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Marcarl last won the day on February 12

Marcarl had the most liked content!


3,012 Excellent

About Marcarl

  • Birthday 07/22/1948

Personal Information

  • Name
    Carl Norg


  • Location
    26 Madeleine Road, Brant, ON, Canada


  • City


  • State/Province


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    Worship\ Riding \ Grandkids
  • Bike Year and Model
    2014 Spyder\RTS-sm6


  • Occupation

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    Tools, garage, help

Phone Number

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  1. Welcome to our site, good to have on board.
  2. Money is kind of alright maybe, but the seat condition is not so very good for selling.
  3. You'll have plenty of room, but as mentioned it would be good to have something to hold the front wheel in place, also a couple of people to help load and unload.
  4. There are going to be times when you remember and will miss him big time. It's amazing how when we care for each other often times it's not a burden, work? yes, time consuming? yes but not a burden. Blessings to you all as you discover a new part of life and share the memories.
  5. Some of us had work to do to support those flying around the country. Funny thing, I'm not working anymore and they're still flying around the country. Guess I could have taken time off,,,,, silly me!
  6. Best to start a new thread if you want answers quickly.
  7. Missed that one!
  8. Marcarl

    Vogel 2025

    How about carl norg?
  9. Better hope that thing don't fire up while rest in your garage
  10. Marcarl


    There some black there in that picture,, kind of hard to see I admit, but it's clean and quiet looking.
  11. Marcarl


    It's in the design stages. There are issues with where to recharge and how long that will take.
  12. Check your oil level. Half way up the glass, no more no less, bike standing straight up.
  13. Nice work, thanks for the write up and good pictures.
  14. I would say that is appropriate, so Blessings to all!
  15. Marcarl


    No need to worry,,, he comes in over Greenland and then goes to Holland before he gets here.
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