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Personal Information

  • Name
    Joseph Rovito


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 Rayal star Venture


  • Occupation

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  1. I haven't seen the 2000 Venture Royale in person yet but have seen pictures and videos of the same style bike. My question is that there doesn't seem to be much room on the handle bars to mount a GPS, that is where I mounted it on all my other bikes, so where do you mount a GPS and does someone make a bracket to mount it? any pictures would be a big help. And where do you get power for it? https://uniim1.shutterfly.com/ng/services/mediarender/THISLIFE/001040996508/media/10341891322/large/1387661795/enhance
  2. I haven't seen the 2000 Venture Royale in person yet but have seen pictures and videos of the same style bike. My question is that there doesn't seem to be much room on the handle bars to mount a GPS, that is where I mounted it on all my other bikes, so where do you mount a GPS and does someone make a bracket to mount it? any pictures would be a big help. And where do you get power for it?
  3. Thanks for the offer t. . the seller just lowered the price to $2750 I think I will try and go there on Thursday and pick it up if he still has it,. My wife had an appointment yesterday and today so Thursday is the soonest I can get there.
  4. I have rode many miles on several different bikes. Mostly on Gold wings. Been in every state except Alaska, Hawaii and North Dakota on a Gold Wing. I have owned lots of Honda's from 750 Shadows to 1800 Gold wings, Also owned a couple Kawasaki's from a 500 triple 2 stroke to a 1400 Concours. Now I'm looking at a 2000 Venture. 33000 miles and looks real nice the seller wants $3000. . So what should I look for when I look at it this coming week? Anything specific other than the normal, wear, service ETC. Is there a specific problem with these bikes I should be aware of? Are there any good videos out that shows how to change the air filter and the coolant ? I looked on you tube and couldn't find any. Here are a couple pictures of it https://images.craigslist.org/00V0V_4dEXy1EjHvgz_0fu0kE_600x450.jpg https://images.craigslist.org/00G0G_U6IkAn03wz_0fu0kE_600x450.jpg
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