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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Mike Kelly


  • Location
    Plant City, FL, United States


  • City
    Plant City, FL


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 RSV Black Cherry
  1. Stay with the 7.3 mileage is not the best (I get 14 on my 00) but like the the venture they run and run. I have a neighbor with a 99 and over 450,000 on it, had since new. Most of those are local (town miles). Never had any major work done to it.
  2. That is a good one Eck! I like dry erase on the wind screen.
  3. Rednecks and Farmers will come up with some ingenious ways to solve problems (spoken from experience!)
  4. "Someday I'll tell ya about the John Deer tractor we had to recover that was hanging from an Oak tree. That you don't see every day. " More likely to see that in your neck of the woods. Lived in St Louis for a while and currently in Central FL twisters throw some wild things around.
  5. I regularly read the Roadbike rag on the news stands. I was going thru the Nov '10 issue and found an article on group riding on page 73. Looked at the picture on the first page (only way to truly read any rag or book) and saw two RSV's in the foreground of the pic. Are these anyone here??? If so you have made national publication. That was the Nov '10 issue of Roadbike on page 73.
  6. Aren't 8 tracks hard to find, at least we can still find a few cassettes.
  7. I know recently when I was shopping Ins. I kept getting reminded that I live in the "Sunshine State" (FL) and I have to pay for that sunshine and the option of having a year round riding season. Although neither the wife or I have had a ticket or accident (reported) in over ten years.
  8. Thanks
  9. These might help. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=90
  10. Keep them coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I dont see any real issues except what would everyone do on maint day if thy did not have to sync carbs all day? I am willing to test if you want to make 2. PM me.
  12. Don't sell this bike short, I believe that there are some on this site that have over 200k on theirs!!!!!
  13. Go to PINWALL cycle on fleabay he is probably your best bet.
  14. Does anyone know what side the fuel sender is located on. I looked in the parts drawings and cannot tell. I would expect that it would be on the left with the petcock, but stranger things have happened. If it is on the right and you were to take a hard right turn (on ramp to big road) could you move enough fuel to the right side of the tank to cause this to happen? There is no crossover on these tanks except for the tail end of the tank which extends below the back bone.
  15. I like it! Thought of doing something like it since the wife doesn't ride. As for the antenna, I removed both of mine since I don't use the CB either and used a cheap after market from Auto Zone worm clamped a ground to it and zip tied it to the frame structure under the fairing. Good looking ride, thanks for the post!
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