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Everything posted by StarFan

  1. Never underestimate the forces of mother nature. I have seen a parked car, transmission in park and with the handbreak on been blown over by wind here in Iceland and we do not have hurricanes or tornados. Just strong wind from time to time. Wind can get ridicilously strong an unpredictable in semi enclosed areas and an under roof open parking lot can even make things worse. Can wind blow bike over? - The answer to that is: YES !
  2. Correct ! The XVZ13A is the standard type.
  3. They have the same item number at Yamaha 5EJ-21610-00-P1 and look pretty much the same. See picture below. Note though that the Venture might have some additional holes since it has this rack that holds up the trunk as well as different brackets for the seats. The rack actually bolts to the steelbar/steel liner that is bolted to the fender and I suspect that it might have some additional holes/bolts due to the weight of the trunk. Still the picture shows no aditional holes and no difference in brackets for the seat. So I think there is a good change that this will fit. Have a look at the picture attached. The lower fender is the Tour Deluxe and the upper a Venture. Both from a 2007 model. Maybe that will tell you something. The best thing to do is to have a look at a Venture and a Tour DeLux side by side and compare.
  4. Don´t worry. We will be around to guide you if you need some advice. Just don´t try to rip that Air filter out unless you have gotten the top/lid off and away from the airfilter case. That filter is not going anywhere unless you remove the top,,,,,,and that is where the screw placed at the front plays the head role ! Enjoy and try not to get overexited,,,,,,maybe a good idea to keep a bag around if you should hyperventilate
  5. The placement of the ignition key was under the back of the seat, left hand side on 1996 and 1997. It was moved forward and under the left front side of the tank on 1998 through 2001. It is very common that people get confused if these 96/97 bikes are Tour Classics or standards. In 1996 Yamaha introduced all these accessories to add to your bike so many Standard bikes have been accessorised later and taken the look of the Tour Classic. Yours looks like a standard with lot of accessories and aftermarket addies. A beautiful bike - Congratulations. Like Lynn "Pegscraper" I really like these older Royal Stars.
  6. Right,,,that one screw that is tucked away in an akward place. Boy was I frustrated when I did this the first time. The guy who designed this is on my list "people to meet and have a few words with before I die" like: The person who designed the economy airplain seats with the neck braker head restrain.
  7. Pair ? Don´t see no pair - Only one?
  8. Well, since the boss did not acompany me on last maintenance day then here is a picture of her and of me. She just finished her master degree in Mathematics and is one happy gal ! Boy do I love this woman
  9. Don. Since I can detect that you want this to be an exact match so to speak then you have to take into consideration that when they scan the color the computer picks the closest match that it has already in the program. At least that is what my painter tells me. Doubt that it will make a special formula based on the scan but someone will most likely chime in if I am wrong. Make sure when you have gotten the paint to have the painter do a test on a piece not belonging to your bike with the clear coat and the whole process. I have gone through this before and a color scan that my Dupont dealer did was far off. My painter was far from happy and made three tests from scans done by three different suppliers before he was happy but got a good match at last. That came from a company called Sikkens (don´t know if you have that in the US). There is a guy in Sweden that used to work for DuPont that had actually matched all the Yamaha colors but since then he has quit and we have not been able to locate him to get the formulas. But I know my painter is still working on it. Still I have often read here on the forum that people have been very happy with the ColorRite matches. Maybe they are a good match but you will only know by making some tests right? By the way - You should have the color code stamped somewhere on your bike. On my 1998 Tour Classic it is under the seat. Colorrite could most likely tell you what Colorrite code matches the Yamaha Color code. Wish you well with this Don - just take it step by step.
  10. Check your tire air pressure. In most cases that is what makes the wobbble. Actually that is something one should do every time before taking a ride.
  11. Might be true for the Canadian models but the USA models came with backrests. I have two of these from 1998 and have investigated the history of the USA model early Royal Stars from 1996 to 2001 and know it pretty well.
  12. Dan, save yourself the trouble changing the gaskets to begin with. It is not a time consuming job to take the mufflers off and install the OEM. So just replace the mufflers and check for leaks and popping. If there are no leaks then don´t change a single one. Check the condition of the gaskets when you dissasemble and if they look real bad (I doubt it) then replace them. Clean all the gaskets and the touching points before assembly and you should be fine. I have done this on my 1998 Tour Classic and had no leaks at all and did not need to change any gaskets. Tighten everything according to specs.
