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  • Name
    Matthew McClung


  • Location
    Eden Prairie, MN


  • City
    Eden Prairie


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Yamaha Royal Star Venture


  • Occupation
    Service Advisor

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  1. Okay, well I may have narrowed it down, symptom-wise, just need to get into it tomorrow. I've noticed that it doesn't blow when my turn signals are going, only when I am putting it into neutral. It'll blow only when going in between neutral, if it blows at all. I went on a long highway ride with no issues, but as soon as I started hitting traffic lights, popped it went. Does neutral switch run through the signal circuit, or just the dash light?
  2. I have my turn signal fuse constantly blowing when I ride for more than 30 minutes. I've tried to identify what exactly causes it to blow, but nothing specific or consistent has been found. I only notice that sometimes at a stop light, my signal lights stop flashing (as if I pushed in the button), but resume as normal if I press it again. Also, I have noticed that when I do have my signals going, and I'm in neutral, my neutral light dims in consistent with the signal, as if I'm drawing not enough power through the circuit. So I think, could be wrong of course, but think I am chasing a ground. But I must be blind cuz I have pulled every piece (I think) and have found maybe two ground total, knowing there must be many more. Any help?
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