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Everything posted by StarFan

  1. No way Squeeze ! Candy Red it will be ! This is the color but it does not do it justice - There is a lot of pearl in it and it is very glossy - seen a car like this here in Iceland and fell instantly for the color. Will look great against the chrome. Have to admit that I am a little soft when it comes to Red hence my " Red Baron".
  2. Thats the way to go Never ever give up. Wish you all the best
  3. Nope ! Not this one Gary. The Custom Leather is for the Maxed Tour Classic at Big Toms. This Millenium bike is not for keeps - Bought it for less than half the value and plan to make some bucks on it.
  4. That is one nice bike. Very tastefully done. Congrats !
  5. Margaret listen ! I once seen Big Tom in pink underwear . I am done with pink things in my life !!!!!!!! PERIOD !
  6. You gotta be kidding me. It´s 45 Fahrenheit right now and the time is 22:30 in the evening. Winters here are getting warmer and warmer. We haven´t seen any real snow here on the south coast the whole winter. Take your shorts with you when you come in July my friend
  7. Millie, my 2000 Millenium insurance bike is becoming a bigger job than expected. Took the damaged parts off her and brought to the painter. The paint is 13 years + old and has discolored a little from new. My painter who is a professional guy with a good reputation has made numerous tests to try to match the two colors but is not satisfied. I don´t seee the difference but he refuses to do the job if he can´t do a perfect match. So,,,what can I do ? After three cups of coffee and deep discussion we decided to change the color. Went straight to work this morning and starting tearing the parts off. Man,,,that was more of a job than I expected. Took me around ten hours to get everything off. Thought the fairing was going to be the most difficult task but actually that was pretty straight forward. It was the rear fender that took the most time. Now all I have to do is decide on the color. Have been looking at the color pallettes at the painters shop and lean towards Deep Metallic Red with Cream teardrop on the tank (like the older Royal Stars) and gold pinstriping. Red and Cream ont the saddlebags and trunk. Other colors are also being considdered but more samples I look at more confused I get. Any suggestions welcome - But PINK is not an option Big Tom !
  8. 125 US$ at Stadium Yamaha - Darn that thing is expensive and I do need one to ! Guess I will try to find a way to fix the old one that is all scraped up - but not broken. What should I paint it with ? It is for a 2000 Millenium bike. Would like to keep the chrome look though.
  9. I wanna see the "RED ONE" :banana: :banana: Mmmmmmm,,,,,,I like RED Ventures,,,,,,,,,,,
  10. You can get them at eBay for 16 US$ a piece. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-XVZ13-Royal-Star-99-05-Street-Clutch-Lever-Silver-/150827963179?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item231e0c132b&vxp=mtr
  11. Interesting - I had exactly the same sympthom when I had taken the carbs off my bike and rejetted them. Thought I had everything correctly put together since the bike started right up and ran good. Then after about a half a minute the idle suddenly went way up and stayed there. I gave it a couple of full throttles and it eased out again but then suddenly started doing this again without me touching the throttle. Decided to take the bike for a spin and see if this would even out and dissapear. Nope - did not happen. O.K. Since I had taken the carbs off from the bike I knew that I had to sync the carbs and wondered if that would solve the issue. Well - could not sync them simply because the spring that seats behind one of the sync adjustment screws had popped out. Have another bike under restoration so I took the spring from there and put it in place - VOLLA - everything back to normal. I did also spray all the moving parts on the outer side of the carbs with WD40 just to be sure everything was moving freely and also made sure the throttle cables were correctly seated and routed. Not sure if this is your trouble but the symptoms sound the same. Here is a picture of the location of the spring I lost and caused the problem - at least I think it is this spring I was missing. I have a photograph of the spring and location in my office but wont be there till next morning. Let me know if you want me to send you the photo. Hope this helps.
  12. Bob ! That was delicately put - got me a little confused there for a while
  13. Hi there Bobby Boy ! I was just to afraid to ask - Would apreciate it very much. When and if I get these chrome rings then just show up at Toms place 06:00 hours Wednesday 27th. of February and install them on the "Green Mile" that is sitting in Toms garage. Send me a picture when you have installed. Instead I´ll treat you with Black Death when I get over in August. Give Becky a BIG hug from me A for you
  14. No, there should not be any problem there. This is a common issue due to the rubbers getting dry / shrinking. You can either change the rubber or you can put a dime/small coin between the rubber and the cylinder cover to stop the leaking. Personally I am not much of a shortcut guy when it comes to my motorcycle so I would chance the rubbers if it was my bike.
  15. Hi there Mike. Have both items already but thanks for the offer. Friendly regards, Jonas / StarFan
  16. Sent you a PM Friendly regards, JOnas / StarFan
  17. The OEM bars will work but you will have very limited adjustability since they are so small and low. The Barons or the Lindby´s will give you so much more.
  18. They all have names: "Warren": 1998 Tour Classic II in Iceland. Named after the dealership Yamaha of Warren to remember wich bike came from where - had just imported six bikes from various dealers/places in USA at the time - name somehow stuck to it when I decided to keep it for myself) "The Green Mile": 1998 Tour Classic II in USA: V-Maxed and I am told it´s fast. Haven't tried it yet but will do so this summer. "The Red Baron" 2000 Venture in USA: Yes - it is red in color "Millie" 2000 Venture MM edition in Iceland: She got that name automatically.
  19. Ooh,,,,Got me there !
  20. Uhhhhh,,,,,, Make the fence door / gate a little wider ?
  21. I think that in 2004 Yamaha only offered two colors for the Venture.The two tone White and the Black Midnight. To my knowledge no other colors were offered for this year model. Note that Colorrite is the only company that has access to Yamaha Paint Codes and the word on the street is that no other paintmaker can match the colors. Still there are people who have had their bikes painted by professional body paint shops that use different kind of paint like Sikkens and state that they have a perfect match. I am having a 2000 Millenium partly painted by a paint shop here in Iceland. They use Sikkens and have promised me that they will match it perfectly. Will be painted in the end of this month and I am quite excited to see the result. Deal is - No match - No pay I hope they get it. Hopefully others that have had their bikes painted for a match will chime in.
  22. Not sure BigJohn is going to answer you. He has an expired membership and has not been logged on since 2010. Looks like the Rear Fender Bib is identical to the Mustang one you can see in one of the links I sent you. Hope this helps. Friendly regards from Iceland, Jonas / StarFan
  23. If you want to have bars with added footrests then I would advice you to get the bigger bars from Baron. http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/747/index.html They are quite pricie - $215 - but in my eyes well worth it. Protects the bike when tipping over and gives you adjustabilty for position of the footrests. They sometimes show up on eBay. Regarding the rear pad for the rear fender then here are some sources: http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/mustang-seats-fender-bib-studded-royal-star/part/M-78071 http://www.jpcycles.com/product/ZZ86759 Now, if you want to do something original then you should contact Nanci at "Ace High Leather" www.acehighleathers.com She could make a custom one for you and you can pretty much design it yourself. Have a look at her website to see her work. That lady is just amazing. She is doing some seat custom work for me at the moment as well as some other things and I am just thrilled. An exceptionally nice person to deal with.
  24. That sure is a purdy bike to say the least ! The Highway Bars are original Yamaha Engine Guards and I think that all Royal Stars 1996 to 2001 had them from the factory - . There are also bigger bars available for the Royal Stars like the ones I have installed on my bike (see attachement). Think I got them from Barons. More pictures in my photogallery StarFan. Don´t know about the fender pad - maybe custom made ?
  25. Same bike - Save money - The model year is generally irrelevant .
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