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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. Center stand is quite alright, thinking that's how it's mostly done.
  2. The hose coming from the center of the breather is acting as a PCV. The one off of the left front corner is a drain for the breather. Oil in either one would indicate an overfill situation of the crankcase, or maybe excessive blowby in the engine for the center one. Oil in the sight glass should be no more than halfways up the glass when the bike is straight up.
  3. Where does the old oil come from?? Hello!!
  4. Really nice!!! Bet you used a lot of 'Dutch Cleanser'. Looks like you are thoroughly enjoying this.
  5. I has one,,,, an some old plugs as well.
  6. Thanks you all for all your input. I will leave this thread available to be read yet for sometime. Thanks also to the large attempt to keep things as informal and civil as possible. I think we all learned a bit more about each other, and maybe even a bit more about the world we live in.
  7. Nice dialogue guys. what you say we now close this thread. So far it will be up to the dialoguers, and I am mostly a dialoguee.
  8. That vacuum line also has a restrictor in it., kind of the same things as the crab tune tool.
  9. HEY!! I got some forsale, even comes with a guarantee!!
  10. Scary!! That's why we have vaccines and why Marca and I got stabbed. When it gets to be our turn, maybe, just maybe it won't be as bad. As in motorcycles, it's not 'if' you drop your scoot, but 'when'.
  11. Awesomely done. Will move to tech section.
  12. If it's leaking out past the seals there could be 2 reasons. One is that the bore has some pits or 'scratch' marks in it, the other is cheap seals. When honing out the bore it needs to be perfect, no pits, no lines, no marks. There may also be a slight chance that the bore is honed out too far or that somebody tried to 'fix' it by hand and so made it out of round.
  13. Yammer has his very own corner, and I hope he is happy with it, for it's permanent!
  14. I wonder what the mortality rate would be if this virus had raised it's head 100 or 200 years ago. It would only be speculation, but I'm sure that 1.4% would be way out of wack. Our health care is much advanced to what is was back then and the availability is much much better, so doing a comparison is quite skewed. Fact is, there are lots of people dying pre-mature, others are sick and slow to recover, some others don't recover at all. We have something (vaccine) that can help to reverse the trend or maybe to eliminate (doubtful), it cost hardly nothing so why not give it a shot. We did, hoping we did the right thing, so far so good, and if we didn't then we cross the river into glory a little sooner or later than expected. I just don't like being sick either. As far as government spending is concerned and worrying about it? I gave that up. Our countries are so far in debt now we will never get out of that, so spending or what it is spent on I don't think it would make any difference. My thoughts are more along the line of who are we borrowing from? who is collecting the interest? Maybe somebody can answer that?
  15. I can be agreeable at times, so my head seems to duck.
  16. There are open corners presently,,, be nice!!
  17. I'm guessing it's the rear brake MC you are looking for. There are 3 MC on your bike, at least maybe there were 3, presently maybe only 2.
  18. I'm still liking this dialogue, a bit touchy maybe at times, but overall well pointed out and controlled. I bet though, that some thoughts going through some heads did not get typed out. Good going all!!!
  19. It's been said that if there are no pictures it didn't happen. Now either I was indisposed at the time of picture taking, was totally invisible (not likely), or had taken on a different identity. Going by my reasoning I am going to believe I was not there,,, although that begs the question: where was I?
  20. Are you funnin me??? I mean the missing part!!
  21. Don't go riding with Don @XV1100SE, you wont know whose bike is who's.
  22. I agree with Don, but in the opposite direction. That top nut prevents the other 2 from being able to turn loose, so I think there might have been some loosening n the steering head,, but then again, maybe not.
  23. Did you miss me?? like I missed me??
  24. Well at least you used wooden blocks!!! Didn't see any wooden shoes though. Looks like you are progressing nicely. Thanks for the vid.
  25. Funny rule eh? You don't get to like yourself, only other people can do that, hence no need for you to have a heart on your post.
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