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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. Got some of that here, bring the bike.
  2. That would be an oil modifier and will not work well with the wet clutch.
  3. Gonna be tied up this week, but it looks like help is on the way. Enjoy guys!
  4. I haven't dreamt about him, but do think about him on occasion.
  5. That's what I thought as well when I read it,, but then my wifie pointed out that it actually says that it gets the redness out. Don't know why she didn't point that out sooner. Now what to do with all the alcohol.
  6. Do you just need the stick or the coil as well. A stick you can make easily enough.
  7. I tried that once and then had headlights shining backwards,,,, spent days and days flushing that out. Found out that using alcohol was best in getting things back to normal,, somewhat.
  8. Hey GUYS!!! All this birthday wishing is just going to make the old feel older, but then again the alternative might not be so nice for us,, we might miss him,, yah,,, big time. So just so I don't get blamed for being a 'stuck in the mud' Blessings for the Year ahead Mr, Nelson, may you continue to find the Creator's hand in your life and look forward to His return.
  9. Just my thoughts. An AC compressor is built different than an air compressor, but I suppose your know that. There are reasons for this and in some cases things like this might work. One thing I think of is that the AC compressor sends oil into a closed system, so what are you going to do with the oil in a one-way system and you will need to supply the compressor with new oil on time. JMT
  10. yep, it might. Make sure you have the idle screw and not the primary sync screw. Idle screw is hard to see, it's hidden, so if you can easily see it, it's not the idle screw, it's hidden between the carbs behind the joiner rail, left side.
  11. Parts fich shows that 1+2 are the same, 3 is different and 4 is more different.
  12. You would get more interest in this if you posted it in the Watering hole
  13. I remember the day, it was a grand day, that after having lunch with the bunch of us, we mounted up to take a ride,,, in Michigan,,, everybody was ready and mounted but one bike refused to start, just nothing. Shortly there were about 4 or 5 other riders giving instructions and helpful hints, fuel was double checked, oil sight glass confirmed, booster cables were added, battery voltage checked, kickstand confirmed,,,,, just nothing was going to get this 84 to fire. Young lady rider comes over finally, climbs on the bike and attempted to start,, which it very nicely did!!! Yep, it had to be in neutral!! Funny how that happens!
  14. I would think that all the jets should be the same in the same position, no matter the carb. There could be different sizes in different positions though.
  15. Welcome to our site, good to have on board.
  16. Money is kind of alright maybe, but the seat condition is not so very good for selling.
  17. You'll have plenty of room, but as mentioned it would be good to have something to hold the front wheel in place, also a couple of people to help load and unload.
  18. There are going to be times when you remember and will miss him big time. It's amazing how when we care for each other often times it's not a burden, work? yes, time consuming? yes but not a burden. Blessings to you all as you discover a new part of life and share the memories.
  19. Some of us had work to do to support those flying around the country. Funny thing, I'm not working anymore and they're still flying around the country. Guess I could have taken time off,,,,, silly me!
  20. Best to start a new thread if you want answers quickly.
  21. Missed that one!
  22. Marcarl

    Vogel 2025

    How about carl norg?
  23. Better hope that thing don't fire up while rest in your garage
  24. Marcarl


    There some black there in that picture,, kind of hard to see I admit, but it's clean and quiet looking.
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