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papa smurf

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Everything posted by papa smurf

  1. 'preciate that for sure. lemme see how it goes. I'm documenting the process really carefully.
  2. I haven't had a good hard look at the right one, but when the new part arrived, I was pretty surprised to see all the brackets and guides and braces and wire looms and what-not welded to the basic engine guard tube. I knew right then I was in for a treat. One day I'll get one of Carbon-1's jack mods, for now I'll have to work from the ground or try to come up with a temporary jack mod myself. I'll try to document the process w/ words and pics and get it out here when I;m done.
  3. ... my god. has anyone tackled this one. I don't even wanna go there without about 30 digital pictures along the way. hell, i could've just been a neurosurgeon or something. seriously, i would appreciate any tips or advise. the only other engine guard i've replace was on a silverado 1100 and i did it in the driveway without even letting the wife know i had a crash. this thing is INTEGRATED with hoses, wires, moldings, etc, etc, etc... unbelievable. I guess that'll teach me to lay it down huh!!!!
  4. Hey Gang. Don't forget to ride your scoots to work tomorrow and support the National Ride to Work Day effort! For more info visit http://www.ridetowork.org.
  5. cheezzzzz. that is one nice lookin bike. i mean it.
  6. just turned 52,000 miles on the body. Very low mileage on the bike(s), Only been riding for just over two years.
  7. sweeeeeet!~ seriously, nicely done phil.
  8. oh my gosh! That is seriously some impressive reading. Those guys are "rocket scientists" of aerodynamics. I am way impressed.
  9. Here's another disgusting chemical that is intentionally put in cigarettes. It's not the one that they fumigate for rats with, but it's equally toxic. Well, folks, I must admit, I started out trying to spin a little humor into this one. Truth is, it just ain't funny. So here we go with another "CIGARETTE CHEMICAL SPOTLIGHT" episode. ~~~ VINYL CHLORIDE ~~~~ What is vinyl chloride? Vinyl chloride is a colorless gas. It burns easily and it is not stable at high temperatures. It has a mild, sweet odor. It is a manufactured substance that does not occur naturally. It can be formed when other substances such as trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, and tetrachloroethylene are broken down. Vinyl chloride is used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PVC is used to make a variety of plastic products, including pipes, wire and cable coatings, and packaging materials. It was once briefly uses as an inhalible anesthetic, but it was found to be too toxic.. DUH!!! You gotta hand it to them clever chemists over at the death factory. Who would have ever thought of putting this crap (along with a laundry list of other deadly chemicals) in cigarettes!!! Exposure to vinyl chloride occurs mainly in the workplace. But through the miracle of science, this substance can now be carried with you anywhere you go, in your shirt pocket, your purse, or rolled up really cool looking in the sleeve of your Tee shirt. Breathing high levels of vinyl chloride for short periods of time can cause dizziness, sleepiness, unconsciousness, and at extremely high levels can cause death. I can only suppose that it somehow enhances the buzz one gets when smoking a cigarette. And who cares that breathing vinyl chloride for long periods of time can result in permanent liver damage, immune reactions, nerve damage, and liver cancer. The US Dept of Health has said that this little beauty is a known carcinogen. From the viewpoint of legal liability, it's right up there with asbestos. Here's the ironic part. Vinyl chloride is regulated in drinking water, food, and air. The EPA requires that the amount of vinyl chloride in drinking water not exceed 0.002 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of water. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set a limit of 1 part vinyl chloride per 1 million parts of air (1 ppm) in the workplace. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the vinyl chloride content of various plastics. But NOBODY tells the tobacco company how to make a cigarette... NOT NOBODY, NOT NO HOW!~ They have an army of chemists on the payroll for that. (I expect there have been a few senators on the payroll as well, but i digress...). Well, that's probably more than you want or need to know about VINYL CHLORIDE, but what I'm really telling you here is that cigarettes will kill you, very slowly, as they drain away cash from your pocket into the pockets of the tobacco barons. So thumb your nose at 'em, heck, flip 'em the bird! But what ever you do... DONT SMOKE, EVEN IF YOUR ASS CATCHES ON FIRE! -kellyman
  10. I quit and started many times. This time i'm smoke free for 5.5 years. This time I became a total fanatical cigarette hater. I studied about all the chemicals that are in cigarettes. I read about how the tobacco companies knew way early what was going on, but denied it all. Check out "the cigarette papers"... google it. while you're at it, google some of the chemicals. Here's a little something i wrote a long time a go when I was an almost daily contributor to a Delphi Forum called "Breathe Easy Tobacco Survivors". I had a few of em, but this one was real handy. Here it is, the long awaited (well, ok just a few days)..... (drum roll, please)... HYDRAZINE HATER HEADLINES Among the many chemicals and by-products found in sickarette smoke, (around 4000 by some estimates...) is a significant list of carcinogens, none of which (so far) blows my mind like ROCKET FUEL, also known as HYDRAZINE. (If you wanna dig a little deeper, check out this link... http://www.oehha.ca.gov/air/chronic_rels/pdf/302012.pdf#search=%22Hydrazine%20%22 WOW!!! What can i say. Any document that starts out with the words "CHRONIC TOXICITY SUMMARY" gets my attention EVERY TIME!!! (They should put a "CHRONIC TOXICITY SUMMARY" on every pack of sickarettes.) You seriously should sit down and ponder this one. If you have been plagued recently by cravings, or "thoughts about smoking", roll this around in your mind a bit. I find it hard to comprehend, myself. The primary uses for HYDRAZINE are: 1. a high-energy rocket propellant 2. a reactant in military fuel cells 3. in nickel plating 4. in the polymerization of urethane, (hmmm, sounds like "polyurethane"...) 5. for removal of halogens from wastewater, (what? are people throwing old headlights in the toilet?) and, here's my favorite... 