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Everything posted by mike_kelly_68

  1. Ron, (and those of us that will physically stand against this meanness) You are infamous and heros in my book.
  2. When I was in HS, I worked in a garage pumping gas and doing tires. If we had a really stubern one we would use ether, again better to use too little than too much. Watched a coworker get hurt when the sidewall blew out. Ratchet straps work well. Also to try, Get the tire on the rim then place on a buckt so that one bead is setting on the lower side of the rim. Use strap to start the bead into place. If not able to get enough pressure to seat the bead. Beat (gently) the tire with a hammer, this will create more pressure inside the tire and usually cause it to pop on. Good luck Mike
  3. Just listed Corbin Seat http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2270
  4. Thank you. I like the Powder Coating Idea!!
  5. I have been wanting to do the same. Where did you get your LEDS??????
  6. Has anyone experianced chrome pealing off their Bub Slipons?? I used to keep the bike outside and found the vary end of the tips are loosing the chrome. The tips were on the bike when I bought last year, but were fine. Thanks,
  7. Some have purchased rests from Diamond R. I believe there is a post in the vendors forum section. Maps, I can't remember.
  8. I ride a 2006 RSV and figure on 155 miles to reserve. Best MPG I have gotten is 36 on long ride. Average 32 most of the time. Cannot complain, truck gets 10. Only thing that has been done to mine is bub slipons.
  9. I lived for 3 years with nothing but the scoot and leather bags. It is amazing what you can get on the bike when you need to.
  10. Any Ford is a good truck. Little under powered for any trailering. I would look for the v6. Fuel ecomony will not be much less, if any and you will be happier in the hills.
  11. I like your thinking. THe easiest way is not to vote for them. But you are right we need a way to lay them off. We get the axe and they give themselves a raise.
  12. I work in a plant that manufactures building materials for the housing industry. At our plant we have ben doing everything right. Making the best products in our line, through out hte company. Well, at Thanksgiving I went from being a mechanic to production. and they laid off 5 more people (40) in all. Good news I am back in maintenance, to tear out all the equipment and send it to the mother plant. There are jobs out there. I will get one. My God is an awesome God. He will provide. I will be working for at the most 6 months and then looking. Find a good day (no snow or ice), take the bike out of the garage and go for a long ride, or as much as you can stand in the cold.
  13. Rode last night to look at the Christmas lights. Was so cold that I had to break out the chaps snowmobile gloves and neck warmer. It was 62*.
  14. I just installed the Cee Baileys 9 inch. Changed the wind a lot. But what is evn better is that it changed the handling. I had been thinking about going to the narrower front tire, but changed my mind. The bike does not have as much down force on the front wheel and it is easier to handle. Bike seems like it is 200 lbs lighter. I was thinking about removing the lower windscreen from the fairing to let more air under the fairing and not push it all over the top.
  15. Encourage him to join here. The wealth of knowlegde here, I believe, is better than other sites.
  16. Are you running aftermarket pipes or tips?? If the restriction of the intake and exhaust are not matched you will get some back fire. I am on a 2006 running Bub Slipons and experiance some backfiring when cold. Took it to have exhaust gases ran and they said that all were well within spec. not to worry about backfire.
  17. Can you provide a Picture or some information about the unit that you are using.
  18. i've pm'd freebird with link and info
  19. Me too!!
  20. I made my own out of 3/4 Aluminum. A hole and a couple of slots for some monofiliment line. I like the 4 square cover did not think it would be strong enough. Worry about someone steeling mine. I over heard someone comenting on it at a ride as I was walking away from the scoot.
  21. Daytona Gear makes several lightweight magnetic bags ranging from $40.00 to ??.?? I have the smallest bag and get my MP3 kickstand plate glasses smokes and gate opener in it with no trouble. daytonagear.com will give you links to resellers.
  22. I was living in HI in '91, riding a back rode through the cane fields. I saw it coming what felt like forever still i could not avoid it. Smacked me in the middle of the forehead, sent me for a loop. Had to stop and catch my thoughts they slowed down when it hit me. Ever had a bee stuck up you shorty gloves (throttle hand index finger) at 80MPH on the interstate. you will find out how fast your scooter will go as you twist the throttle trying to get it out in a hurry!!!!!
  23. I travel about 10 miles each way to work with a lot of stop and go and get 36-38 on the local route. When we are able to get out and stretch her out we see about 44 2up. Mike
  24. Anyone in the Tampa/Plant City/Lakeland, FL Area there is a group of riders Leaving from Faith Temple AG in Plant City @ 8 AM, all riders are welcome. I'll be on my 2006 Black Cherry
  25. I use seafoam as a cleaner treatment. Have had really good luck cleaning old dirty carbs without removing by just adding to the fuel and running. Have used Lucas as periodic preventative.
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