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ItsLunchBOX last won the day on June 21 2021

ItsLunchBOX had the most liked content!


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  • Location
    Beaverton, OR


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Royal Star Venture S and 2014 Yamaha Stryker


  • Occupation
    IT Manager

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  1. Yes, this is what I did. I was just surprised it didn’t line up better I guess.
  2. Installed baggershield adjustable windshield. For those of you that have this, did you have a difficult time getting the holes to line up for the smoked and clear pieces? It’s almost like the pieces down have the same curve to them.
  3. Nice kimber. I’ve been considering a P365 to replace my summer time carry piece. I carry a Glock 19 most the time but in the summer I typically carry a S&W M&P Shield + extra magazine. I feel like with the P365 I could stop carrying the extra mag.
  4. I think this is all I’ll do for the summer. Winter I will flush the coolant system, replace brake pads and replace the brake fluid and any hoses that look suspect. Edit to add need to replace the battery.
  5. Figured I should update this. I ran seafoam through the system, replaced spark plugs, cleaned air filters, oil and filter change, adjusted the idle (it was too low) and did a carb sync. Tremendous improvement to how she is running/performing.
  6. Oil and filter change, cleaned air filters, changed spark plugs, adjusted idle, carb sync and adjusted air pressure in the suspension.
  7. Great, thanks guys. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything else obvious. The bar end weights are still on the bike.
  8. Last Saturday I purchased a 2008 Venture with just under 50k miles. I have noticed that above 65mph it seems a little buzzy and seems to lack some get up and go. In reading through the forum, it seems like carb sync should be my first steps. In speaking with the gentleman I bought the bike from, it did sit for about 2 years other than running it once a month for 15 minutes or so. Because of sitting, I’m also thinking I should run some sea foam through it and replace the spark plugs. Am I missing anything else obvious I should look at? thanks in advance!
  9. Just purchased a 2008 Royal Star Venture S with 49k miles yesterday. Happy to be part of the club.
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