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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. I can agree with what you said Don, but have some added thoughts. I have a feeling this could be a long one, so get a coffee. Yes, I think that traffic is down somewhat, but that can be explained maybe. When you first started the site there was no information locally (on site) available, so many questions were asked and opinions delivered, which would increase traffic and also comradeship. Today there is a load of info available just by browsing so no need to expose oneself to the opinion of others, not that that is a bad thing, it just keeps a person in the shadows. There is also more info available on the net. I even checked out the FB page, but didn't find that it was overly busy either, actually quite the opposite. Yes, we have lost some good longtime members and we will continue that trend in the future, none of us are here to stay forever, but we also have plenty of members who step in to help out whenever somebody needs help, so I don't think that not getting the help needed is an issue. Do miss those members though. Times change and so do our needs and interest, so the demographics of this site might also be wrapped up in all that. We started out as a site to be a help for others, then it became and 'family', rather close knit, who we chatted to on bike related topics and so then we got together to find out who we actually were and our other interests. Now we've been locked out and down for a while and maybe that has an effect on our need for other Venture people because we are focusing more on those close to home and finding that isn't so bad either. For myself, I haven't been riding as much as I once did. We, Marca and I used to put on 10-15,000 k per season. Last year I don't think I even got to 2k, so that does change my needs and interests, as I'm sure others have the same things happening. Part of the problem last year was Covid, some was the weather, and some was related to having other things to do that couldn't wait any longer. On the other side, I don't think there is anything you have done, or should have done. This site has been a blessing to many and for some it was just too much to bear. You have put together something rich and wonderful. It may continue to grow slowly, but that maybe the best thermometer. You have given many of us a forum in which we can help our fellow man (or woman) and for that we are very grateful. Many of us I'm sure would pay more to make it better financially. As far as the cancer thing is concerned, you will be included in our prayers to the Great Physician. He hears all, sees all and controls all, after all He created it all, as you well know. He will keep you and bless you and let His face shine upon you. Looking forward to Kentucky already!!
  2. Closely check the pilot screw to make sure it doesn't have a indent ring close to the end where it might have made hard contact with the seat. If there is a ring it would be suggested to get one that is in better shape. Will it run with an indent? Probably but not as nice as it should. As you install: with the carbs out and upside down install the return cable, then flip them over, shove half way into position and install the pull cable. Make sure that the return cable is on the right side of the shaft with a nylon spacer on it. Do not install the cable to slide on the nylon spacer.
  3. Lookin good! Make sure to put some locktite on the shifter bolt.
  4. On second thought,,,,,,,,,
  5. Bluing indicates overheating, probably caused by calipers that didn't retract well enough, so they created excessive heat which would snug things up even more and so cause a hard braking issue. I think you experienced that. Same as has been mentioned but now confirmed y your description. I would still be interested in the present color of the brake fluid and what things look like in the master cylinder. That will tell you if the fluids were properly changed. As far as a complete brake service being done, I would bet a dollar (CDN) to a doughnut (Timmies) that the calipers were not serviced. hence they ceased up. Crappy work from my perspective.
  6. Yep! You got some work ahead of ya. Don't think that you'll be bored in the next while. Hope it works out well and you enjoy doing it.
  7. So with that info I have some questions: Was this your first ride on this machine? How far had you traveled? What was the outdoor temp at the time? If you rode before did you go as far? What kind of condition are the front rotors in, smooth, rough, gouged? Any sign of 'grease' build up on the caliper seals? How much wear on the pads? What colour is the brake fluid? Answers to these questions will help to determine what happened maybe.
  8. I could help...................
  9. Maybe you is right, but what would cause a stoppy if he didn't squeeze the handle. Obviously the caliper ceased,, maybe or did it just run tight from getting too warm from too much drag,,,, That's why we need to know more maybe.
  10. I'm with Ronnie on that, just thinking that the oranges are short on carbs so maybe a good quality carb/system cleaner in the water might help. But then what do I know!
  11. Yep,, on all that. Remember we are not mind readers and we cannot physically see your problem, we have only your words to go on and then we have to devise our own pictures.
  12. Yah b u t can she still get out???
  13. It's been a while, but good to see progress.
  14. Usually the first part of June.
  15. Thanks for posting this, he is now where he was hoping to eventually become a resident. Glory for him and I will ask for comfort for those still waiting for that day.
  16. Not that I worry much about you normally, for you ain't normal,, but not you do have me tinkin.
  17. That makes me think your battery is toast. It may show 12 volts when disconnected but once you put any draw on it, it will dive. Did you do a multimeter check yet like I suggested earlier?
  18. Good news, thnx for the info, it might help somebody else.
  19. Probably not, he has an expired membership. You would be much better off with a Carbtune.com.
  20. Blessed Christmas to you and yours, and may 2022 find you looking up rather than looking down.
  21. Using a multimeter check the clamps on the battery, they should show 12.6v. If not then check at the battery posts, there should be 12.6v, if not then replace or charge the battery. If you have less than 12.2v your battery is dead and needs to be charged. If it all looks good so far, next test the fuse box leaving the black lead on the negative battery post and using the red lead to test the power going to the fuse box. Also check the main fuse located in front of the battery. Check the cutoff switch on the right handle bar.
  22. Hoping that you all can and will take a little bit of time to celebrate the birth of the One who started this all years ago. May you find His peace in your hearts and His love surrounding you. As we look forward to a new year may we all search for the truth, help those in need, comfort those who mourn and sorrow, and rejoice in the blessings that have been given us to share.
  23. Yep!!! Don't push it or all that new stuff will be your pain in the butt.
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