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Everything posted by StarFan

  1. Steve-o ! These are the replacement chrome ones you see in the picture-not the original ones:) They are expensive but look very, very sharp on the bike.
  2. I am not even gonna tell you what kind of outfit he was wearing in a swimming pool in our summer house neighbourhood in Iceland last summer. But I know for sure that I am not gonna be able to go there anymore without being shouted at: WHERE IS YOUR FRIEND THAT HAS THE PINK SWIM SUIT JONAS ?
  3. Congratulations Dan. These things are so much fun to ride. Had the oppurtunity to ride one in Spain some years ago and this is no shy machine. Had a great ride and would really like to have one. Ride safely, Jonas
  4. Eighty seven Palominos were painted under Yamaha contract by Andrew Preston at Bushtec Trailers. Don´t think any other painter had a Palomino contract with Yamaha so this could be one of only 87 made. Note I am not sure about this but you can see the info I found at this link: http://roadstarclinic.com/component/option,com_fireboard/Itemid,187/func,view/catid,49/id,237812/ Now lets see if I can find the dealer price from 1997
  5. It looks authentic. Yamaha made the Palomino as a special edition only in 1997. Beautiful bikes and you don´t see to many around. Don´t know how many were produced but if I find the info as well as the dealer price in 1997 I will post another reply.
  6. Hi there Bruce. There is actually no special torque spec. for these bolts that I can see in the workshop manual. What I do is I put a drop of "Medium Strength Thread Lock" on the bolts before installing them and then I just tighten them firmly one handed with a small rachet, (without using excessive force) just so the fins are sitting firmly in place. Never had a fin bolt go loose by using this method. Like M61A1Mech said then the standard torque table is for the bolts that are not specified in the manual. Would guess that these bolts were 6mm and the torque should be 4.3 ft/lb. I never use the table for fastening acessories - just common sense and a little bit of thread lock. Has served me well. Good luck Friendly regards, Jonas
  7. It is far from a drop in fit but can be done and has been done to a RSTD. Have a look at this link: http://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/tech/0308_crup_batman_custom_yamaha_royal_star/index.html
  8. This is one of our two bikes in the USA. Have to admit that "I love that woman" a lot more than my bike. And thanks to Don that we have this bike (another story) ! Our other bike is in my picture gallery in our profile and is "under construction" so to speak at the moment but thats another story ! Love you guys at VR.ORG.COM - there has never been and never will be another club like this. Warmest regards to all of you from Jonas "aka StarFan" and Greta.
  9. Sorry - Forgot the picture. First one is of a standard Europian kitchen sink and dishwasher combo drain. The second one is a standard Europian drainpipe with rubber seal Wish you luck with your project and am sure it will be an easy fix.
  10. It is not easy to figure this one out without being at your place. But by looking at the pictures the first thing i notice and I don´t like is the angle on the pipe from the joint and downward. Looks like it is not straight/askew and that will make a seal more likely to produce a leak. The dishwasher usually joines to the drainpipe from the sink into the waterlock (see attached picture - The flex pipe goes to dishwasher). And since you state that when running the sink drain everything is O.K. but when the dishwasher pumps the water in it starts leaking (more heavily when dishwasher and sink are both draining) then I would think that the pipes need either a pressure or a little shake or rattle to leak. My guess is that the drainpipe is not fastened/secured inside the wall and produces a leak on a badly aligned joint/seal when pressure or/and significant amount of water goes through. I would open up the wall to locate the leak and fix this once for all. Othervice you are going to have endless problems with this. Gotta get to the root of the problem and fix it properly in my opinion. If you tear up the wall and replace/fix the pipejoint/seal, make sure to fasten the pipe so it has no possibilitie to move then you should be in good shape for years to come. And get a new pipe or at least new seal if that is the cause of the leak, clean everything thouroughly before putting the new seal in and test the pipe repeatedly before closing up the wall. Would be interesting to know what was the cause after you have investigated (Like to add that I do not know if you guys in USA use glued joints on drainpipes or rubber seal joints. Different things in different countries but in Europe we mostly use drain pipes that have rubber rings in the joints and you can take them apart to chance a piece out). This might also be a leak in a water line - gotta cut the wall to inspect. Friendly regards, Jonas/StarFan
