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Everything posted by FutureVentures

  1. I have the WWW Maxxis Classics on mine and really like em. They're purdy and ride realllll nice. Then, get yourself some Westleys Bleache White to keep em nice n white, nothing else works as well. http://www.westleys.com/
  2. Congrats and great story. 8 feet does seem awful tight and I know what the manual says but still..... If you use the "ride like a pro" techniques I wonder if it's possible still? Anyone?
  3. When I saw "bouncy rear end" as the subject I had high hopes for this thread! Alas, it's bike related.
  4. Ahhh, that makes it le$$ painful, $40 is fine. Anyone have a photo of their RK pipes mounted with the hillis brackets?
  5. Dang, these cheap pipes just got over $80 real quick! Maybe I will be drilling out my baffles after all....
  6. Regarding RK slip on exhaust, would these work? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150486724672&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en If so, how difficult are they to mount? I currently have about 5 holes drilled in my muffler caps, sounds nice but want a bit more and am leery of mangling my stock mufflers beyond repair...
  7. There's an Ioana Bocunescu on Facebook, search everyone and you can see her photo. Based on the unique name, I'm guessing this is her. Pretty young thing, didn't deserve this but of course nobody does.
  8. Wow, this thread has a TON of great info. regarding this: http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/?action=article&cat_id=002007&id=400
  9. What and where is the rectifier?
  10. I typically wave at them with a backoff type of gesture and try to make eye contact. So far, that has worked for me. People in cars seem to react a little differently to an exposed biker gesturing at them vs. being in an enclosed car... I did once watch a man/woman couple on two bikes being tail-gaited by some older wimpy looking, pasty white dude. They come to a red light, the bikers pull to the right turn lane, cager to the left and the male biker, a HUGE guy, basically is yelling at the cager threatening him within an inch of his life. Heck, I was scared and I was in the middle lane one car back! I'm guessing the cager might think twice about tailgaiting a biketr again....
  11. I'll be watching this one, as I have the same problem, frequently. Put the bike up on Thursday, went to ride in this morning and the bike almost didn't fire up, very close to being dead. This has happened a half dozen or so times over the past few months. If I leave it sit for more than 4 days, it's dead, totally.
  12. I currently have the BT Interphone, bluetooth to my iphone works great. I've also taken a few calls on it and those are really clear too. However, I have been using my 3/4 helmet due to the recent heat and my headset is in my full face. Too much of a pain to switch the headset from one to the other. Soooo, I just purchased this: http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?Category_ID=5&manufacturer_ID=718&product_ID=49515&sblid_name=IMC_Motorcom_____Modular_Helmet_Headset_for____mm_Smartphone__iPhone_and_Others_ It's a headset/mic combo that will wire directly to my phone and besides giving me the ability to answer calls, it also allows me to play music and manipulate the ipod, forward, reverse etc... I'll report back later when it arrives on how well it performs.
  13. So okay, almost exactly 2 years after installing my risers, I finally got around to fixing the tight-to-the-right cable problem. Pulled off the front fairing and moved the back fairing forward too, as I had to snug down my triple tree bolts a bit from another previous mod. Removing the throttle cables was a wee challenge. Had to loosen and move the brake to get to the screws on throttle housing. Then, some gentle tugging on the cable with needle-nose pliers and the cables were free from the housing. With both fairings loose, it was a lot easier to see where the cables could go. I routed behind the black metal bars that I think are part of the frame, or fairing structure. While there, I also removed the MP3 cable from cassette player, connected male to female with a 2' cord, routed that up the left bar. Now I don't have to open cassette cover to connect to my MP3! Also ready for Ponch's gauges when they arrive. Put the back fairing in place, turned bars to far right and VOILA! No more sticking throttle. Stripped the dang bolt/thread on the riders right of rear fairing attachment, replaced with bolt/nut. Also replaced a few of the front fairing bolts as they no longer seem long enough, weird. Anyway, got it all back together and it's sure great to get this stuff done, by myself. Now, I just have to fix that leaking rear valve stem.....
  14. I change my oil in the driveway, so the wife doesn't get too mad. There's a tree there that I then secure the left handlebar to via strap. With the bike fully upright , there's no way it can fall on me.
