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Everything posted by FutureVentures

  1. Here in IL on the toll roads, particularly I94 which is only 55mph, if you aren't doing AT LEAST 65, you are a hazard. The average speed is probably closer to 75 and I've done 80 and been passed by lots of cars... Teaching my 15yr old daughter to drive, had to actually encourage her to go 65mph, as it's just too scary going 55 when everyone is zipping past 20mph+.
  2. Ooooh, love those WWW's are sexy! But, I'm a bit biased.....
  3. Ok, I think I'm dizzy! Was that camera following mounted on a car? I noticed there was no leaning at all. If so, what in the H type of car was that? Impressive riding all around, wow.
  4. Good grief, were you typing with your toes while pounding a beer?
  5. Uggh, that's hard to read without eyes getting watery. As a Dad and former Marine it really hits home. No parent wants to outlive his kid. Like the old saying, nothing good happens after midnight, too many drunks out at that time. I watch my mirrors like a hawk at lights, especially at night. I'll release/grab my brakes to set off the high intensity blinking LED brake lights. I also pull into the far left of the lane, so maybe I can jump out of the way, or it will be a glancing blow. Three tours overseas and this Marine loses his life here, to a drunk. I sure hope this scumbag driver ends up behind bars with a big bubba as his new best friend.
  6. This thread is cracking me up. Us humans are so funny about looking or sounding dumb, even to folks we've never met! On that note, my turn! I currently have about 5 holes, 3/8" in diameter in the cone of my mufflers, really improved the sound. If I also cut the inner pipe, will I notice much difference/improvement in sound? Or, should I not have drilled holes and cut pipe simultaneously?
  7. The SPOT is a handy little device that can actually save your life. You can also set it up to display your adventure on Facebook or other social networking sites. Transmits your location about every 10 minutes and allows others to follow online, your adventures, much fun.
  8. Where and how do we update our information? Is it just taken from our profile if we choose yes for VR assistance? Thanks.
  9. Really, it lists 8,000 mile intervals?! Damn, I better RTFM after all.... I also kind of agree that expecting a shop to drop other customers for an "emergency" oil treatment, is a bit much. Or course, it also depends on their attitude, but then again, I wasn't there to see yours either.... For me, if I were that worried, I would have pulled into wal-mart, bought necessary supplies and changed it in the parking lot. But for only 8k miles, I would have just changed when I returned home. IMO, miles are less important than the age of the oil.
  10. Ding, ding, ding! Bingo, we have a winner! Thanks Roadkill. However, your URL was incorrect, I fixed it below: "I wore what you are talking about got them here" http://www.skullcapcity.com/solid-black-skull-caps.html I think that's exactly what I was thinking about, even show's the "brothers" modeling them, perfect. Might have to purchase a few different varieties, to see which is best.........but I think I'll steer away from the rasta weave.
  11. Yeah, those seams would still leave a mark, but we're getting closer. Then again, I don't want to hijack this thread with my head needs.....
  12. I'll be very interested to read some responses. I've worn a few and the problem I have with some of them, are the seams used in sewing them together. Being bald, the seams leave nice indents in my head after removing! I wore one the other day with USMC embroidery on the front and after removing, I had USMC across my forehead, nice look. I was thinking something along the lines of what you see some of the black guys wearing, kinda made out of silk, or something really soft, no seams...
  13. Not to scare you off or anything but 3 tents were just attacked, one person dead. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5h-zvKvHc7LVgGFN-WcG2niIDZNZwD9H8MDN80 Besides bear spray, you might even consider Wasp spray, it can sting/blind a person, or bear, from 30 feet away. Plus, it's not considered a weapon.
  14. I'm afraid, she only got 18 months and it's not even 24 hours a day. "In the end, the judge took a middle path in Hunt's sentencing. For 18 months, she will spend nights at the Lake County Jail, and will be free to work, perform community service, and receive counseling during the day." I suppose it's better than nothing, but it's still short of what she deserves. At least she has to spend nights in a cold, lonely cell away from her family. Your heart breaks when you read her son's words, he was writing his wedding vows while also writing about the loss of his mom. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/23/lora-hunt-painting-her-na_n_657291.html
  15. Yup,it's street legal on streets 35 mph or below, has seat belts and all. Even a horn. Sadly, the tax credit ended last year. I was biting my fingernails to the bone until I got the credit back, whew. Then i finally got the cart, it's pretty dang impressive. The website forum is nevzone.com where we find ways to spend each others money, just like here....
