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Everything posted by StarFan

  1. Shared at tent with him at your rally last year. Ain´t gonna happen again. No details, but am gonna bunker up at Ben´s Motel in a single room this year !
  2. Well Don - If not for you then this bike would not be mine ! Thanks for all the help with buying the bike my friend ! Jonas / StarFan
  3. Right Larry. Remember the thread where you told about this. Admire your spirits Larry. Be safe, Jonas / StarFan
  4. Name of the game - No sense having pipes that irritates you because of being to loud and makes you tired on longer rides. Sorry - My mind gets all messed up when dealing with Harley names and letters. One needs a Bachelor degree to break the Harley codes and names ! Congrats - What a great job you did sir. Jonas / StarFan
  5. Great job. These look very nice to say the least. A sound file would be apreciated ! Put Vance and Hines Monster Ovals on my Red Baron 2000 model Venture and simply love this low bass rumble. Sounds like a small V8. How do your Super Glides sound ? Be safe, Jonas / starFan
  6. These are truly words of wisdom Carl. Where did you find this ?
  7. Candy apple Red ? Please
  8. And these are true words of wisdom !
  9. Yes, painted the same color as the rest of the white details (actually pearl white). I let Kristhjan decide afterwards if he wanted to keep it that way or have it black. Have an extra set of black ones just in case he did not like it and actually I was not sure of this would work ut being white. Thought it would be to much. After putting the bike together I liked it. My taste - I would not chance it but everyone for his own taste right ? Am gonna get the ones for the Red Baron Chromed and see how it turns out. Will post pictures when I am done but that will not be untill late september. Thank all for your nice comments. If anybody wants to have a closer look then just come to ICELAND
  10. Now like I told you before: THIS TIME YOU KEEP HIM RIGHT ! Im going bankrupt of transporting him all over the world !
  11. [quote name= Nice work Jonas, bet the folks at Corbin cant wait for your next phone call:scared: Craig[/quote] Won´t be a phone call. Gonna visit and have a few words with them !
  12. Pretty sure you already were ! Give your hubby a hug from me ! - You get one to of cause ! Be safe, Jonas / StarFan
  13. Well, finally Kristjan´s Midnight Venture got finished, all purdy and tuned. Kristjan drove from the Northern part of the Iceland where he lives to my place in Reykjavik (South part) to spend a night, take a test drive and give his verdict. Well, the verdict was watery eyes and a big hug. Just the hug made it worth while for me. Been working on his bike trough the winter and put over 200 hours into it. Even though I say so myself then I think I pretty much nailed it. Bike is better than new with only 16.000 miles on it. Here are some pictures of a proud guy taking his bike back home. Enjoy Kristjan !!! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3385_zps5dqsa4vz.jpg One happy Guy ! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3383_zpss0ozxfdr.jpg Even proud I think ! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3384_zpsi1jwnivb.jpg JAMES DEAN WHO ? http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3382_zpsym6t9qaa.jpg SIBLINGS from my workshop ! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3377_zpsagqttggm.jpg DANG ! I made his bike look better ! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3375_zpsfygyxcya.jpg Kristjan won the "Most beautiful male legs of Iceland" contest ! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3401_zpsxwlydvem.jpg You are coming back home with me sister ! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3397_zpsoyf4yj5n.jpg Don´t let him fool you. He is far from as innocent as he looks ! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3392_zpsxkcdrwpv.jpg Wanna keep em both ! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/Kistjan%20delivered/SAM_3395_zpsnzr4w8iz.jpg Almost like the picture of PUC and me ! (see thread " Puc you are a darling") http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/SAM_3404_zpsgpmxjywa.jpg And off he went ! Guess I will never see him again !
  14. It IS an INTERNATIONAL Mary Jo !! Vicky is Italian, I am Icelandic and there will also be some guys from Canada. Then there will also be the Good O´l Pelican from Texas with his better half - What else do we need to make it an International (Texas is a country right ? The collection of ashes IS in progress Will bring it to the Rally You both be safe, Jonas / StarFan
  15. Dang Puc ! So cleanly shaved I must have mistaken you for a lady ! We look like sweethearts - Dang Puc ! Lets keep this picture private O.K. ? What a picture http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/MD%20Day%202015/SAM_3337_zpsskgxpkk7.jpg
  16. And you are adding some lights to the custom carb covers right ? (what a stupid question this was)
  17. You better be ! Heal well Yammer !
  18. Congratulations Marca and Carl ! Marca ! You are a real hero !
  19. Dang,,,,,,,time difference Peggy ! Am 6 hours ahead of you guys at work here in stupid Norway. Well, sleeping neked will just have to do this time. Looking forward to meet you and Ron at Toms in August if you make it - PLEASE Have fun ! Jonas / StarFan
  20. So Bobby my friend - I take it that you have lost the custom carb covers ehh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,To much Black Death ?
  21. Without you Pucman I am lost !
  22. I need some pinstriping done so sign me up for Jbird please. Jonas / StarFan
  23. If Puc ain´t coming then I am staying home ! Will send the present to you Robin regardless - no shipping back this time you hear.
  24. Just a human mistake. I shut my petcock off whenever I park the bike for overnight - that is when I do not forget to . As a rule I always check the petcock before I turn the key and take off. Learned a lesson getting into the same situation you got in.
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