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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Fall River, United States


  • City
    Fall River


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    Royal Star Venture 07
  1. Nice bike i Have an 07 just like it, only thing is i dont remember the price being that high.
  2. TopV

    It,s True

    retirement isnt for everyone, at 67 am afraid to take that chance. Wish you luck
  3. went to the bagger shield myself so far it serves the purpose. work shorter or taller at 16 inch. Joe
  4. Thank You very much, the process dosent look to bad hopefully it will all workout.
  5. Just purchased a new bagger shield to replace the orginal. Any information on how to complete this project would be most helpful. Thank You Joe
  6. I would like to order a 5 3/4 if possiable. Joe
  7. A Tax Refund. is a gift to someone who didnt pay any taxes. I could be wrong but thats how i see it. I pay all year and come April they ask for a bigger check.
  8. In need of a shorter windshield here. Was wondering if anyone has tried the Bagger shield or would i be better off just cutting down my old one. Any infor mation would be helpful. Thanhks Joe
  9. 78 sec
  10. Simper Fi 63 - 67
  11. count me if for one just need an address to send the check
  12. Nice looking bike i wish you luck in getting it and enjoying it Joe
  13. Best i could do is an 8X12 on stilts and glasd to have that. But i only had to put $1200.00 into it. Joe
  14. I gas up when i hit around 160 to 165 takes about 4.5 gallions tops ridint 2 up.
  15. TopV

    Sea Foam

    OK guys i found the sea foam ot wal-mart at $8;50 a can. now question is do i use one ounce per gal or the entire can per tank full? it say for 6 to 25 gal in one place and one ounce per in another. What do you recommend? Joe
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