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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. Might be enough battery to run the fuel pump but not enough for the starter, so check the voltage, when sitting and when you push the start button. Also check that the emergency switch is turned to run, the kickstand is up, the clutch is pulled.
  2. Now you need to check your battery.
  3. Probably not issue with the pump. Put some fuel in it and see.
  4. Nice scooter,,, what's it doing in the garage, it wants to be ridden!!
  5. Is it really buzzing or could it be a fast ticking of the fuel pump. Sounds to meat like it might be the fuel pump not getting fuel. How low is the fuel in your tank?
  6. I seen that blue stuff before,, not really something that is beneficial.
  7. You should be happy on both counts. Welcome.
  8. If you got that far, might as well pull all the connectors apart, clean them, stick them back together and then lightly coat with Fluid Film.
  9. Yep!! That aught to do it,,, now if you just can remember where you wrote that down....eh?
  10. Check your air filters. Maybe too much vacuum in the airbox.
  11. Way to go Earl, as usual fine explanation that even I could understand,,,, in both cases.
  12. I don't think the draw is an issue, seeing as your bike died on the road, with a new good battery. I really think you have a charging issue. Put your multi-meter on your battery posts, check the voltage. It should be around the 12.6v mark. Now crank the engine and watch the meter, it will dip to about 10v or so. With the engine running check the voltage, it should return to around 12.4. Now crank up the rpms to about 2000 and the stator should kick in and give you over 13v. If it doesn't, you have a charging issue. Then we can dig deeper.
  13. Back to your corner!!!
  14. Good write up. I know you think its long, but it tells the story and that's good. If you decided to tell us the same thing from 3 or 4 different directions or ramble about things that didn't pertain to this story, then you might be correct and you would loose readership, but I don't think that has happened. You kept to the subject at hand and to the points discussed,,,,, now I could say that again in more ways, but I will leave it be,,, except that had you,,,,,,,,,,,,, se what I mean??
  15. No need to worry over that one, she knows the more often we visit the better it is for Ben.
  16. When on the farm when I was young, I used to eat handfuls of pig starter pellets. I think they used a lot of sugar in the makings, but I didn't care, they tasted good. Even some of the feed we fed to the cows tasted not so bad, it had molasses in the mix, and look what it did for me!! Now don't go being envious, you could always have a late start.
  17. And you could polish the aluminum to look like chrome,,, if you wanted to take the time,,,,,, uhhh, how old are you now??
  18. I'm sure he meant Heavy Duty, I'm sure of that I'd say,,,, at least I think so??
  19. Now don't you start that thought, we has enough troubles aready.
  20. Good to hear your report. Carry on, we are all rootin for yah. Nobody said this life was going to be easy, but glory can be assured at the end of it all.
  21. If you have a vehicle passing you in the right hand lane,,,,,,, you're not going fast enough?
  22. I wouldn't argue with the mileage.
  23. Just so you know,,,,,,,,this forum doesn't exist because it makes money, it is only here for us to help each other. If we fail in that then the forum is will soon become useless. That being said, the spinoff is that many of us became/become friends and so would drastically miss this forum, so in that way you are helping out a great deal more than you think.
  24. Don't have or need a kickstand. Just stop the bike, shut it off and jump off. It will lay down by itself.
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