Well now, a feller would have to turn around to do that now wouldn't he. You don't know me very well,,, there's no going back,,,, but there was one instance where I had to back up a couple of time to get the tripod on the rocks allll at the same time.
Don't go, we are friends first and upper most, then we talk about bikes, or the lack there of. Don't matter if you arrive on 2 wheels, three wheels, or four wheels. Just don't ask us to change the tires on 18 wheels.
The Creator of this world still has His hand in running things here, even the 'small' things. He does a lot of things to show us how He still is in control, we just have to look and want to see His hand in it all. Will ask for a good outcome for you all, keep us posted!
A day or two?????????? It's been almost 3 weeks!!!!!!!!! We thought you might have left the planet and shot to the moon!! Don't start blaming me for your mishaps, we're Dutch and don't open our cooler or freezer doors unless tootally necesaary. You are further north than me so it's your task to keep an eye on the weather door, whether it be closed or open. Stay on your toes young man, or we'll have to retire you so that you have more time. HaHa