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About hmoc75

  • Birthday 01/23/1957

Personal Information

  • Name
    steve b


  • Location
    obion, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    firearms motorcycles camping hunting fishing movies going out road trips
  • Bike Year and Model
    1991 xvz1300db Venture Royal

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  1. all our best and will be praying for Big Bob. another down seems we have had our share this year. take care and gods speed. steve:fingers-crossed-emo
  2. thanks again guys.....as far as the insurance i checked and the officer that worked the scene said he would not have give me a ticket if it was under 30 days. the insurance agent said they couldn't cover because it had been over that time peroid. my insurance was 40 days out. i think the only other parts i need is the peice that holds the speaker for the left side. i would also have to replace the air vent and speaker grill on that piece. the only frame piece that was damaged was the top faring rail. the one that holds the instrument panel.
  3. i appreciate the good thoughts...looking through the post i see i'm not the only one this summer so i will wish all the other guys who went down all the best and pray for them as well. sure miss the scoot but gotta heal some. thanks again steve:thumbsup2:
  4. hello friends... though i would update you guys on my crash. first i want to say thanks for the well wishes from everyone. so here we go. the bike suffered damage to the left side faring. it will need the center fairing rail the one that holds the instrument panel. it also needs a left mirrow, blinker, and fairing half. it also needs the panel that holds the left speaker and radio mount and left air vent. the rest i have already taken care of. now the news on us. the better half is doing very well. she healed up great. me i have a cracked rib and lower back damage. plan to go back to the doctor soon for a MRI. still can' t stand for a long period of time or sit for a long time. been off from work now since the crash. since i am self employed bills are mounting up quick. looks like i will be selling some things to get by until i'm back on my feet. ok now for the really bad news. on the date of our wreck my insurance had lapsed and our bills came in came to about 10,000 out of pocket for ambulance, er, x-rays cat-scan, and meds. stupid gets you everywhere huh. i laugh to keep from crying. on a good note i redone my insurance for a year and marked it on my calendar as not to forget again. forgetting cost me big time. thats it in a nut shell so if anyone has an old part just lying around hang on to it till i get on my feet and i will buy it frome you. also if you don,t mind mention me in your prayers and thanks again to the best group on the internet ever. steve:thumbsup2: tt
  5. hey vinney...there is always one dummy out there making it hard on every one else. he is the reason cops now don't have the leway to think for themselves and have to go by the book. black and white no exceptions. 4 weeks ago when i went down on the venture the tropper who worked the accident was kind and courtous to me and my wife. when he came to the er he had to give me a ticket because my insurance had lapsed and he apoligised several times for the ticket. when my court day came he was there and asked about me and my wife. that was a true public servant. he also gave me his home number and offered to help with the paper work i had to do after the wreck. but a-holes like the one you helped makes it hard for the guys out there protecting us to give that break when we need it most. thanks for what you do. steve:clap2:
  6. i do home repair for a living and you should have a warrenty on the roof. different roofs have different times. find your reciept it should tell you if your still covered. by law there should be a warrenty. if your not covered anymore go to a store that sells roofing and ask what kind of patch kit you need for your roof. good luck
  7. hey guys... haven"t been on in a while and thought i would give you a shout. i now have the time...the better half and i was out on a short ride when we started into a curve and the front wheel caught either a rock or road debrie. this caused us to go far into the other lane. i tried to get her as low as possible. the foot peg was dragging the pavement but it just wasn't enough. we left the road and was ok for a minute the front wheel hit a small hole hidden by the grass. the bike flipped to the left side and threw my wife off and flipped me over the sheild. i landed about 20 ft from the bike and my wife about 5 ft from it. needless to say we were carried to the hospital in an ambulance. we spent about 4 hours getting test done and thank god we were sent home the same day. wife has a large bruise on her leg and i have pulled mussles in my back. (when i landed it was on my back). still have trouble getting up and walking. pain meds seem to take the edge off. as far as the bike it gonna need a new fairing and a new saddle bag rail on the left side. first gens are sure tough though. no leaks and still purrs like a kitten. any one with extra parts that will fit a 91 let me know. take care everyone your fellow venturer steve:Avatars_Gee_George:
  8. bob...the wifes a registered nurse and she said it would take about 6 to 8 weeksto heal. she also said it might not be a good idea to wait since you have diabetes. hope this helps take care steve:080402gudl_prv:
  9. ken...truly sorry to hear about dog....deepest sympathys for his family and friends...i know he will be missed.....ride easy dog
  10. hey all....well it got to 70 degrees here in north west tennessee and the sun was shining all week. guess where i was....in the bed with the flu. missed all the riding weather. its now a light rain falling and i feel great. maybe next week huh. just catching up on all the post. first i would like to shout out to all the new members WELCOME. i know you will enjoy this group of some of the nicest people i have ever had the privilage of getting to know. all are willing to lend a hand and help with any problem you may have. second my heart goes out to meandog and his family. my wife and i will be keeping him in our prayers. kbran i know you are going through a rough time and i will add a line for you too in that prayer. third now that i have give my sermon LOL i have a question about wiring. my acc fuse is blowing and i want to know what is on that circut that might cause the problem i'm having. appreciate any feedback. have a great day all steve. p.s. great job don....had my own group once know how diffucult it can be sometimes...the good things allways makes it worth it though.
  11. well guys its over we got about 4 inches now the sun is shinning and its about 45 degrees. snow is already starting to melt. supposed to get back in the high 50s and lower 60s by the first of the week.
  12. hey guys...wanted all to know that west tennessee, missouri bootheel, northeast arkansas has been hit by a snow storm since yesterday and will continue to snow into the early morning on saturday. just in case any of you was planning a ride in this area. have a great night steve:grandma:
  13. hey E-FISHIN the snowstorm is over i finally got my pics uploaded. lol later steve:whistling:
  14. hmoc75


    Allen...although i have never had the pleasure of meeting you or your beloved i will keep you in my prayers. take comfort in all the friends you have here. steve
  15. took off the trunk and seat....removed cover and checked again for leaks. I noticed that when you switched the switch from rear to front there was a little air let off at the solinoid and pump area. there seemed to be no leaks in the lines all the way to the air breather. have not went any further forward yet. will take advice on checking out the front connections tommorrow. if i remove the handle bars can i get to the T-connector and front fork connections. thanks again for your help. steve:7_6_3[1]:
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