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Personal Information

  • Name
    Carlos Saez


  • Location
    Central Florida


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Yamaha Royal Star Venture


  • Occupation
    Caterpillar Mechanic

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  1. Guys I had to put my bike in storage to take care of my grandparents. Now after 1year of storage I started the bike up and its spewing fuel from the carbs. Do you have any suggestions on carb rebuild kits that include everything so I don't have to go back and forth after I take it all apart with ordering more parts ?
  2. David

    I needing your services. I have a RSV 2008 need the rear shock rebuilt it's leaking oil. You can reach me at my email: ussaezcar@gmail.com or call me at 407.412.3774



  3. Circa1968 I have the same problem. I can't stand flat footed on the bike when I stop because of the height of the bike. How can I lower the front end like you did? Any info you have or suggestions other than what you have posted already? Thanks,
  4. I have a 2008 Royal Sar Venture with 39k. I always wanted a motorcycle to ride on the weekends but not a crotch rocket. This is my first big bike that I own but I will tell you it definitely is the most comfortable one I have ridden on.
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