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Everything posted by DNBoll

  1. Last weekend Craig ("Clearview Shields") and I mounted one of his new "Shields" on my 2007 RSV. We have developed an axhillary bracket to help support the windshield on the outer edges closest to the handle bar grips. I have stated in other posts that this seems to be an area that needed some support over the factory design. This should give added support especially for the taller & wider "shields". The brackets should work with any style & brand of shields. They connect to the outside bolt of each speaker and attach to the outside metal factory backer bracket and windshield. I will post Photos if anyone is interested. Craig at "Clearview" can answer any questions about the new shield design and the bracket design. I believe he will make the brackets available for a modest fee if the is enough interest. More later, Thanks DNB
  2. Last weekend Craig ("Clearview Shields") and I mounted one of his new "Shields" on my 2007 RSV. We have developed an axhillary bracket to help support the windshield on the outer edges closest to the handle bar grips. I have stated in other posts that this seems to be an area that needed some support over the factory design. This should give added support especially for the taller & wider "shields". The brackets should work with any style & brand of shields. They connect to the outside bolt of each speaker and attach to the outside metal factory backer bracket and windshield. I will post Photos if anyone is interested. Craig at "Clearview" can answer any questions about the new shield design and the bracket design. I believe he will make the brackets available for a modest fee if the is enough interest. More later, Thanks DNB
  3. I believe that the problem would be the same with the stock shield since the mounting is almost identical. The problem only could happen if all 6 screws would loosen and specificly, the two in the middle would fall out. I also have the XXL w/vent & tint. Five of my screws were tight & one was about to fall out. I think a little locktight would keep them snug. I think Craig is trying to be proactive on this issue. In my oppinion, the original Yamaha design set the stage for this mishap. I will check my shield screws as if they were any other maintainence item. DNB
  4. Greetings all! Last Saturday I spent all day with Craig at "Clearview." His main objective was to get to the bottom of your "shield" problem. I can assure you all that Craig has taken this incident very seriously! With my bike as the test sample, (2007 RSV) we removed the parts & windshield. When we removed the chrome piece covering the windshield screws, we found one of the center screws very loose & about to fall out. The stock shield has only one hole & 5 slots. Craig's original design added another hole in the middle & had 4 slots. Craig came up with a new design that eliminated the slots & added more material to better stabilize the "Shield." I think it would be next to impossible to ever loose a "Shield" with Craig's new design. The new design will be incorporated immediately. No old style "Shields" will be shipped is what Craig said. We also looked at ways of improving the shield support particularly the two outside screw locations. This seems to be a Yamaha idea in need of improvement. More later on this issue. Once again, rest assured that Craig took this mishap very seriously! Thanks, DNB
  5. Greetings all! Last Saturday I spent all day with Craig at "Clearview." His main objective was to get to the bottom of your "shield" problem. I can assure you all that Craig has taken this incident very seriously! With my bike as the test sample, (2007 RSV) we removed the parts & windshield. When we removed the chrome piece covering the windshield screws, we found one of the center screws very loose & about to fall out. The stock shield has only one hole & 5 slots. Craig's original design added another hole in the middle & had 4 slots. Craig came up with a new design that eliminated the slots & added more material to better stabilize the "Shield." I think it would be next to impossible to ever loose a "Shield" with Craig's new design. The new design will be incorporated immediately. No old style "Shields" will be shipped is what Craig said. We also looked at ways of improving the shield support particularly the two outside screw locations. This seems to be a Yamaha idea in need of improvement. More later on this issue. Once again, rest assured that Craig took this mishap very seriously! Thanks, DNB
  6. Hey! What's with the pix? They look exactly like the ones from our last ride. Wow! I am extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely bummed that I had to miss this one. Thanks for the up-date, DNB
  7. Just replaced my tires yesterday. The front was, I believe, the original brick & the rear was a 404 replacement & it was worn to the "nubbs". I bought my RSV used with 5800 miles on it. I now have 12000 miles on it. There was a tube in the rear tire. The shop that replaced my tires were out of the valve stem that fits the RSV so back in went the tube. It seems to ride & handle much better than before. Probably because of the new tire up front. Question is, is a tube in the tire okay or what? Thanks, DNB
  8. Check out this site for some insight about windshield materials. Finally got my shield on. What a difference over stock. http://www.calsci.com/motorcycleinfo/Fairing.html#Windshield Thanks, Dan (DNB)
  9. I average about 42 mpg here in Denver. Took a road trip to Santa Fe & Taos, NM a week ago & had one stretch (2up/with a bad head wind) that I averaged 35-37. I just got a new job that I drive 58 miles one way. All interstate driving. Set the cruise on 75 & I'm getting a little over 48 mpg. Go figure? Dan (DNBoll)
  10. If it's a Signal dynamic, I tied the light wires into the tail light wires behind the license plate. The wires were long enough. No trunk or any other part removal was required. I have a post on it some where. There many similar posts out there. Fairly easy install. Good Luck! Dan (DNBoll)
  11. Splitting the fairing is not as hard as it seems. You do not have to split the fairing to replace the windshield so they can be completed at different times. Be extremely careful with that chrome trim piece at the base of the windshield. The tabs that hold it in place are very fragile. Easy does it in removal & reinstall. Be sure to read the posts on "splitting the fairing" & the one on the "other" site about removing the cassette deck. The only thing I did differently was I used a 3' male on each end cable. I did not use a splitter. One other thing you could do is to run a power cord into the space to keep your ipod charged. I did not. I thought about it after I had finished & put everything back together. Maybe next time. Good luck ventureblue!
