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10 Good


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 RSV
  1. I have all 3 of those, but I don't have proof of who was actually driving the car. I don't know what I could sue for though. So far the bike seems ok, a little scratched up but otherwise ok. I don't condone taking them for what they have just because you can, even though they probably deserve it. At this point it probably wouldn't be worth it, but I'd love to teach them some kind of lesson.
  2. I'm pretty sure that will be the last time I make a beer run to Walmart. There are other places and I'll spend the extra $1 or so for safety. That's pretty much the only time I take the bike to there. I didn't feel bad last night when it happened, but I'm pretty sore today. I guess all the tensing muscles and such did a little number on my "aging" body. The more I think about it the more angrier I get. People like that really don't deserve to be here. Either they were too stupid or self centered to care about anyone else's safety. Which ever one it was they are just a waste of space. Even when they saw me on the ground they didn't care enough to stop and avoided being caught and held responsible. What would have happened if that was someone on foot or I had reacted a 1/2 second slower? Someone would probably be dead! Something like this is not an accident it's straight negligence and would have been avoided if they didn't have their heads in the butts.
  3. Thanks, I'm glad I didn't get hurt too! I just started it up again and I don't hear the noise. It sounded like it was low on oil or something so maybe it had to settle. I still can't believe that they didn't break any laws since they never actually touched me. That's pretty dumb, if I went all the way to hitting them I'd be in some major pain right now.
  4. I made a run to Walmart to get some beer about a mile from my house. I was leaving the parking lot in front of the entrance and a car came flying out of the parking isle. They would have it me if I didn't lay it over. Luckily I was going slow enough it didn't see any damage except scrape up the guards. I'm ok. The worst part though is they looked back and saw me on the ground then hauled butt out of there. I got a police report but they said there wasn't anything they could do because of the private property and them not actually hitting me. Thankfully my beer is OK and still cold now that I am home. Now when I idle in neutral I can hear some "transmission" noise. If I pull the clutch it goes away. Any ideas? Is something screwed up?
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