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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. So I guess it's time I told the story about Scamper. Back in 2005, a long time in motorcycle years, Scamper was brought to his present village. Many where the well wishers and the oglers that attended to view this specimen, extraordinare. His colours shone, his chrome was set to sparkling, and his footing was sure:happy65:. Always was he ready for all that was required, rain or sunshine. Scamper loved his new home. He was proud, not only to carry his master from place to place, but when the time came he was more than ready and very able to carry both his master and his masters companions. But as the season wore on, the days began to get colder and the time soon came that Scamper was housed in his stable to undergo some general maintenance and a much needed and deserved face lift. New safety items were added, new footwear was installed, and some new sparkle completed the resting season. The warmer temperatures and drier atmosphere created ideal conditions for Scamper and his riders, so that all were able to enjoy many miles of freedom and relaxation. But alas, the temperatures again did drop, and the clouds returned and once again Scamper was put into his stable to endure the winter. PICTURE#1. He did complain some, about having to spend so much time alone, that a companion was sought to be with him and keep him from getting lonely:cold:. In due time a Wizard was found and with him a companion with good looks, and a blonde complexion. These two now spent their time together in the same stable. PICTURE#2.It took some time for them to get acquainted, but then one day as I went out to check up on them and to make sure they were not as some ventures are known to do, I noticed that the Blonde was not in her usual berth. Much to my surprise she had moved to an intimate position and seemed to be much taken by the now very pleased Scamper:think:. I didn't think too much of it and thought to let them spend some time together, seeing as seemed to be a thing of the past and better relations were on the way. Just how much better became evident some time later, when again I went to do a daily check and :shock3:PICTURE#3.
  2. Lets see, we take off the faring, and pull the motor and trans, turn it upside down, shake it good a couple of times and then see if it's working better, if that doesn't do it I guess we'll have to pull the pan or whatever and see what is causing all the ruckus, hammer it back in place, put in some chewing gum and some bale wire and that should fix it, oh ya after all that we'll read the instructions to see if they have it right and maybe send them some notes as to recommended upgrades to the manual. Does it sound like I'll be alright or do you think I might use some help?
  3. Hope to start tomorrow, Wednesday, have to see how the day progresses. Need to do 2nd gear so it's got to come all apart. The blonde is here already and now is awaiting parts for upgrades. Friday is busy so is Saturday, people need to eat I hear. But thanks, we'll keep it posted.
  4. No good here, I ride a 1st gen, but others have talked about it before, so hang in there and you'll get the answer.
  5. I went through the service manual, but can't seem to locate it, I will be pulling Scamper apart in the next day or so, so then maybe I'll know better.
  6. Let us know if it is cheaper, I'm going to need all four. Carl
  7. Well I heard that learning is done on the go, but training takes a little longer, so keep learning guys, we're all in the training mode, just that some train faster than others. For myself I learned a long time ago that thing about a kill switch, really had me worried for about 10 minutes sitting at a stop sign, found the problem and haven't had to deal with that again, well not often anyways, at least not when somebody else was looking, or when I was close enough to a computer to post it, and by the time I got to the computer I'd forgotton what I was going to post about, only killed the battery 2 or 3 times in the process, but that's called a battery test and so that doesn't really count, does it??
  8. Marcarl


    Jealousy will get you nowhere
  9. So if you think 85, the bags have grown bigger, but not so big that it takes all day to pack, the 1200 is the best, it's got bells and it whistles (right past anything newer), the colors are supreme, gas milage can be lived with, no fancy dancie extras that don't work anyways, need I go on?
  10. From what you posted I don't think all your problems may relate to this, but then again they might, for if you don't have the steering head tight enough, you have no firm ground on which to decipher the rest. It doesn't take whole lot for the bearings to be loose. I like to tighten them up so that I know that they're too tight on a short easy test run, and then back them off a wee bit so that they will work as they should.