6. as an oxygen scavenger in boiler feedwater to inhibit corrosion. Good God O'Mighty!!! I've not been around too many rockets... well, ok, i've never been around em. But I did work a few years as a boiler maintenance dude. Lemme tell ya, the chemicals we used to treat boiler water WILL KILL YOU!!! You wear rubber gloves, aprons, eye protection, etc. anytime you handle them. There is not a lot of data on this one, due to the limited study done on human exposure. Maybe the lack of human exposure data can be remedied by testing HYDRAZINE exposure on tobacco company executives and millionaires. There has been, however, a fair amount of testing on cats, dogs, mice, monkeys, guinea pigs, and hamsters. The results after 6 months of exposure to varying levels is about a half a semester of med school biology and includes the following: squamous metaplasia of the larynx, trachea, and nasal epithelium anorexia irregular breathing vomiting fatigue emphysema lung and liver damage Lymphoid bronchial hyperplasia weight depression during exposure, mineralization of the kidney amyloidosis in various organs including liver, spleen, kidney, thyroid, and adrenal glands lymphadenitis of the lymph nodes senile atrophy of the testis Now i don't even know what a lot of those words mean, but I don't have to. I know enough to want to stay the hell away from sickarettes. (I especially ain't crazy about any use of "senile" and "testis" in the same sentence.) Here's the part that gets me the most. Somewhere in some easy chair sits a chemist who knew that HYDRAZINE was a by product of cigarette smoke. How many people knew it, and how long did they know it? I could drift off into the political aspect of it, but I won't. It is up to each of us as individuals to decide what we put in our bodies. I just think we should KNOW what is in sickarettes. And among other things, HYDRAZINE is in there folks. And so, for what it's worth, here is yet another reason to not smoke... in fact... DONT SMOKE EVEN IF YOUR ASS CATCHES ON FIRE!!! ================================================================================== And now a sneak preview of the next "sickarette chemical spotlight...". You're gonna dig it. At room temperature is a volatile, colorless-to-blue liquid. It rapidly becomes a gas that can produce death in minutes if breathed... Yea, that's right, DEATH IN MINUTES. It's so effective in fact, it is used to fumigate for rats. If you smoke cigarettes, (or want another reason not to smoke) you won't wanna miss the next installment of "SICKARETTE CHEMICAL SPOTLIGHT" coming soon to the "Breathe Easy Tobacco Survivors" forum. Your friend, papa smurf!
  11. Did you just toss the bar weights at the end of the stock grips, or did you figure out a way to get 'em back on there?
  12. That is strange indeed. electrical stuff always confounds me. I had a left turn signal that blinked double time. I studied the schematics, asked about every body who would listen, traced wires, replace bulbs, replaced the blinker unit, pretty much went crazy on it... finally I fixed it by trading it in on a new venture hahahahahaha.
  13. sounds nice! I haven't changed a thing on mine yet, but i've been thinking about a windshield. I noticed the other day... seemed like wind gusts were hitting me in the back of the head. Not sure if it was just a windy day but I don't think so. And I was riding at highway speeds so I'm sure i was outrunning any wind that may have been blowing. Ever experience that? and does a different windshield help?
  14. latte.. yea i knew i'd seen that somewhere. so i am gonna order some grip puppies right now!! what size should i order (for 08 RSV)
  15. awesome advise. i'm a new rider relatively speaking. but i bet it don't hurt to send a reminder out to everyone. each winter season puts a lot of moisture down in the cracks of the road, freezing, expanding, then melting. It takes a toll on the roads. Be safe out there.
  16. wow, this thread is a goldmine for me. (actually maybe for the accessory shops.) I picked up an 08 venture (skip it...). less than 500 miles on it. I know the one thing i wanted was more lights front and rear. I miss having passing lamps on the front. It seems odd that a bike this size doesn't have a little more light on it. I'll be checking out some of these suggested mods for sure. btw, i used to be a member at Star 172. I was really new to riding, and didn't live all that close so i didn't make too many rides or meetings. good folks for sure. I need to find out if i get a free year's membership for buying a new venture. I'd like to come visit the 172 folks again one day. yall ride safe.
  17. Say what is that "gizmo" hanging on the end of that throttle?
  18. while you're at it, take out your bulbs, swab some dielectric grease on 'em, and put 'em back in. I wanna know more about the mic mute thingy. My wife loves to sing along, but now that we have IC, she wont. Will it mute on demand?
  19. go with your gut. if you got a bad feeling about the first guy, there's probably a reason.
  20. Im something of a newbie, but everything I've read or heard says there is a reason the cross section of a motorcycle tire is more of a "U" than a square. When you lean, the "U" shape moves in and out of a lean with no jerk. A square bottom tire ... not so much. think hard about this one.
  21. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/02/28/biker.meeting/index.html
  22. clay, congratulations! children are truly a gift from God.
  23. I really admire the wrench heads in here. There's no way i could undertake something like this. I'd be better off mowing lawns to make some money to pay someone else to do it. I would rather do the wrenching myself, it looks awesome. Just don't know the first thing about it and I would first need to do an extreme makeover of my garage to undertake anything more serious than an oil change.
  24. wife has heated seats. she'd smack me for saying that, though.
  25. dont matter what ya call it. I don't wanna die due to an otherwise 'preventable' accident. And it's not about revenge. Nothing is gonna bring the deceased back. It's about encouraging and ENFORCING a new mindset that causes drivers of all vehicles to take it just a little more seriously. We need laws in place that would make folks think twice about texting while driving. We need laws and penalties in place that make someone look twice, and not just go ahead and pull out even though they can't see past the glare that's hiding a bike, a car, a suburban, or a school bus. It's the "ounce of prevention" that is missing.
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