  13. No need to take the tank off for changing the fuel filter. I changed mine this winter on my 1998 tour Classic and took me about 20 minutes. I did though remove the battery to get good access at every angle - and the side cover of cause. Begin with the fuel filter and see if that does the trick. No need to remove the tank if the filter is causing the trouble. Logic tells me though that if it was so severly clogged then the bike would not shut off only the two cylinders - the other two should suffer as well. Check if your fuel lines are crumpled together or squeezed somewhere. I am sure this is not a big issue/problem and no need to get frustrated. Wish you luck,,,,,,
  14. Well,,,,,,,there is this green bike coming to your garage pretty soon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bit kinda got the shivers when i read "CRASH TEST DUMMY"
  15. Taters or the puppy ?
  16. Was just wondering about the last picture,,,,,Is that you Tom? You must be holding back on the ice cream! Boy,,,I can just read the puppy´s dreams,,,-"Gotta meet this Jonas guy Taters is always talking about-" :hihi:,,,,,,,,,,, Nice looking puppy,,,Can´t wait to see her,,,,O.k. you and Taters to Actually miss you a lot,,,,,,,Gotta get a house and a job in NY. Any suggestions? Jonas
  17. Never ever do business on eBay from somebody with such a bad feedback. It is a helpful source that is to be taken seriously.
  18. I and Skydoc_1 (Earl Harrell) did this on my 1998 Royal star last summer. We filled the tank completely with gasoline and we put a rag on top of the opening to prevent fuel spitting up from the top by the blow. If I remember right we punched four holes. No sparks or any kind of damage/danger. Guess Earl had forgotten all about the wax paper method when we did this but there should not be any danger if the tank is full. The gasoline itself will not ignite - but the fumes might if the tank is not full. This is easy to do - just take care not to bang up your tank ;>) I have done this to my Royal Star in Iceland as well and used the same method without any trouble at all. Now I am able to fill the tank completely so I get more miles per tank.
  19. Has happened to me a couple of times. I usually blame the dog
  20. Hi there. Freebirds Annual Maintenance Day is to be held 19th. of June 2010 and it is a must going there at least once in a lifetime (I intend to come every other year). I live in Iceland and have a 1998 Royal Star Tour Classic II in Woodstock, NY and I travelled to the States last summer to attend this great event and meet all the people that I had been chatting with on the forum for a year.I travelled first from Woodstock to Alden,NY and spent a night there with my good buddy BigTom and his wife Vicky (Taters) along with some other members and then we rode together down to Ohio to Dons place the morning after. Staying with Tom and Vicky was beyond everything imaginable and Tom even let me pee in his garden. After that he said that now he was sure I felt like home. I can not explain how great this was meeting all these nice people and how welcome everybody made me feel. I had the time of my life and would not have missed it for the world. Simply great. Don and Eileen are the warmest people ever and I have to say that their house and surroundings is like from a fairy tale. Actually Don and Eileen are also like from a fairy tale - they are so warm and nice. You can sign up for the event by going to the calender section on the home page and you can also send Freebird/Don an PM/email and get all the info you need. You will not regret this - Believe me - I talk from experience. And of cause if you guys show up then I can put more pressure on Don renaming the event to: Freebirds "International" Annual Maintenance Day. After the weekend at Freebirds I rode with Earl "Skydoc_1" to his home and spent two days there fixing the bike a little and enjoying the company of Earl and his lovely wife Jean. Spending time with them at their place is not a time wasted. It was just great and so relaxing. And now Earl is going to tune up the engine in my bike from 64 hp to 96 so we never know - Maybe I will be forced to drop by in June! So - sign up and meet all the great members. Friendly regards from Iceland (Norway at the moment). Jonas aka StarFan
  21. Congratulations. God has surely blessed this baby. You are all in my prayers.
  22. I did my splines last winter when I took the whole rear off my bike to put in a new rear fender. Decided to go all the way and remove the driveshaft as well and grease everything thoroughly. Was a good thing to do since everything was pretty much dried up. I used the VR tech articel as well as Yamaha´s workshop manual to lean on but this turned out to be pretty much common sense work. There was one thing though pointed out in the Yamaha workshop manual that came to my attention and that is to make sure that the splines go into the same holes as before removal when being reinstalled. Is actually logical if one thinks about it since the splines could make their own individual space/form in their individual holes through time. Just wanted to share this since I think this is a logical thing to do.
  23. Me to,,,,,,,,eehhhhh,,,,,I mean,,,,,,,,,,,
  24. Darn,,,,,I thought we were going to talk about beer,,,, Still miss the good old Colt 45,,,Shame it is not sold in Iceland,,,,,,,
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