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Everything posted by calperin

  1. On another words, since everybody is telling in different way: DON'T INSIST ANY MORE... Go Back to the VENTURE...
  2. I would suggest that before to use your wireless on your new router, just connect your pc with a cable and be sure that you have connectivity, and you can reach the internet. Once that is done, double check your settings on the router, on the wireless definitions: Wireless ID NAME Password Encryption Level or Security type Once that match your PC and ROUTER, then unplug the cable from your PC and try to reconnect through the Wireless to the router. If you are able to do that, then check that you can access the internet. Good Luck
  3. Only if you have a Harley :rotf::rotf:
  4. May yours is not a Tour de Luxe. Mine also don't have it. :rotf::rotf:
  5. Agree, That model should meet all your specs. Regards, Carlos
  6. Congratulations. I know the place, I'd been there around 22 years ago. But didn't had the chance to ride on that time. I hope I can do that soon. Regards, Calperin
  7. Larry, You need to be more specific. Do you have a Server at home running Windows 7? That is the one that gives you a blank page? Carlos
  8. Glad that it has a good end. As some others, I was worry for something worse as health related... Regards, Carlos
  9. Eddie, Hope you get better soon. I know about surgeries already after 8 for my cancer and 1 for my knee last year. Carlos
  10. And it is supposed to be funny??? :no-no-no::no-no-no:
  11. If you have a 5 Watt Led on 12 VDC it should drain around .416 Amps. I didn't knew any led that drain more than 125 mA. So it could be an array of leds. That is were they got high illumination...
  12. There is no way that a led takes 5 watts. I think that what the guy meant was each one replaced the same amount of ilumination as a 5 W Bulb.
  13. Well, I just went to Phoenix and rented a Fusion (Yes the one that seems that Aston Martin...). I spent also 10 minutes until I realize that there were no space for the Key (WHy in a heck they provide one???), and the push button didn't work if you don't push the break.... The GPS was easy, but spent another 10 minutes until I found out about the cursors buttons on the left and right of the wheel. And, last day I parked outside the Hotel to return the magnetic keys, and didn't realize that left the card on Drive before to turn off the engine... Yes, another 15 minutes to figure out... Old, yes Sure.... :depressed::depressed::depressed:
  14. Congratulation GrandPa!!!! For many more....
  15. Sorry to hear that Larry, but happy that you guys are Ok. I hope to see you soon. Carlos
  16. My 1984 VR on 2005. Then I got the 1997 RS on 2008 and the 2000 VR on 2012.
  17. No, the 256$/Month was for both my TrailBlazer 2003 and my Sebring 2002. Now, since I finished paying the Sebring and I need to fix the engine, I was forced to put basic insurance on it, and still the whole coverage on the Traverse (The one that replaced my truck) since I'm paying still to the Bank. As I said, I know that Progressive by sure will show up with some adjustment but it never will be 686$/Month as AAA was sending on his adjustment. I think that Michigan has become a very expensive place to stay... Over all when we need to pay for everything (Including Bike Insurance) as we are in Florida.... Ah, don't counting I need to add the cost of the storage since I live in a condo without garage...
  18. On January I had a Car accident avoiding a women trying to overpass a Ryder Truck. As a consequence of it I finish against the middle wall on the Highway 696 with my knee broke on multiple pieces, and a week later with surgery. My leg now is not the same that it was before, but I cannot complain... Now, my Insurance ah... That is another history on this... They promise to cover everything, and I had to fight bill by bill. Still didn't get 50% of what I paid. Since I was required to be available at my job, I worked from home so no need to request loss of income. And on top of it, my Medical Insurance didn't wanted to cover ANYTHING since they said that it was a Car Accident and corresponds to my CAR INSURANCE... As a final detail from my CAR INSURANCE, on March (Since my previous truck was totalized, and need to replace it) my insurance jumped from 262$/month to 396$/month. Then on October I received a letter from them again telling that as I requested (I didn't) my police has the changes that make them PRIMARY MEDICAL INSURANCE on case of an accident (I realize that was requested by my MEDICAL INSURANCE, that they reported never COORDINATE BENEFITS and that was the reason of so much time on resolve the expenses, and an additional 300$ on my deductible because of that), and for that reason my premium jumped from 396$/month to 532$/month. But if you think that this is it, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... Now, I receive another letter from them reporting that my next debt of my automatic payments it will be 686$/month. So, if my original policy covers up 50K$ of medical expenses in case of an accident, what is this item about to have the CAR INSURANCE as my MEDICAL INSURANCE?????? Agent report it as a new law in Michigan.... On the fly I remember that I have my bikes on Progressive, so I called them. The offer for the same coverage on my vehicles was 296$/month... So, I understand the issue with the NON FAULT Coverage bigger costs for the Car Insurance on Michigan, but If I have Medical Cover on my Policy why I need to pay back the expenses that they didn't cover???? Ah, forget that the state congress was concerned about how much money the Insurance Companies are loosing here, so they 're protecting them.... :no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no:
  19. Best wishes for tomorrow. Our prays will be with you, and hope you can hear us soon!!!! Carlos :080402gudl_prv::080402gudl_prv:
  20. Check with Pegscrapper. He did that. Carlos
  21. This is brilliant (Day and night too!!!). However, I would like to see how the standard colors show up during the night...
  22. Hey Buddy, How much for a Red one. I have a 2000 RSV with two tones of red. Thanks, Carlos
  23. Sure, let me see if I have your phone #. Can you send me a text to 248-372-1940? Thanks,
  24. Ray, If you have a spare PC, just put a BIG HD, and install Nas4Free as a network NAS. Then you can create a Share where you can BackUp all the images you want. Once is done, you can shut down the NAS, or not, but you can disconnect the share to be safe of attacks. Is really simple, and cheap if you have a machine that you don't use any more. Don't need to be LAST TECHNOLOGY. Only big HD. Regards, Carlos PD: Let me know if you need help.
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