  16. So, I haven't been on this forum in awhile because I was distracted with the newest toy in the stable.... Compliments of our insane government offering a tax credit for Electric Vehicles, it was "free". I rationalize taking advantage of govt. giveaway by not allowing the government to have the $6500 this would have cost. In other words, it's $6500 they didn't get to waste.... It's super quiet, need to get some fake pipes going! Will do 25mph, which is actually quite fast enough for a golf cart.
  17. Ditto. I use my phone for so many more things than a phone. For instance, I have a free golf/gps app, tells me the yardage from where I'm standing, distance to bunker, river, etc.... I also have an iPad and an older laptop, which I now rarely use, as the iPad does most things I need(except flash). Doesn't generate the heat of a laptop either. I used my iPhone and iPad the other day for something....cool. I had a birds nest waaaay up high in the rain gutters, probably 21' up. Too high for my ladder. I wanted to remove it but, didn't want to kill any babies. Soooo, using a .99c app called Camera-a, I mounted my iphone to a long tree cutting pole, raised it up to bird nest level and it transmits live video to the ipad on the ground, in my daugher's hand. Good news, no babies and now, no more nest! Like eazy said, I could go on all day about what it does.... Ok, one more awesome thing. My bank is USAA, via my iPhone, I can take pictures of the front/back of a check and it will deposit it then and there, via the iphone. Money is in the bank immediately, check then gets shredded! Haven't been inside a bank in years...
  18. $2.99 for the full version and the reviews in the app store are far from great.... Did you iphoners download from App store? If so, is it worth the $3 ? There are some things that can NOT be done via iPhone broswer, like selecting a drop down box for searching......
  19. Yeah, I really wanted to make that ride, as it was in my general area but other things prevented me. Lora Hunt hasn't been sentenced yet, she could get up to 5 years or she could just get probation. I'm guessing, sadly, she'll get probation and I hope I'm wrong. Poignant article written yesterday, Mother's day: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2010-05-09/news/ct-met-nail-polish-0509-20100509_1_anita-zaffke-remembering-nail-polish
  20. There's no joy in this for anyone but, the driver painting her fingernails that killed Anita Zaffke was found guilty. Sentencing to occur later, probation is an option... http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/northnorthwest/ct-met-nail-polish-trial-0507-20100506,0,7086850.story
  21. Nice post Stray cat. One thing amazed me though: "I was surprised at how easily the Venture scraped running boards. I hadn't had one drag before, and this class did accelerate the experience for me so if nothing else, it was worth that lesson." Prior to this you had never scraped the boards? You must be a lot more conservative in the turns. I actually try to scrape mine as it's just kinda fun, especially at night! Funny though, I like scraping to the left but to the right, no, no, no, don't like it as much. The ride like a pro DVD's are awesome. I practice the skills frequently, but still not enough. CaptainJoe, great post. I always learn so much from reading stories like yours. Lately, I've only been wearing my full face helmet. It's not as comfortable and sometimes I feel like a dorky astronaut but, I still think it's better than a skin graft on my face.
  22. Wow, that was frightening. Definitely a great reminder to be ever vigilant. Did you notice the one idiot that ran into the pole, after realizing their mistake and swerving left? Just 2 seconds prior, a large cruising motorcycle went through that light, yikes. Agree with someone else's comment, some of those idiots were going so fast, you'd never know what hit you, yikes. Watched a woman in a Range Rover SUV come flying through an intersection I was sitting at, as my light just turned green, a second later she came through at 55+ mph. She was talking on the phone... Ride safe folks.
  23. Live and let ride... Yeah, I've ridden in shorts a couple times, short rides and man, does that feel weird! Kinda like if you've ever ridden a horse in shorts, not a good feeling either. To me, nothing feels as good as a pair of jeans (kevlar lined now) on the bike, just feels right.
  24. Yah, y'all rock! Thanks for the support and wisdom. I agree, the jacket is nice, guess I just needed confirmation. Just hope it fits! My thinking was, yellow is high vis and kinda matches my MM colors. Cheers y'all and thanks again.
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