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Everything posted by mike_kelly_68

  1. I would rather ride than rebuild. I have a '72 Sportster in the shed that needs rebuilding for the third time that I do not want to do because I am mad at myself for not changing my behavior. Have have rebuilt this motor twice without putting electronic ignition on it to get the rev limiter. But in the meantime I do have the RSV, that I can ride harder that I could ever ride that Sportster. Rev limiter: 1st - 40+, 2nd - 60+, 3rd - 70+, 4th - ? Ain't found rode for this.
  2. $24.99 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/photos//98800-98899/98875-t.gif Motorcycle Bead Breaker
  3. Let us know if this works, I am in need of new skins soon and just priced ME880's front and rear on the rims (I take them the rims) for 460.00. Seems high.
  4. I don't use any on the bike not really have the need for headset usually one up. As for ear buds, try the type that fit into you ear canal. (Skull Candy, etc...) They fit better (like an ear plug) and sound better because they project directly in to your ear canal. Another thing to remember, ear phones are not legal in most places, and they greatly reduce your ability to hear what is going on around you.
  5. I think I saw some on Pinwall Cycle on ebay.
  6. 47K nobody rode that bike! I've been taking with an AmsOil gut at work and going to switch the truck next oil change 170K, he said no problem. The only concern would be existing oil leaks. He told me that an existing leak may get worse with the syn since it is actually thinner. This is not a Hardley so shouldn't have any leaks. May see real dirty on first change but that is normal as the syn will clean the motor. I will be doing the bike next fall.
  7. You could try Salvation Army or Good will for a used weightlifting belt for an inexpensive trial. I've used my nylon belt from work when my back hurts.
  8. I like that!!!!
  9. Is that speedo in KPH??? Seriously, cool video!!!!!!
  10. If no one here has some they will part with, try Pinwall cycle on ebay. They are probably the best source for used parts.
  11. Congrats on the interview. I know what y'all have been going thru, I was put on 3rd shift in Jan. and I haven't been able to spend any good time with the family since. To boot, we work Monday thru Friday instead of Sunday thru Thursday. And we are averaging 6 days. Money is good. But no time to enjoy it. Time for me to start looking.
  12. I ordered the 6000K. I talked with the sales dude and he said that the 6000k has the highest lumen and the whitest light. Don't need the relay. Still looking for passing light replacements, if any one finds them please post!!!!!
  13. Put you modulator on your passing lights, if you have them.
  14. Follow this link and download the manuals if you don't have them. In the service manual PDF pull up page 460 (book page 8-76) it mentions the speed sensor and some of your troubles. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1828 Hope this helps!
  15. We just had this discussion at work the other day. Why is it that usually a small frame battery will not last as long and when it does go why does is roll over and die, there is no nursing it. I have been stranded by a bike battery. I prefer to change it at the first sign of trouble.
  16. Just ordered! Shipped to the house, full lifetime warranty (bulb included), shipping $70.00 http://www.tophidkits.com/mohidki.html This is a bike kit with HI/LOW
  17. Buddy, What is the brand and where did you get your HID kit?
  18. "...due to the fact that after a ride I have been connecting it to my Battery Tender." How often do you ride? If you are riding at least once a week you should not have to use your tender. You should only have to use the tender for prolonged storage. I have been able to let the bike sit for about two months and not had any trouble with the battery going down. (until recently when the battery dropped a cell)
  19. Wind in Central FL has been strong lately!!!! Another brand of windshield is Cee Baileys. I am running the one they show on this page but others are available in different colors and sizes. Easier to care for than the stock. Stock will scratch if you use the wrong cleaners. http://www.ceebaileys.com/yamaha/royalstarventurews.html
  20. Take one out of the other side and go to Lowes or HD and get the stainless.
  21. gibvel, You probably have a bad cell in you battery, before you can determine anything else you need to eliminate that part of the issue. If you pull you battery out of the bike you will probably see a swollen cell. Only know this because I went through the 2 week charge thing this winter. Finally broke down and spent the money.
  22. I would probably crash when the horn went off!!!
  23. That is sharp, I like the nice clean line.
  24. Where is the link????? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2000-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-Limited_W0QQitemZ330423400166QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item4ceec4f6e6 Is this it???
  25. "SilvrT Every one of those cage drivers should ride a motorcycle for a day... they would soon realize what we all have to deal with (stupid ignorant cage drivers) every day we ride. Maybe, just maybe then it will be a safer world for us out there." Nah, just put them in the rodeo ring, in there cage, with about 30 truck and let the trucks take their frustrations out on the same cagers we have to deal with.
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