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Everything posted by StarFan

  1. Man you most be getting old
  2. Hi there Puc. Looking so much forward to meet with you and hopefully your Tippy. Tweeks will get the labels for her side covers but - they are not gonna last since they are just paper labels - so I have another suggestion. My motorcycle workshop neighbour (how the heck do you spell this word neighbhour naybour -Neibhour I give up !!) runs a advertisement sign company (whatever you call it - he makes all kinds of films and stuff to put on cars and signs for advertising). He is making some stripes and decals for the bike I am rebuilding for my friend Kristjan and I will ask him to make some Black Death labels out of weather proof material with a gloss cover film that Tweeks can carry with pride for at least guaranteed seven years. I can either ship it to you or I can bring it to M.D. Day. I think shipping to you would be a better option so you and Tweeks can get used to the taste of the Black Death. You can ask Don, Eileen, Big Tom, Saddlebum (Ben) and a bunch of other members of VR.org and they will confirm that the taste is memorable in one way or the other : >) Send me a PM with your shipping address and I will make it happen. Would also be good to know the max width x height for the decal / side cover so it will fit accordingly. Be safe my friend, Jonas
  3. Well,,,,,,,I think a good strong Moonshine would be more effective. The shark will also be there for those who dare : >) Big Tom is a BIG FAN of the fermented Shark. Says it boosts his s#x drive. Makes me wonder ???
  4. Same to you Ben. I will also come in August to Toms Rally in Chaffee. Will you be there ?
  5. Just about a week ago me and Greta got an email from IcelandAir with a very attractive offer for a Iceland/JFK round trip. Well I looked at my wife and said. Wow,,if we don´t take this deal we are gonna loose a lot of money !!!!!!!!!! Short version - We bought the tickets and we are coming for Maintenance Day. I was there on my first USA motorcycle trip in 2009, but have not been able to attend again. This will be Greta´s first Freebirds Maintenance Day even though we did stop by Don´s and Eileen´s place in 2011. Man, we are counting the days !!!! Looking forward to meet you all. And rest assure - The traditional Black Death will be in the luggage as before. Be safe. Jonas and Greta
  6. Prayers for them both. Thanks Ben.
  7. The minutes are no problem but the thing is this is a friends bike that I am rebuilding and these pegs came with the bike when he bought it. Looks like kuryakin setup though. I will do a little search and see what I can find.
  8. The horn is a Chromed version of the Sickspeed horns. You can find them for example on eBay. Just put this item number in the search tab: 321442017182 Loud, inexpensive and look great.
  9. Been working on this off and on for a while and am almost there. Here is a rough prototype but the final product will be made out of Mirror Steel. All edges will be rounded and the top width will be around 1 inch less and curve upwards. The light is Chinese and open and I am having a glass shop making a round glass to close the front to make it weather proof. It is impossible to take a picture of this darn light that shows how it is. The light/yellow is actually Dotted Red and the background refection bright Candy Red. Will post pictures of the finished product when I am done. Note that the tank is an extra one I have. The Black Midnight one is at the painters.
  10. Well the beauty of this site is, that those who truly do not belong always dissapear sooner or later for one reason or the other. If Don was not a Venture fan then this site would not be what it is ! How the heck do you spell dissapeer ,,,dissapier Disaper,,,,disapeer,,,disapear,,, DANG! Should have used vanish !
  11. StarFan - Fan of the Royal Stars !
  12. Rock´n Roll Big Guy. Me, Samuel and B.D. will be there and also Greta if she will not be teaching next year - time will tell. Is it August yet ?? How many days till August ?? Waiting,,,waiting,,,waiting,,,, Man your rally is fun ! Jonas
  13. Hi there PBJMAN. I installed the chrome ones and I should have the older ones laying around. Unfortunately they are in Iceland but I would guess the shipping would be somewhere around 30 to 40 US$. You are welcome to them if you want to pay the shipping. I am at the moment in Norway at work but will be at home in about ten days. Let me know how and if you want to proceed. friendly regards, Jonas / StarFan
  14. Yammer Dan, be careful though not to exceed sliding the fork tubes up further than an inch or so. You overdo it and the bracket under the driving lights where the brake link is, can hit the top of your front fender and dent it. Seen to many bike with this funny dent because the tubes were slid up to much.
