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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. After Brantford. Take HWY 99 / Governors Road right into Paris, nicer road and just as quick
  2. Contacting @relic@Midicat
  3. 4-5 lbs if I remember correctly.
  4. Got lost yesterday getting home, pulled into the drive and somebody had moved our house, went in to check on what happened and got a surprise, thye changed my wife as well, so I went for a nap to figure things out. Couch was comfortable enough,,, haven't woke up yet.
  5. I bet you be a Happy Camper. Love it when things go better than expected.
  6. So who caught you? Inquiring minds need to know!
  7. Just so none of us gets confuzedicated. The Timmes indicated is on the south side of Paris, on Rest Acres Road. I said this because there is a Timmies on the east side of Paris as well as one on the northend as well. They are all conveniently located just as you come into town so one could possibly be confused for another.
  8. It's slated for the 15th @paysaw. Check previous posts.
  9. I hope to make it, it's quite a drive and I might get lost,,, so wait for me eh!
  10. Guess I haven't been around as long as @saddlebum, I didn't know all that.
  11. At the King Edward location there is shade, grass and tables to sit at.
  12. Might I suggest Twisted Treats, 79 King Edward Street, Paris Ontario, Canada. https://paristwistedtreats.ca/ Former top notch employee and his mom.
  13. I can be good for the 15th but not the 14th.
  14. That washer is not a flat washer, it's cupped a bit. You might be able to use a flat washer but I haven't heard if that would work though.
  15. I'm now was told that the 23rd is out for me, so for me that leaves the 16th.
  16. Good news you guys, love it when things happen over and above.
  17. I bought a vacuum cleaner just for that process, cleaning up spider pieces. Now once I get it out of the box I then have to learn how to drive it, shouldn't be too too hard, it says it has 4 wheels.
  18. And you don't have to feel bad showing up on 4 wheels rather than 2 or three.
  19. Let's shoot for Saturday the 16th of July with the 23th available for raindate.
  20. I would be up for that, maybe also @saddlebum@paysaw@sleepy2@Evan@stickhandle2@dogman@chabicheka and any other VentureRiders. Come find out who is called what.
  21. And make sure you have the air filter in place with the lid on.
  22. He could either wear a thicker soled shoe or maybe lower the bike some. Both ideas work well.
  23. The only thing not safe about it would be if he had to cross the border after a shopping trip wit his dad.
  24. Welcome back little boy. Don't worry none about the Spyder thing, they are a great machine for some including yours truly. About the only discussion going on here is about likes and dislikes, for these machines seem to need very little in the way of repair.
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