  12. Thanks Yamahamer, I did remove the one on the inside. I'll get out the glue. DNB
  13. Geno, Soon my friend! DNB
  14. Yes the door works the same as before removal. Yes I did get the instructions off the "Other" site. No I did not use the hammer technique for the cassette disposal. I simply unplugged the auxiliary connection to the cassette deck and connected a short mini plug cable, 3' I think with a male plug on each end, & ran it into the space behind the door for easy access. Everything else seems to work the same. "Cassette" no longer shows up in the "screen" as a choice. Everything went the same as described (on the other site post) except I used an X-acto razor saw to remove (cut off) the back part of the cassette window to make the new opening a little larger & I filed all corners to make them smooth. You'll know what I mean if/& or when you get to that step. The complete process was not all that difficult it just took a little time. You need to take your time & do it right because when the door is open, your handy work will be seen. Thanks everyone for all the other Good & Cool Stuff on this site! "I Luv Ya Man!" Okay enough of that. Dan, (DNBoll)
  15. Well I finally finished the horn install & the cassette uninstall. I now have the perfect spot to store & operate my ipod. Dan (DNBoll)
  16. Count me in! The sky's the limit! We'll probably be up for Thunder Mountain later this year! Dan, (DNBoll)
  17. Sorry I forgot the "be". DNB
  18. Thanks again Geno! We'll in touch! DNB
  19. Thanks you all for the good advice. The dealer cleaned the bowls (he said), charged me 47 bucks & I was on my way. Dumped in a can of SeaFoam & took her around the block. She seemed to run realllllly goooood! Thanks again, DNB
  20. Greetings all! I need some expert advise. Two days ago Mama & I dropped the 07 RSV (first time) No one was hurt & nothing was damaged. I didn't realize that they only went over so far. I'd guess about 45 degrees before the crash bars save the day. Anyway a passer by helped me get her back on the kickstand. She sure is heavy! Some gas leaked out while she was on her side. I believe it came from the hose connected to the carbs. I started her up and we rode home with no apparent problems. Yesterday I went out to ride, started her up and let her run for a minute. Gas started leaking out below the radiator and inside the left cowling below the air cleaner. Seems to be coming from the hose from the carbs. It only leaked when the RSV was running. I was able to get it to my dealer. He just called me and said that nothing was loose. They blew out something connected with the carbs &/or floats and said it no longer leaks. They said it was probably bad gas and that I need a carb cleaning which runs about $350.00 for the RSV. I have about 7,300 miles on her now. I bought her used with about 5,800 miles on her. Is this normal for this bike? Is there something I can do before I commit to the carb cleaning ? I'm planning an 800 mile trip soon & I don't want any problems. Any & all help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, DNB
  21. I performed the cassette player lobotomy (described on a different site) and ran a dedicated cable (from the aux port connection of the old cassette deck). The ipod fits in the area vacated by the cassette out of site behind the cassette door. Works great! I also have the XXL tinted with vent "shield". It really separates the wind. DNB
  22. I have a seperate hard drive that I down load all CD's & photos on. I use full settings or original. Anytime you compress a file, you will loose info. What you intend on using the file for is a different issue. If you just want something to listen to while cruising down the road at a deceint clip, mp3 format is perfect (industry standard). If you are sitting in front of the stereo or producing a DVD, you'll need the higher quality. I just convert the files to what ever I need. All my ipod music is mp3 and works well. Better than your normal radio sound. I performed the cassette removal "post" with a dedicated aux cable so that my ipod fits nicely behind the closed cassette door. DNB
  23. Loud & clear! Thanks, YOU DA' MAN!
  24. Does anyone have/or know about a good set of saddlebag liners for the RSV. Thanks in advance. DNB
  25. Same! I drilled a 3/8" hole above the stock hole before I removed the protective plastic bag. It bolted up pretty close. A little "foot" adjustment and you're good. Takes longer to change out the reflectors. DNB
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