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Iron Pony

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Larry J Alcantara


  • Location
    Des Moines, WA


  • City
    Des Moines


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 RSV


  • Occupation

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  1. I'm back. 2000 Royal Star Venture has made its annual road trip to destinations like Bonneville Salt Flats, Pike's Peak, Grand Canyon, Redwoods, Vancouver Island, Vancouver B.C., Road to the Sun, Sturgis, Yellowstone and many more. She is getting a bit tired and I am currently troubleshoot a loose wire that is touching the frame. While chasing the loose wire I noticed muy Intake Manifold Boots are brittle and cracked. So I am back looking for advice on how to remove and replace the boots. Any help finding a loose wire is welcomed too! Hope y'all are dong well! Ride On!
  2. 2000 RSV. Looking for instructions on remove and replace all four Intake Manifold Boots. Current boots appear brittle and cracked. Discovered this while troubleshooting a short that drained my battery. Must be a wire touching the frame somewhere but after a full day of chasing it down, it self corrected. I must have moved a wire so it is no longer touching. Nonetheless, any suggestion on how to troubleshoot my wiring problem is much appreciated.
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