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About EFudd

  • Birthday 06/17/1950

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jack Toews


  • Location
    Medicine Hat, Canada


  • City
    Medicine Hat


  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 RSTD
  1. Here is a link for some official information. The long gun registry is expected to be gone within a few weeks http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/fs-fd/visit-visite-eng.htm
  2. Golfing
  3. I have the same need/desires. Thought about acquiring an older Q2 and mating it to a cb (that I have yet to acquire) . Cutting off the microphone and connecting to the cb output (headphone) and cutting off the headphone(s) and connecting to the cb microphone input. Could insert amplifiers or attenuator pads to match signal levels. Would take a bit of work but should come in significantly lower than $1G. Not an elegant solution...PPT button or VOX would need to be worked in somewhere but I don't see any show stoppers.....just money. My only heartburn with this concept is that Scala batteries won't last a whole day and they can't be easily replaced. There must be many riders out there that don't ride ventures/wings/or hogs and could use a solution. Maybe someday bluetooth will be up to it but in a lengthy transition period right now !!! And cb is still the old universal solution.
  4. Merry Christmas and best wishes in the New Year to you Don and your family, and to everyone here. You host a wonderful site. Jack
  5. Had one fall out last year. Didn't know about the spare bolts in the covers. Saskatchewan Chrome (duct tape) held it on for a couple of weeks while waiting for the ordered bolt to arrive.
  6. Thanks for the update Don. Best wishes and hope you are on the road to recovery. Jack
  7. Picked up an Alpinestars areo tech tank bag today. Happy with it on a 60 mile ride today on my 05 RSTD. http://www.alpinestars.com/Tech_Aero_Tank_Bag/pd/np/183/p/610728.html
  8. I figured it out. Last year rode off the pavement and caught some shoulder gravel on the side stand side. The side stand was jammed and had to put a heavy boot to get it to come down. Must have bent the loop. Now it's closer to factory position. Thanks all for you help. Jack
  9. Front shocks 6#s, rear about 40#s. Guess I'll have to make some changes to my riding style ( if there was any before - lol). Jack
  10. Taking a right hand corner with plenty of lean my spring loaded right floor board drags. Taking a left corner with plenty of lean the boot loop on the kick stand (it is fully up) drags and recently caused the back wheel to hop right a few inches. That was a little unsettling. Didn't pay much attention for location of wear and tear until that wheel hop thing. After examining the kickstand loop. it appears that the bottom side is now about half worn through. Am I way too aggressive in the corners? lol Is my experience normal or is there something wrong with the kick stand or something else? Jack
  11. Don, I mailed you a cheque some time ago but don't think that 'supporting member' is being displayed. Had sent a pm at the time of mailing. Thanks, EFudd aka Jack Toews
  12. There is a c-clip that you have to remove first. Jack
  13. Thank you Piper. Will take a closer look. Jack
  14. Thanks RR for the reply. Actually have a venture beside it and it does appear to be different. Wondering if one is hidden under the rubber boot or if Yamaha added one in subsequent year models. Jack
  15. Have the back wheel off my 05 RSTD. Want to lube the drive shaft ends. Is there an access plug/hole at the u-joint to help get the drive shaft back in place? Do I have to retract the rubber boot? Would like to know before getting a lifetime sentence trying to put it back together. Thanks, Jack
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