bike. It's that big of a difference. For me, anyway." I couldn't agree more. Lowered mine last year and WOW, what a difference, feels like a new bike. MUCH more nimble at slow speeds. It does scrape sooner on turns but that's okay, cause it's fun. Now, I can even back the beast up in gravel!
  24. Not only was she wearing a helmet, she also had a neon green (yellow?) jacket on too, apparently she was VERY safety conscious. I think mentioning the helmet answers the one question people often ask, not that it would have mattered since she was hit at 50+ mph from behind. Kinda similar to the question I think of when I hear of people being ejected from a car, were they wearing a seatbelt? As things progress, I'll try to keep the updates coming. Her son created a really nice website: http://www.blacknailbrigade.com/ Here's a pic of her in her jacket. How can you not see this???
  25. Just a quick update on the biker, Anita Zaffke that will killed last year at a red light by Lora Hunt, the finger nail painter. Trial is scheduled for April 12th, 6 counts of reckless homicide. http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/newssun/news/2041534,5_1_WA11_NAILS_S1-100211.article
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