I was sooo burning to give out this info, but nobody was asking. It was posted before but didn't seem to be good enough 'cause someone went and wiped the whole site clean as a whistle and it's gone. I'm sure it will come back someday, but in the meantime this is what I remember and have found out, works. Don't ask how I found out, but it wasn't light outside.
If your scoot is down on it's right side, put out the kickstand, but don't count it. If it's on it's left side the kickstand will be under the scoot and not available until later in this procedure.
Back your body up to the bike on the opposite side as the tires, grab hold of the grab rail or something solid ( depends on the bike in question) with your one hand and if your are two handed you can use the other on the steering gear, the downest one. Now put your rear into the bottom edge of the seat with your underpinings slightly bent, or more bent if they are too long, and focus on pushing your backside into the seat. As you push the scoot gets the message to get up, and it does. Hitting it, kicking at it, cussing it, throwing things at it will only infuriate it and it will just stay put. Best to practise procedure before a downer happens and you really need to do it fast. Go to the nearest meet and eat and while everybody else is eating you'll have lots of practise time and machines to practise with. After, when they come out and notice how you, all by yourself, have righted all the bikes, you'll also become a hero.