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Everything posted by calperin

  1. Eddie, Finally. What about cash? let me know when and I can pick it after 17:00 hs. Carlos:smash2:
  2. Hey, I have an open handle bar control (driver), do you want it? I bought it, but had problems, then I got a good one. Let me know, still I need to look for my diagrams. calperin
  3. Hey, what's wrong with the engineers???? This is a marketing strategy!!! How we going to get the people captive on maintenaince if everybody knows how to fix the problems???? :mo money:
  4. I 'd been there, and as I have an 84 also been ripped by ebayers stealers.... Better start asking in the forum if somebody has the part you're looking for. Sometimes, you can be realizing you're going to pay more on ebay than on Yamaha dealer for the same part. Regards,
  5. Ok, colleague. I did that job on the CB radio on my 1984 two years ago. I modified the wiring system to match a 1986 that got as a parts. Now it works pretty good. Yes, I have pinouts and all details that I figured it out on that time. I'll look for it and have it available. Funny was after that I bought an RS 97 and put a J&M CB on the handlebar, so I almost didn't use it a lot. We're someway close in Michigan, so if you need anything let me know at calperin@calperin.com Regards,
  6. Yeah, Yeah.... The question is wrong. If the hotel return 5$, they payed 9$ total = 27$ - 2$ (Bell Boy auto-tip) is the 25$ the hotel costs. You're start to make maths as the credit cards, amount never match with the real expenses. BTW, you 'll not believe this (And it is real): Finish paying one of my Credit Cards and cancel it. So, they send me a bill for 30 cents, due to interest differences. Then I sent a check for 50 cents (Mail stamp not included). After three months I keep receiving credit card statements in my account (Obviously not closed) with 20 cents credit. As I got tired of the waste paper (and trying to be nice with the environment),I called Citibank. The amazing logic was: since there is money there the account cannot be closed. Only solution is that they should sent me a check for the 20 cents, in order to finish this. So, after 41 cents later ( and USPS thanks I believe), I got my check for 20 cents.... I hope I don't receive any more statements.... I'm waiting to have something else to do before to go to the bank. I'll not spent 20 cents in gas to drive... Regards,
  7. Dude, This is not fear: How can you ask to your prospects how much do they want to pay???? Well, the difference between the ones with conchos or not, is about 25 to 35$ regarding where do you get it, but regular price for the complete seat without conchos is about 615$ on a couple of stores on the web. Of course from Mustang is 735$, but this is due to they shouldn't compete with the retail. I don't imagine why you want to sell it, but 50 to 60% of the originall price is a fair if the seat is in good shape. And if that is the case, of course I'm interested. calperin
  8. Wes.... Thanks for the info. this kind is exactly what I was looking for but I didn't see these ones on CruiserCustomizing. Only the Lindsay ones. Are not this a little too bigs? Another question: where did you got the saddlebags bars? I'm looking for get ones too. We have almost same bike, difference mine is Burgundy and Cream. Thanks again Carlos
  9. Any one has any idea about how to get the right crash bars for my RS'97? I know that I get those on a Star parts on a two years old catalog, but it seems that nobody else is selling those parts any more. Also, I saw a Lindsay model that I don't like for this bike. I 'm looking for something more round style more than the emblem kind Lindsay has. THanks
  10. Hey guys, Thanks a lot to every one that answer to my request. If my niece has not enough material with this, she will need to change her profession. I agree with most of the fundamentals here, and as most of you also I joined to learn more about my bike. From that day, I start to learn also about people. When I move here we lost contact with most of our friends, family, known people, etc... And different culture some times, make you feel as you are born on another planet. But this group make me find where the other martians are!!! Thanks a lot again. A gaucho between cowboys
  11. Forget to mention, she is not in Buenos Aires. She lives in Comodoro Rivadavia, what is on the Patagonia coast in a windy and cold place. Something like to be on the middle of the Canadian East Cost. Thanks for the links.
  12. Ok, let's do this simple. As some of you knows, I'm not born in US, but leaving here for almost 9 years already. I have a niece (Sobrina) in Argentina, that is making a job for her career on the university about different cultures, and as soon as she knew that I was part of a motorcycle riding group, she proposed to make a study about why this kind of groups exists, what are the reason for the people to become part of it, requirements to participate, and the whole 9th yards.... So, as the matter has introduced, please I and she will apretiate any feedback on this. Remember, we 're strange people for her, since over there there are no groups like us. Regards,
  13. When you have the starter out, it will spin fine since they have no load that stops it. Probably will fly, but under real work if there is any coil problem or bad contact with the brushes you will see the difference. Take it out, check dirt, check brushes, and clean all dust that the carbon deposits on the rotor. that also can create some shortcuts. Suggestion: replace the brushes for new ones. If that doesn't solve the issue, you need to consider to fix the rotor. Regards
  14. I saw the prices rised here about 2 days ago when nobody reported any plans on hold production or supplies on oil from the gulf. This is another demonstration that whatever happens, they will push to get our money one way or another. I understand the Hurricane, but not the rush on all the oil chain to keep growing earnings. If we're in emergencies or war, (Take it as you wish) there are key items that shouldn't be part of commodities any more.
  15. Gary, Is a really sad notice. We're so sorry and we're with you on all that you need. Our most sincere condolences. Carlos
  16. I finished to receive the two LED's from e-bay that has both position lights and brakes. I forget the simplest thing when I order it about how the socket was facing to.... So, I get the light looking to the side metal piece instead of the red plastic. Did someone knows if there is any adapter made for 90º angle for 1157 lamps? Thanks in advance. I know that I saw in the past those lamps, but when you need it you never find where was their website. Again thanks, :crying::crying:
  17. Hey, it seems that we 're all ol'xxxx I'm Ol' Chief Carlos riding on Spirit Stalkers MC..... And I tought I bought an RS 1997.... :think:
  18. Joe, The MAC OS that runs on top Intel Processors is a Linux Flavor. That will be a good machine with a better OS. It is up to you if you can live without the blue screens from Mr. Gates.... Good choise. Carlos
  19. If it was a little shorty I should said it was Squidley sleeping on a Freezer.... But it seems to be taller.... Hmmm :doh:
  20. Talking about B.S., let's talk about statistics: If you want to know what is the more dangerous device where more than 90% of people dies every day???? Yes, it is the bed!!!! Let's propagate the voice, may be in a short time the congress will promulgate a law forbiden the property of beds at home.... They are really dangerous.... :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  21. Yes, the brown is the power. All that you need to be sure is about how do you ground the equipment. That will be the threasure to don't get any noise. Regards, Carlos
  22. I can tell you right now. 100$ already payed.
  23. I tooked from the instruments panel, so it will turn up with the key, that is correct.
  24. I installed mine on my Royal Star. No problems at all so far, and has been more than 5 months already Follow the instructions about where to hoock the connections, never straight to the ground as they said, avoid a lot of noise. Regards,
  25. Larry, I never receive your e-mail. Can you please resend it? Thanks Carlos:smash2:
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