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Everything posted by MickO

  1. Which Flanders bars did you use? Do you have a model number and supplier source? Could you have used a model that brought the bars back (toward the rider) even further? Thx. ____________________________ I did just the Flanders bar and it is perfect for me. Maybe the attached photos give you an idea how far they come back. Attached Thumbnails
  2. In response to the last two questions/comments, I flushed the system pretty good (thought I am sure not commpletely) last night when I bled the system. I got the color of the fluid to change to being pretty clear. When I disassembled the caliper and pads, I did not open the system at all. Just slightly pushed the pistons back (1/8 inch or so) and then reinstalled. Would the symptoms described at the top result from a stuck piston? Could my pushing the pistons back into the caliper result or aggravate a stuck piston? The ideas and comments are very much appreciated. MickO
  3. Thanks for the ideas so far. I did bleed the system last night. Unfortunately, no change. The front brakes still engage and stop well. I would just like the lever to engage closer to the grip as it did before. I will use the suggestion to pull everything apart and reinspect for other issues. Appreciate the suggestions. MickO
  4. Goose and T.J. Thanks for your ideas. Regarding the comment I made "in order to get the caliper to reinstall over the pads." , I should have wrote "to the the caliper with pads now installed back over the rotor". I thought that pushing the caliper pistons back just bit would make it easier to reinstall. I will try bleeding the system (its probably due for it anyway), but I couldnt understand why that might be necessary when I did not open the system up to begin with. Thanks for your ideas. I will supply some results asap. MickO
  5. The other day I pulled the front brake calipers to check the condition of the brake pads and to add a little brake grease at the metal contact points (squeaking at slow speeds while braking). I pushed the caliper pistons slightly backing to the caliper in order to get the caliper to reinstall over the pads. I now find that the front brake lever is engaging much further away from the handle bar grip than previously, and too far away from the grip to be comfortable for me. Can anyone offer suggestions to correct this problem? Thx.
  6. I see lots of discussion regarding Avon Venom, Metzler Marathon, and Dunlop Elite tires on the forum. I was wondering if anyone has used the Maxxis brand tires, and if so, can you give an evaluation of your experience. Thx.
  7. Skid: Where did you find the HF trailer for the price you indicated? As you can see from the link in the earlier post, the current price on-line is $229. You "done good" to pick up the trailer for $139 plus the discount. MickO
  8. I was wonder which model of Harbor Freight trailers most people are using. I found this model on their web site. I was wonder if anyone had experience with this particular model or what thoughts folks might like to share. Thanks in advance. MickO http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=42708
  9. Is anyone using the Russel Seat (Saddle)? If so, how do you like it? Have you used any other aftermarket seats that you can compare it with? Thanks for your comments. MickO
  10. MickO


    One additional thing I found helpful when installing the Baron's risers was to loosen up the bolts holding the clutch lever and front brake lever. This allowed me to slide the controls down the handle bar, toward the center. This game me a good deal more room to insert the Baron's risers between the stock risers and the handlebar. Pad and protect that tank!!
  11. Thanks for the reminder!
  12. Folks: Does anyone know how to contact "Squidley" on this Board? I am trying to reach him in order to obtain a set of his Roadking muffler adapter mounts. I have sent him a couple of private emails, but so far have not received a response. Any help will be appreciated. Thx. MickO
  13. Here are a couple like I think you are talking about. http://www.phatperformanceparts.com/...CWI%2D04%2D167 Protac also makes one but their website seems to be a bit screwed up right now. They don't show a picture of it like the used to. If you email them they will probably send you a picture. http://www.protac.net/ __________________ To all that responded, thank you very much. The tips supplied by Freebird were the ones I was thinking about. Much appreciated. MickO
  14. I know there are a number of aftermarket drivers backrests for the 2nd. gen Royal Star Venture. I am trying to find the name and contact info for the manufacturer of the backrest that attaches to the outside fender bolts for support. The frame of the backrest goes around the outside of the seat, rather than between the passender seat and drivers seat (ala Utopia style). Your help is appreciated. This is also posted in the 2nd Gen Tech Talk. Sorry if you had to view this twice. MickO
  15. I know there are a number of aftermarket drivers backrests for the 2nd. gen Royal Star Venture. I am trying to find the name and contact info for the manufacturer of the backrest that attaches to the outside fender bolts for support. The frame of the backrest goes around the outside of the seat, rather than between the passender seat and drivers seat (ala Utopia style). Your help is appreciated. MickO
  16. Some folks here have noted that there is quite a bit of heat buildup around the feet and floor board areas of our 2nd. Gen Ventures due to the placement of the exhaust pipes. I was wondering if anyone has tried wrapping the inner exhaust pipes with the insulation wrap you see on some choppers and sport bikes? I recently read a magazine article that discussed doing this procedure on a Honda ST1300. - Has anyone attempted this? - What was the result of your efforts? - Would there be any potential negative effects? Thanks for the thoughts. MickO
  17. What additional parts or adapters are needed to use the Road King pipes on the Venture?
  18. Due in large measure to the assistance and information from this board, I was able to substaintialy reduce the problem around the "now famous" gear whine or chirp that is very noticable in the 2nd gen Royal Star Venture. My dealer installed the "I Basket" under warranty. Having all the notes and information supplied by the many members who have experienced this issued helped greatly. I am happy to say that the problem is probably 75% fixed. There is still some noticable chirping but it has moved out of the touring speeds, and the tone of the chirp is no where near as annoying as it was previously. I can live with the chirping sound now. What I cant understand is why Yamaha does not just simply FIX the problem to begin with rather than making owners go through and Un-announced warranty procedure. MickO:confused24:
  19. Folks: Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Hartco seat on the Second Gen Venture. If so, can you offer a comparison to the stock units or other aftermarket seats? Previously, I had a good experience using the Hartco seat on my Honda Valkyrie. This information is being requested with the full understanding that each persons derriere is different. Thx.
  20. Billet: Thanks for the additional photos. That was a great help in understanding how these things attach and function. MickO
  21. Billet: Looks like a nice set up. The pictures were very helpful in understanding how the wings function. It appears that you have highway pegs installed on the crashbars as well as the Baker wings. Are you using the same attachment clamp? Is it possible to shoot a few pictures of how the clamps function. Thx. MickO
  22. One of the things I am noticing on my (new to me) RSV is the amount of air (and probably rain) that hits the knee area and upper shin. It sounds like people generally prefer the fit and general function of the yamaha wings, but maybe the bakers do a better job of deflecting wind and rain due to the "upper wings"? Is this a fair assessment? Thx.
  23. In looking at the Baker wings, it appears that you can install highway pegs, in addition to the wings, on the vertical side of the crash bars. Would the Yamaha wings get in the way of highway peg installation?
  24. Salty, those look good and a bit cheaper than the Bakers. Where do they attach to the bike? Thx.
  25. I am considering the purchase of a set of the Baker Air Wings for my 2006 RSV. I was very pleased with the Baker Wing's performance on my last bike (1999 Valkyrie Interstate). What kind of experience have others had on their Venture? One area of concern I have is the method in which the wings are attached to the bike. I appears that they are only attached at the lower engine crash bars. Does this provide enough support? Thx.
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