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Everything posted by Gone14S

  1. Very good wright up on how to do the carb's. There are ways to cut a few corners from this post but if you want to go all the way as this post says you will be fine. Kurt
  2. If you want to give me a call I can walk you threw it. Just to much to type. PM me and I'll give you my phone # Kurt
  3. Hey Jack, I did get his PM and we had a nice long talk on what to do to get her up and running. I think he will be riding soon. Kurt
  4. Sorry about the Rich.......Reed just jump in there some how. Your going to have a good time this summer on her. She has never let me down yet. I just don't do that kind of long distance riding the bike needs. Just not enough time for it. So I went out and got a Ducati ST2. Still a good long distance bike, but it gets the blood flowing just a bit better. Kurt
  5. Reed, just get out and ride her. The motor I put in her get's cranky if you don't pay any attention to her. She probly gets mad at all the otherbikes in he garge next to her. As I said before Jack (Condor) is the man for anything you might want or need. Check with him before going on a wild goose chase for parts when needed. He is where I got the motor from. I'll take the CBX though...lol Kurt
  6. I have decided to let my 1 gen, go. I don't ride long distances as much these days and so I picked up a couple of sport touring bikes. There is a lot of work into this bike to make it nice and trouble free. Some of the parts on the bike I picked up from Condor here on the boards. I'm sure you can ask him about the condition of the bike and what he thinks as he has seen it threw out my building it. I got the 88 1300 motor from him. I can pull the auction when I want............ Here's the link to ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Yamaha-84-Venture-Royal-Star-1200-1300-motor_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ39Q3a1Q7c66Q3a4Q7c65Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem200269707427QQitemZ200269707427 Asking 3200.00 Kurt
  7. SSSHHHHH........!!!!!!!!!! He has not figured it out yet. Kurt
  8. 2 hours later he trying to find where he hid the bone. It was a good day and nice to meet everyone. Kurt
  9. After I got home from todays meet and greet here in N/Cal I'm sure the puppy would like to say thanks to jack and the others if he would just drop the bloody bone for a min. Kurt
  10. Yeh, but I'll bet ya done it.........! You folks came threw with flying colors................. Kurt
  11. .........your sitting on the throne in the bathroom thinking about the ride you had today, you lean into the corner your thinking about and hit your head on the sink. .........you come to a stop and open the door and put your foot down. .........you have turned on the wipers, the turn signals and hit the horn trying to find the clutch and hand brake. ...........you start ducking all those big bugs hitting the windshield OR your hanging your head out the window trying to catch lunch! ..........you strap you tank bag on the hood of the car. .........you strap your saddle bags to the trunk of the car. . .........you just tried to split lanes between two very large trucks (ie. Cali ). .........you are driving with all your riding gear on. I'm sure you folks could come up with a few. KURT
  12. I like the way the 84 looks and handles. The 88 1300 motor i Installed has had no problems at all as of yet. Kurt
  13. The easiest mod Jack and you don't even have to touch your bike........... paint your reading classes red...! Kurt
  14. Don't know of any reason YET, why I should not be able to make it. Kurt
  15. You have done what most of us would done to fix the problem. The only other thing I can think of would be there is something in the elc. system of the bike knocking out the charging system. Time to go hunting. Kurt
  16. Sounds to me that the fork seals where blown not to long ago. The bike was road like that for a while and then the fork seals replaced. This will ware the tire off center. Which makes the bike turn one way better than the other. Kurt
  17. I answered your PM, I'll find my Phone number in it. Kurt
  18. Probly easier if you just give me a call.

    Just to much to type.



    Cell: 916.995.0038

  19. Bill, I went to the Venom's on my 1st Gen. It handled get in the twisties, but on the open freeway it had a head wobble to it. I adjusted the air presure and most of it went away. After putting about 1000 miles on the tires it's all good at any speed. They stick in the corners real well. I'll buy them again....they roll into the cornres real nice. Kurt
  20. Jack, I found one that was off my bike.........had to dig for it a bit. You will find it on your bike cover on the side walk. Kurt
  21. So far every 1300 motor I have seen has the 1300 eblem's. It could be that the stator cover on the motor could have been messed up and they put the YICS cover on it..............Good luck! Besides confooossing you is fun! Kurt
  22. Like to add another question to jacks post. Jack sold me a 88 1300 motor for my bike. The cases on each side of the motor have the 1300 eblems . The motor in Jacks bike is a 1300 (maybe) has a 1300 emblem on the clutch side and a 1200 YRS emblem on the stator side. Question: Did the 1300 motors enterchange emblems on the 1300 motors?? Kurt
  23. Most folks here will tell you to only choke the motor for about 30 sec. and then drop it down on the idle circut, I find this to be ture. The back fire or popping your hearing in the exhuast could be the raw fuel getting dump into the exhaust pipes and firing. These bikes run DPR8ea9's you might want to go to DPR7ea9. Check you idle mixure screws and see how many turns they are out. 2 1/2 to 3 ?? They could be out more than they need to be....ie, rich. Is the choke cable fully off when you turn the choke off? May need to readust the choke cable to make sure when you turn off the choke that it is really off. Pulling the carb's on these bikes are easier than most bikes. Just remove the air box, undo the rings at the base of each carb. and pull the carb's up. You will have to remove the cables once you get the carbs out to a point where you can get at them. Kurt
  24. I have checked all the bolts and what have you not. I have never had this problem with the Dunlop tires that where not the bike. This problem came up when I put the Avons on, both front and rear at the same time. I have been playing with the tire presure and shock setting and it seemed to help a bit. I plan on just getting some miles on them and see what happens. I also notice that when I put may feet out on the highway pegs that the bike becomes more stable. Kurt
  25. I was supprised to see this thread come up. I just put a set of Avons on my bike and am having the same problem. The bike never did this before. It started after the tire change,front and rear. I have a super brace and have been playing with tire pressure and shock settings. I changed where I was riding in the lanes also. I have gottin it a little better but it still there. Kurt
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