  11. Unfortunately I won´t be able to make it this year. I am being forced by my family to go to Mallorca, Spain the coming summer. But come 2013 - I´ll be there !! Win a few - Loose a few ! Actually it is about time to go with the family and relax a little. I work in Norway and we live in Iceland and I am away for 26 days and only home 9 days. Killing me but gotta pay the bills and we kind of got used to this. It is not a question of the time - It is a question of the quality of the time spent together. Happy new year all. Friendly regards from Iceland, Jonas / StarFan
  12. And Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family Don. Thanks for all the help through the years Don. Hope to be able to see you guys next year even though I doubt I will be able to make it. We´ll see how it goes,,,,,,,, Jonas and Margret
  13. These are cute Peggy. You do look kind of younger though,,,,,, Merry Christmas Jonas / StarFan
  14. Might be but I doubt it. Had a look at all the Royal Star windshield frames from National and none of them matched the picture Burgurboy attached.
  15. Have a look at this link http://7jurock.com/store/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=55. I think this is what you have. Aftermarket windshield. Could also possiblie be a Yamaha Roadstar windshield - http://www.yamahaofwarren.com/pages/Catalog/Product/3654 Bet it is either one.
  16. Uhhhh,,,,,,,,,EXCUSE ME LYNN ?
  17. Never had any doubt that you would pull through Dan. God is good and watched over you. Heal well and quickly ! Warmest wishes from Iceland, Jonas / StarFan
  18. This is a very good idea and makes the bike more visual in the dark. Have been carrying this idea in my head for a while but what I want to do is to make the led bulbs roll like the turn signals on some older/vintage cars. Don´t remember the brand of cars that had it ( somewhere between 1955-1965 i guess) but the technology exists of cause and I think that it would look great. What do you guys think - is this possible and if so then how can this be achieved? Dont know much about electricity but do know that it hurts to touch it !
  19. I would make sure that they are not warped before installing them. When it comes to brake parts I only use new parts and know of more than one instance here in Iceland where my friends bought used rotors from eBay that were unusable since they were warped. Hope yours are fine.
  20. Ditto - Like them very much !
  21. Don´t think the FJR will fit the Venture. At least it does not fit my Royal Star Tour Classic II 1998 and I think it is exactly the same as the Venture. But please correct me if I am wrong.
  22. Dear Eileen and Don. Me and Greta will keep you in our prayers and we send you our warmest thoughts. Please give Eileen (and yourself) a warm hug from us. I think that it is about time you two give it a serious thought to treat yourself to a nice relaxing getaway trip to Iceland the coming summer. As you know we will always be there for you. Stay strong and have faith. Jonas and Greta.
  23. Happy Birthday dear friend. :wow: You are most likely much younger now than three weeks ago after having all these delicatassies in Iceland as well as breathing all that mountain air blended with ash. Hope you live to be hundred Thanks for the great time we had in Iceland. I will send you some more shark Warmest regards, Jonas and Greta
  24. True, but I don´t think any dealer has these frames sitting in a shelf. These are most likely shipped straight from Japan by order. I will let you know if I stumble upon one of these frames!
  25. Hi Jack. These trunk frames are a little hard to get. Took me four months to find a decent one for my 98 Tour Classic conversion. Had seen some at eBay from Pinwall cycles but most of them were bent and pretty beat up. Finally one was listed that seemed in good shape and I bought it for 165 US$. Turned out to be a nice one. They are around 388 US$ new from Yamaha Parts Nation. Follow up on eBay and you might stumble upon one.
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