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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. Thinking you have that right.
  2. Marcarl


    Toward the end of time for this earth the Creator said there would be signs in the sky. Drones are just there to try and get us used to the idea and not take much notice of any important signs. Maybe?
  3. Will adjust just fine without mic.
  4. In my book (thoughts) floats are always measured upside down so the inlet valve is closed, that is where the float closes the intake to stop or regulate fuel flow which is the only job for the float. Turning the carb upside right will only let the float hang loose and has nothing to do with fuel flow. And yes,,, DONT depress the spring anymore than what the float does normally.
  5. Best between the bed sheets, flat with the head out and the feet tucked in, covered with blankets and a pillow of soft flannel, not dressed much but just enough to be unidentified. Oh the bread?? don't eat much of that!
  6. And make sure that when you snug them altogether that the pots are all perfectly flat with each other. You will need a perfectly flat surface to set them on to accomplish this. So first you make sure that they are tight together, and then you bench sync them.
  7. Yep,, some are 40 at 80 and some are 80 at 40.
  8. It's a/the sign of aging me tinks.
  9. I have sound effects as well, even when I'm not moving. Funny how that happens. Marca is not often impressed. I keep telling her that the sound effects are for the benefit of those that might have missed the other attributes.
  10. Poor turkey,, I feel so sorry for them.
  11. Sounds to me that somebody adjusted the wrong screw in a process where it didn't need adjusting. maybe?
  12. Sharp saws use a lot less power and battery,,,,, just sayin.
  13. I would look for a complete kit for the gaskets and plugs, either Earl or maybe Pinwall Cycle
  14. Puc left our site, but I bet he still visits once in a while. He doesn't ride anymore, well maybe his scooter.
  15. It sure do look purdy!!
  16. Well now that you know what that feels like, is there any other pains you might like to be associated with? Might want to get then in at the same time eh? You can't seem to win for loosen, but hey, it's winter comin' on so be happy it didn't happen 6 months from now!! Heal well.
  17. Got one of those vents, but it's still attached to the bike.
  18. Year and model is helpful, and yes, they can be changed out. Takes a bit to get to it but does work.
  19. Some of us have been known in the past to have put a nut on the seat. It's not an easy task but can be done if the back seat stays empty or just used for cargo. Besides that would be a drivers back rest
  20. You might want to tell us the make and model of what you need those things for, most of us don't have ESP.
  21. If you are going to change the airbox, be ready to re-jet the carbs.
  22. Some guys are liking them again now.
  23. Rabbit hole.
  24. https://www.facebook.com/reel/2021814498260495
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