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Everything posted by calperin

  1. I planned to paint my 84 on Silver Gray metalic and black. (Same as some Goldwings). Still waiting to find a painter for do it.
  2. Yes, I said that previously. Now I'll replace the leds for another one bigger.
  3. I have them since 7 years ago, never had a problem. BTW, I replace the 1157 lamps with leds. Are great.
  4. I have the whole set on my 97'RS Is the best seat I ever had. Even compared with my Venture 2000 And yes, you can remove the back easy, as well as the seat.
  5. I'm trying to do the same, and the Baron Kit sucs. I think that pegscraper did it, and he got good results. Check on his article about it. Regards, Carlos
  6. Yes, or electronic flasher or additional resistor to balance the load. If 3 wires, is position plus turn signal. Regards,
  7. Hey, I'm paying around 90$/Month for two bikes, plus 400$/Month for two cars and house. This is around almost 6K$/Year total. This is a rape...
  8. Good catch. Any clue about Michigan? I had AAA on the car and Progressive on the bikes, but they 're both soo high...
  9. Do you mean that when the roads are rough your cassette falls to your hands??? :rotf::rotf:
  10. Totally agree
  11. It sounds like my condominium manager... :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  12. Hey, do you think that they do better in another language???? WRONG The only reason I had DirectTV is because the family wanted to watch some channels from Argentina. Now with Roku is time to say good bye to the dish.... is 89$/month vs 18$/month. The only problem is that Comcast sometime interferes my reception, since they 're pushing Xfinity...
  13. Yes, and wait that the snow start... :sick::sick:
  14. That is exactly the explanation of the last battery I bought from DieHard.... And yes, I have to fill it and close it.
  15. Good luck Rick, Let us know how the surgery was, if you can type...
  16. This is what I was able to find for Ventures: http://www.bikebandit.com/pingel-fuel-valve?m=145912 It sounds nice, since I also have the same leak ...
  17. You can do it by yourself if you have the ability to cut and polish some pieces of stainless steel. It will take some time to get the right size. Also, there is one option that you can put both horns on line and mounting on the side using the crash bars too. Now I found that I have an exclusive ones!!!!
  18. Horns are RIVCO. You can google but I order them from Rick at http://www.buckeyeperformance.com. We have group discounts.
  19. I hope so too... May on some M&E Regards,
  20. You has been capture by the sun power ghost agent.... :rotf::rotf: At least the radio station is Ok? :cool10:
  21. Yes, and about the compressor, when I win the lotto I'll put the RIVCO chrome cover.... Was really funny the expression of that guy... And I can tell that it save me from a lot of phone lover drivers.... We should design a horn that really transmit a frequency on the cellular system that should sound on the closest phones open at that moment... That will save a lot of accidents, since even with the lights and passign lamps and being on a cruiser it seems that is not enough for some people to watch what is around when they drive (Sorry I meant they speak on the phone and the car is moving...). Carlos :rotf:
  22. Ok, Here are the pics.... That is all.
  23. I don't think is a good idea. If I was you, just add another relay that activates with the same button wire...
  24. I'll post some pictures today about it. This is the best way to let everybody knows you 're there, and get out your way.... it save me several times. As Carbon One said, it was not so easy to make it pretty to fit, but it's worth every minute invested... :cool10: Carlos
  25. Hey, I see that between your friends is Angel Brown (DeLarosa). He moves to Toledo a couple of months ago. I was you, I 'll send a PM to him. Carlos:lightbulb:
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