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Everything posted by calperin

  1. Shut, I didn't knew we have anothe Carl here.... Now we have MiCarl, MarCarl and Carlos... :rotf:
  2. Big D, Leon is south of I-94 over Telegraph almost 2 blocks. I'm planning to go, so if you come from Walled Lake we can meet around southfield over Telegraph about 8:00 What do you think? Larry, we 'll see you at Leon's 8:30. Carlos
  3. If the weather help us, I'll be there.
  4. Eddy, You was totally luck. The deer didn't have insurance? :rotf:
  5. Don, Everything seems to work Ok. Well, so good that in my picture it seems that I loose at least 30 pounds. Excellent. :bowdown:
  6. Jerry, Yes, dipole antennas are no ground plane antennas. With that you don't need to have your system grounded to the earth, or something huge enough to work as a ground. I don't mean an electrical ground, I 'm talking a propagation ground, like the earth. Most of mobile system uses this type of antennas in order to increase gain, and minimize the use of transformers, or adaptation coils. Of course, are not the favorites of the manufacturers since your antenna system become much cheaper. It is easy to test if this is the problem changing the position of the antenna regarding the bike. enough to move it about 4 feets away, like 4 o 6 inches at the time. Regars, Carlos
  7. Jeremy, Can you check if your antenna use ground plane? Bike antennas shouldn't be using it, since it is almost impossible to define it. It is not like cars or trucks where the antenna is mounted on a flat metal plane. You can check it releasing the antenna from the bike, grounding it to the bike, but moving around with the SWR on it. I have a J&M radio with this kind of antenna, and worked perfect after adjust the cable with the SWR. Let us know, Carlos
  8. Ok, You need a project, I need to paint my bike.... Hey Carl, sorry only a joke. Brad, have what?
  9. Ok, Now I 'm finding out the butcher was a painter too. I need mine in black & grey, but I 'm concern about seing carl sanding the plastics with a knife.... :crying:
  10. Don't worry. mainteinance day is comming....:rotf:
  11. Don, I know I'm not too close, but also not too far. It is something I can do for help. DNS Updates, or anything else? I'm Network Engineer I know what this takes. Carlos
  12. GOLDBLING!!!! Don't be unrespectfull with that treasure... You are a lucky one, enjoy the beauty don't be GOLD BLIND. :doh:
  13. Brad, I never got that issue on my VR 84. Never felt that I cannot take my hands from the handlebar. However after change the front forks & springs with the progressive ones, everything improve a lot. Also, I have the fork bracket installed since I bought it, denden says that it improves greatly the stability on the bike. Regards, Carlos
  14. Peter,


    The backrest come with the bike. But I purchased it 3 years ago to restore it.

    However, check on E-bay. I saw a lot of them for sale.

  15. The speed on the satellital systems can affect the signal. There is some doppler efect and the radio in a moment are not able to lock the sincronism with the signal. That is normal, it will be hard to fix it. Regards,
  16. Confirm, they are 4". I change mines for polipropylene, they work perfect and they didn't get wet. Regards, :happy34:
  17. Don, I understand about the recognition, but still I agree with black owl, shouldn't be doing any kind of difference. This are not good times moneywise talking, so no need to show who was able to do more than another ones. If the times where differents, I don't have problem on do it. Just a thought. Carlos
  18. flb_78 is right, that is the way mines are connected to. The passing lamps are on ony if the low beam is on, that is all the times I start the bike, and if I switch to high beam it goes down. There are some people that put the passing lamps independent of the head lights, so when you choose to use the high beam you are able to blind every one that is coming on your oposite direction. If you want that configuration, just send a wire from the fuse box (Auxiliar or any 20 amps fuse) to the headlight case to make the connection. Regards,
  19. Hey Tony, how are you? I didn't hear or see you for almost 2 years?


    Everything OK? Did you got a new job?


    Let me know how are you doing.



  20. It seems that your mics are disconnected. That can be on the helmets, on the connectors, or on your wiring reaching the radio connectors. If you have a friend with same bike and helmet, check using your helmet on his bike. Check your connectors. Test your volume, and your squelch to be sure that the CB squelch is not over your intercom level. Let us know.
  21. What model of headset do you have? Also, what kind of radio do you have? I don't think that you have both microphones disconnected. Regards,
  22. Joe, I can help you with: 1. Install tach on master cyclinder and wire up I got yours from Denden, already working on the RS. 3. Hard wire satalite radio 5. Install passing lamps 8. Rear harley license plate light If you need help before the maintenaince with some of this, just let me know. You have my number
  23. Ok, not to much to do on mine, like change clutch reservoir and brake liquid. Also, sync carbs in order to get better mileage. Chrome polish. Also, I can help Joe with their Tachometer and passing lamps wiring (I done mines, and I got his tach from Denden on my RS already working). Get some boston cream cheesecake, enjoy the day, say hello to everyone. Pictures, and who knows what else....
  24. Thanks Don, I'll will put on the calendar. Now, what about the cake????
  25. Sorry, I was tunning another channel, and I couldn't find the calendar. Which Saturday is the Maintenaince Day? What about an additional Boston Cream cheesecake? I'm not self inviting myself, but only to know when will be. Regards,
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