  11. If you take some ABS, I use some left over drain pipe, make shavings with a coarse file, mix with acetone you come up with a neat paste that seems to work very well. You can make it very liquidy or more thick as you need to and it gives you time to work with it. I also use fiberglass and plastex where handy and needed. For backing I like aluminum tape, sticks in place, follows curves, somewhat with some help, and removes easily.
  12. Glad to hear that all worked out ok, given the same 100 (or less) years ago the story would have been a whole lot different for you. Amazing what can be done today. Keep on smilin'.
  13. I don't get any, do you think I should, so which one has pictures?
  14. Be proud and be thankful, and after that be smart and do what is right. It's real nice to be a pappa of a smart kid, but as Freebird mentioned, there are difficulties that have to thought about. God Bless you in your thoughts and decisions.
  15. Sure glad all is as well as it is, keep us posted on the progress, Thanks Carl
  16. And here I thought I was going nuts, couldn't find no extra buttone anywhere, rats, I missed getting my vote in, that's the trouble when you have other things to do.
  17. Seems like it did you some good, you're starting to feel better as I see you're getting some of your humor back, Now get back to work.
  18. Try draining that carb to see if it has gas in it.
  19. Thanks for the votes guys, or are you trying to butter me up. Well it's nice to know you thought of me anyways. I'm glad I didn't go then, if it cost too much, would have to raise the price on the pepperettes to cover my losses, I am Dutch eh?
  20. So now I get to say my piece, you didn't think I'd be quiet on this do you? We have close to four thousand folks that at one time or another thought it to be a good idea to put their name down and be counted as a member of this site. That says something BIG. Something drew them into doing that, now lets see, what could it be?????????? Well it could be the tech articles, but you can access them anyway, it could be the colors that come up, or it could be the weather statements on the posts, or maybe the smileys in the posts, or maybe it's all YamaMama. Nah, it's got very little to do with all that. It's the friendship that shows through the threads and posts that just can't help come out as you read. We have a FAMILY here and it shows, and I'm glad to be part of it. Now once you have a family and have developed friendships, other things crop up and have to be dealt with occasionally. We can't ALWAYS just use part of our character here and leave the rest in limbo, sometimes our deeper self comes out, and for me that's ok, we'll deal with it because it shows more of who we actually are and that's not all bad. Now I agree that this is a RIDERS FORUM and no place for discussion about politics and the like, but happen it will because it's all part of us and it will rear it's head, that's why we have moderators and I feel that they're doing an awesome job. On the other hand, because we care so much for each other, occasionally we can get a little strong in our opinions on what is good and what we should not be doing. That's good as well, sometimes it's necessary to wake each other up, and point out their errors for their own good, and sometimes the language can get a little stronger. I think we are all concerned for each other, have a real caring for the other person and so that will come across as well. It will never be perfect, but then we are a family, and nothing is ever perfect in a family, the more we get to know each other, the closer we will get and the more we will be concerned about each other. We need to be constantly reminded about the guidelines, and to love each other (the act, not necessarily the feeling).
  21. Looks a little bit CRISP outside, nice thing about it, if there is a nice thing, it's dry and you don't feel it soo bad, mind you there is danger in that as well, IT REALLY IS COLD. Enjoy your work and your stay, keep us posted. If we don't hear anything in a week, should we come looking?????????
  22. Best thing is to do is to take all the antifreeze out, flush it well, 4 or 5 times so that there is no more trace of antifreeze, then refill with cold, clean, distilled water. Now it will be less noticeable, seeing as these scoots seem to do this more often.
  23. Wow, finally some competition. How long did it take you? 16 minutes or did you have this in the wings to bring out for just the right occassion?
  24. Marcarl


    Stick around for a bit and there will be lots of offers for addresses. Fact is, we're having a Meat & Greet on the 26 of this month in Michigan @ Macrays, just across the border from Sombra (Sarnia), you're welcome to come along, attend, and maybe by that time you may have all the needed in a lineup. Same goes for you Wizard765
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