  15. Never biked there but, spent many a party weekend in that area. Destin has some of THE most beautiful white sand beaches anywhere. The sand is so fine it squeaks as you walk on it. Ft Walton is similar but a notch below, IMO. Cool little crabs scurry about at night time, take a flash light and grab a few, they only pinch a little bit. Panama City is a tourist trap but still, really fun. Go kart tracks and the like. Ahhh, high school memories...... There's two fun bars/restaurants in the Gulf Shores area, Margaritaville and The Pink Pony Pub. The Pensacola air Museum is awesome, the Blue Angels call it home, open to the public. Those are just a few of the things that come to mind. Riding wise, its not a real exciting journey, it is after all, flat Florida.... Have fun!
  16. Yes, it's a transmitter, to GPS satellites. I use mine to let others follow my trips, very cool, transmits every 10 minutes. Also gives my wife some piece of mind knowing where we are along the way. However, like a GPS, they require a clear view of the sky. If You're in really heavy trees, or a tunnel, it won't work.
  17. Sad news. Story is a bit confusing, I wonder what really happened? "When the driver of the Pontiac attempted to merge left into a turn lane, Arnold locked down the motorcycle in an attempt to avoid a collision, police said. Arnold crashed into the back of the car." Did the driver merge into his lane and stop? Either way, seems odd and very unfortunate that it would cause a fatality.
  18. Those are sweet, if I could have a 2nd ride (again) it would be something like that. Sporty, touring and room to store some stuff. Congrats!
  19. Yup, I lowered my front/raised my forks and love it, HUGE difference and it was free. It scrapes a little sooner in the corners but not in a bad way.
  20. BTW, if anyone is interested, I have a pair/set lying around, unopened. I just haven't had the desire to install em.
  21. Bummer, You said: "I wear kevlar lined jeans, a kevlar shirt, a carbon fiber full face helmet, safety boots, and gloves. ATGATT." What's a kevlar "shirt"? Who sells em? I wear sliders kevlar jeans and love em. However yesterday it was just too dang hot to wear the jacket. Thanks. Edit: duh, googled it, found the answer, very intriguing.
  22. Yeah, I have the golf cart attachment for my bike and I love it. Get lots of questions when traveling down the road with clubs on the back!
  23. Personally, I just use the jack. If you get on your knees on the left side, it's a lot more obvious. There's a black cap covering it, very well hidden. You can't see it while sitting on the bike.
  24. No, not the kind you might get in prison! "Silly argument to me." I gotta disagree MasterGuns. Sitting at a light is one of the times we are MOST vulnerable. Sad example is the recent death of a local motorcyclist, due to a stupid cage driver painting her nails and running her over at a light. When I'm at a light and stopped I watch my mirrors like a hawk before taking her out of 1st gear to ensure the car behind me is slowing down. Maybe it won't save me, looking in my mirrors, but it does make me feel a bit better. Semper Fi!
  25. Ok, while not your typical sight-seeing, this is really fun. There's a french restaurant at the Paris Casino/hotel that you can sit outside, just above the sidewalk. It's across from the Bellagio, so you can watch that water show too. But more fun, is watching the constant parade of unusual people trotting to and fro. Something about Vegas, women just love to dress, um what's the word, slutty. At the Mandalay Bay they have a shark tank and a huge wave pool with sand. Just touring the casinos, shops and restaurants is a blast, as they are frigging amazing. A few of my favorites: New York New York, has cobblestone streets and simulates the various burroughs of NY, without the trash and muggers. The Venetian has gondola rides that go through and out of the hotel, also just a gorgeous hotel. The Luxor is simply a trip, huge egyptian statues, crazy "inclometers", elevators that go up at an angle. Treasure Island as a free pirate show nightly that you can see from the sidewalk/bridge. Mirage has a volcano that erupts nightly, kinda cool, close to Treasure Island. Caesars Palace is worth a walk through too, the shops like Cartier and others are just ridiculous. There's a HD shop right on the strip that's pretty nice too. Bring your camera, you'll see some amazing cars and possibly a few celebrities. Have fun, Vegas rocks!
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