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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. Taking it out is the easy part, wham slam, it's done. Getting the new one in takes a bit more finis for the reason of avoiding some redirected focus of the main beam, some call it cracking. But no matter, always glad to be of assistance. Now if you want to preserve the old and have the new one work, then that will take a whole different set of tools and know how. It can be done, just takes a bit more time and a bit more money.
  2. I have the tool!
  3. You just did. Now you get to take that button apart and clean it. Be very careful, go slow and make sure you have a towel, large one, under the switch to catch any tiny things that you might have missed in seeing. I know there is a spring in there that wants to go pop and then totally disappear. That accounts for about 3 hrs of unpaid labour.
  4. So now the question is again, is there 13v at the cables that come away from the battery, not the clamps, the cables, and what happens to that voltage when you hit the start button? If there is 13v at the cables and when you try to start, remains at 13v, then the next thing to check would be the starter solenoid. It should be at the left side of the battery and will have 2 heavy cables attached, one of which go back to the positive on the battery. There should be 13v on the battery side and nothing on the other side. Then there is also a small wire or two going to it and they would be the ones activated by the starter switch. When you push the starter switch it should activate the solenoid and there should now be 13v on both sides of it, if not, check to make sure you have power coming in on the one small wire and ground on the other (while pushing the switch) You might also find a fuse issue if you haven't upgraded the fuse box yet.
  5. Don't mind you telling us at all. Cngrats to the kids! and you.
  6. Sounds good.
  7. Lookin good, keep on keeping on!
  8. Try a bit of heat on the plug.
  9. Those saddlebags just don't look right, but then I'm not a Harley guy. Other than that,,, looks nice! so far.
  10. Need to do some electrical checking. First check battery voltage at the battery, then check it at the cables and then check what happens when you push the start button. Voltage should be at 12.6v minimum and should show about 9 to 10v when pushing start button if the starter was working. Next check the voltage on the solenoid (left side of battery) Live side should be 12.6v and nothing on the load side until you push the start button. Let us know.
  11. If 800 miles is taxing on the bones, it's time to get a Dodge.
  12. What is it that you have complaints about,,,, you got up early to extend the day, you got in a real nice road trip and could see and visit places you hadn't seen for some time or not at all, you got to meet some really nice people you have never met before, you had nice weather and crappy weather, you got some nice chairs in the process and you made your wife happy, and you were able to nap when it was all done, along with the fact that you spent the money so you don't have to worry over what to do with that now. You had an awesome day!!
  13. It's Ben I tell yah!
  14. And I bet you are happy to have her home as well, eh! May you continue to be held in the hands of Him who loves you.
  15. I will see if I can get him to fall asleep.
  16. Do I bring Ben?
  17. I'll be write over.
  18. I'll bet that was mine!
  19. Mine are always exactly where I last left them, unless Ben been here.
  20. Now that you have our interest, do keep us posted and we will keep asking for spiritual support from above.
  21. Thanks for the update, good to hear that you are allowed more time to be with us.
  22. Somebody is going to get a nice setup, cheap!
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