  15. Well here is my winter project. It is owned by my friend Kristjan ( krben at venturerider.org ). He dropped the bike off this autumn for the following work I promised to do for him: Installing upper fork covers - DONE ! Upgrading clutch with Skydoc´s kit - DONE ! New swing arm bearings and pack with grease- DONE ! Greasing the splines drive shaft and yoke - DONE ! Chancing out all and every fluid - DONE ! Relocate the fuel filter - DONE ! Installing two chrome Sick Speed horns with a relay and harness from Larry Skeels - Done! Installing Harley brake light bar - DONE ! Custom make front fender rails with LED lights - DONE ! Installing brake light bar under the trunk with Steve´s wiring harness - DONE ! Go through all the wiring harness and connectors, clean and spray - DONE ! Clean the stupid bike inside and out, wax it and kick Kristjan in the butt for neglecting that department - IN PROGRESS ! Custom make a connection box behind the license plate for wire connecting - IN PRODUCTION ! Moving the driving lights forward - IN PROGRESS ! Clean the stupid bike inside and out, wax it and kick Kristjan in the butt for neglecting that department - IN PROGRESS ! Add all kind of safety chrome Kristjan has bought - IN PROGRESS ! Installing ignition switch bypass - PENDING ! Add relays where needed - PENDING ! Align the saddlebag lids for easier opening - PENDING !Install new windshield - PENDING ! Put chrome channels on gas tank, saddlebag lids, trunk lid and front lower fairing - PENDING ! Paint the speaker covers and other miscaleanious items - PENDING ! Pin striping saddlebags, gas tank, trunk, saddlebags and front upper fairing - PENDING ! Repaint the gas tank with clear coat - PENDING ! Design and have Corbin make custom seats and backrest for the bike - PENDING ! AND the list goes on and on - but he sure will have a nice bike in the spring for sure ! http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/SAM_2834_zpsd34242d5.jpg http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a501/jonaslill/Kristjan%20Ben%20Eggertsson%20Midnight%20Venture%202003/SAM_2836_zps19ac96e8.jpg
  16. Really appreciate the offer, but this time I will have to do this on my own. Lets meet there when she turns 60 O.K. ? I´ll keep you posted and tell if I scr%# up or not:)
  17. Puc ! First of all she does not even know how to go to this site so I am pretty safe in that aspect But I surely hope that she has a surprise for me Thank you so much for your warm thoughts and I will tell her happy birthday from you for sure. I will post when my brain stops swirling and I have made up my mind how I am gonna surprise her. And again - Thanks to Eck for getting my brains going and you for your kind words.
  18. Eck. This was sweet ! Salute you for your uncompromising love for your wife Connie. Me and my wife we have held hands down the road for 26 years+ and now she is turning 50 the 24th. of November. I am working at the moment in Norway but we are gonna meet in Copenhagen, Denmark in a week from now to spend a nice weekend together and celebrate her birthday. Still trying to figure out how to surprise her and to tell her how grateful I am for having her as my wife and best friend. You really inspired me so know my brain is doing overtime coming up with ideas. Thanks Eck for a beautiful post.
  19. Well Tom, in my eyes as a motorcycle enthusiast I would look at it as respect if someone introduced such a great invention to me. But I know what you are saying and joining and going easy is one way of doing it.
  20. I have no idea how I stumbled upon this bike on the web. But I gotta say that this is the most AMAZING Royal Star that I have ever seen. WOW is all I can say. Never seen such work before and it is custom made by a guy in the Czech Republic. The price is right - ONLY !! : 42.850 US$ Well, come to think of it then I doubt that it cost less to make it this way. Only the side car that comes from a French company is around 14.000 US$ painted and assembled. MAN I LIKE THIS THING ! Now lets see - If I sell all my,,,,,,,,,,never mind ! Here is a link to the homepage with more pictures of the bike: http://www.hermann-racing.com/ http://www.hermann-racing.com/images/RS007.jpg http://www.hermann-racing.com/images/RS014.jpg http://www.hermann-racing.com/images/RS002.jpg http://www.hermann-racing.com/images/RS004.jpg
  21. Not many Valkyrie riders here but some though. Have you tried to post on some info about your new gadget on this site ? http://www.valkyrieriders.com/
  22. Hi Tom. Looking GOOOOOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anxious to know the decision if you will offer it for sale. You can certainly sign me up for a unit. Friendly regards, Jonas / StarFan
  23. Well, could you add a button that says: I DISLIKE THE location OF THE GAS FILTER ON THE VENTURE ? Would guess that the button would get a lot of hits Man I hate that location. Did do a relocation though and am happy with it. Now I can chance it in 3 minutes tops Will do a complete write up when I get home in about two weeks and post in the tech section. Might already be there so I will check before I post it.
  24. Steve is DA MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Hi Steve. I just finished a clutch upgrade. Done it three times already and it is not to complicated if you know the tricks : >) Send me any question you have and I will get back to you promptly. You can either post here or send me a PM. You can also send me your Tel. number and I can call you ! Don´t worry about the calling cost from Iceland - I have a free phone world wide ! Friendly regards, Jonas / StarFan
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