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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. Gotta ask Charlie aka E-Fishin-C. He's been all over and lives somewhere in nowhere land up there near the Sault. Got it right though, once you get out of Southern Ontario, you'd better keep the tank full, but an awesome ride.
  2. Thanks Don for the reminder. We all need that from time to time, even if it's just to make your job more pleasant and easier. I haven't found anything lately that I would argue with, so you must be doing a good job or we must really be a good bunch of folks.
  3. Any body use Under Armour? Tell me about it if you do. How good is it, does it work. Two kinds are available, cold wear and heat wear. Comments please
  4. You mean we don't get to see her? I'm on dial up here, had to wait a looong tiime to download this message.
  5. No good for a 1st gen. Wow can you imagine how that thing would fly, it's almost tooo fast now.
  6. Marcarl


    Doesn't seem like we've solved your problem yet, so another stab at it. What weight of oil did you put in, it s\b 20\40 or 20\50. Also check the boots under the carbs to make sure that they are seated properly. A leak here would cause a slider problem and a high idle. The sliders may also be gumming up from oil coming into the carbs, you say not, but check again. If the sliders are not moving it's going to create some of the problem you just posted. Take them out again, check very closely for very small pin holes in the diaphram and cracks in the slider itself (hold them up to a light) and that the slider is not coming apart. Clean the slider well with a carb cleaner, also the throat where the slider slides in, the jet where the needle slide in, and while you're at it clean any other small holes and jets that you can see in the carb as you have this apart. Check for any vaccum hoses that they are attached and in good shape. For cleaning, get a good carb cleaner, I find that Deep Creep does not do the job well. Let us know how it goes, you been too long already with problems and that gets to be frustrating.
  7. Marcarl


    Burning oil is generally blue, There are 4 separate carbs and only one maybe the culprit so only one plug may show wet, it's not likely that all 4 carbs would show identical, or would it. If you have a blown head gasket and grey smoke, you might see the results in the coolant. Have you checked the condition of the coolant? If there is oil there, you got problems, but if not we haven't dicovered anything yet. Does the exhaust maybe smell like burnt coolant? Check your coolant level, is it down? Is the colour of the oil grey? that may show coolant in the oil. When's the last time you changed the oil? Keep thinking, that's all I'm doing, just thinking.
  8. When I get to your intersection, I'm turning around and going home. But yes, absolutely correct.
  9. Marcarl


    Going by this discription I would look at the fuel system first. Lots of seafoam and some time before I'd make any rash discisions. Some seafaom in the crankcase might not be such a bad idea either, but because of the wet clutch go easy on the riding and put very little stress on the power train. Mostly just get it nice and warm and then let it sit to dissolve the gum and other related not wanted materials in the engine. I would give it a week for starters, drain about 1 quart of oil, pour in the Seafoam, warm to operating temp, let sit overnight, next day the same. Take it for a ride if you want, but go easy. After a week, drain the whole works, refill and ride for a week, then drain the oil again and refill once more. Don't know if it will fix the problem, but won't do any harm to try. Lots of Seafoam in the gas tank at the same time to clean the fuel system. then check the sliders to make sure they are workin well.
  10. Excellant post and I enjoyed reading it and will do so again. Would like to highlight one thing, THE THROTTLE IS YOUR FRIEND. No real experience with that yet, but it makes all the sense in the world. Would like to add one thought to this as well: What signals are we sending to the cagers around us? Case in point: You are travelling down a city street, right hand lane , left track and you notice a cager waiting to make a left turn in front of you. Do you stay in the left track or move to the right track. At this point, think of what the cager may be thinking. If he sees a bike in the left track coming towards him, he may think, wait, if he sees a bike coming towards him in the left track and then veer to the right track he may think, oh he's turning so I'll turn now and then,,, whoopps. Another one: We're making a right hand turn at an intersection, so we pull over to the right track and stop as required. Buddy behind us thinks, oh he's giving me room to go, and attempts it, but ticks the scoot. Block him, keep the left track and force him to stay behind. it's a signal to the cager. The are many signals we send to other drivers by our positioning and our riding and with a bike it's very important for us to realize the signals we are sending out. Try to think for the other guy and ride accordingly
  11. Seeing as I don't know anything about this, I'll agree.
  12. Marcarl


    Don't make any rash decisions until you check the oil level when the scoot is on it's center stand. Check it , then post again.
  13. Finally someone with the answer. I was starting to think I was going to have to go to an HD site for more info. Thanks Black Owl, you're the best.
  14. My (not the best) favouite is to put on the gloves and then realize that my key is in the pocket still. It's my favourite because I still do it. I have long complained to my wife as to why would the chaps manufacturer put a pocket on the left side near the top of my leg, anything you put into that pocket would fall out the minute you get on the scoot. Well all on my own, without anyones help, the lights came on this week. IT'S A KEY POCKET, duhh.
  15. The dealer wants a way toooo much. Go to a local radio store, Radio Shack, The Source or someplace like that, someone who knows CB's and they will help you for less than $20.00 be my guess.
  16. Just my thoughts on this one: Is there a small hole in the weld? Then moisture is probably getting inside the tubing where there is no chrome and the rust is bleeding out from the inside. If this is the case I would buy a can of chain wax and squirt lots of that into that hole and figure my problem solved
  17. Is that what I think it says, Truck box polish? Then I don't need it. All I do is lend my truck box trailer out and it comes back all nice and clean and polished to the hilt. Saves time and money and gives a reason for a ride as well. I got the best of all worlds. Now I wonder if I should lend out my scoot.
  18. I use CTC but that's Canadian,, don't think you can get it in the US, You'll have to go trial and error, I hope no ererrors.
  19. I went to a seat fixer guy and showed him my seat. He said for $300.00 he would replace it, but had no ideas on how to clean it, other than the saddle soap, any kind of soap, or maybe in tough cases some kerosene. Well I tried them all and then some. Nothing would touch that crud on my seat. Then I got desperate. Thought to myself, If I have to spend $300 on this seat I'll ruin it first. Sprayed it with carb cleaner and pronto off came the crud. I was very careful not to spill any on the paint or other parts, Immediately I coated it with a product called the Tannery (armourall) and so far I plenty happy. I think it left the vinyl softer and it doesn't show any damage so far, that's about 2 months ago. Do I recommend it? I'd say take your chances, but that's what I did with mine and I would do it again.
  20. Question: how does it respond if you give it some choke? does it rev up then?
  21. What????????????? NO pictures????????????? We need pictures to be able to let you join the club. Now you'll just have to do it again. Practice makes perfect they say.
  22. Interesting setup, might try it if I don't have any luck going throught he bikes intercom. Thanks
  23. Still trying to do this, any ideas?
  24. My CB has an external speaker jack, and my scoot's radio has a CB input, so it should be fairly simple for someone who knows, and that's where I don't get it.
  25. I'm not to smart when it comes to electronics, but logic tells me that this should be possible. I have an 85 VR with the radio\cassette, and intercom but no CB. I also have a Uniden Pro 510xl CB with a Mic-Master 'hands free' mic attachment that gives me the push to talk button. (these are used by truckers, mic on the ear, PTT on the gear shift, and takes the place of the mic on the CB). Can I wire all this into the bike amp to make it work through the intercom speakers and mic?
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