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Everything posted by calperin

  1. Unfortunately my son got A H1N1 about 10 days ago. During that time he went from: "go back home it's a cold" to Intensive Care Unit with assisted respiratory support, and so far he still is there. Nobody give us (Me and my Wife) instructions about medicine or vaccine to take (Yes, I'm talking about doctors), and today we get the best part: A call from the county trying to research about how this happened. (It take 10 days to the county to realize my son is ill). One day, same people will going to do another research but nobody will be alive to answer the phone.... :95:
  2. Ruffy, First at all, check if you have the original software that comes from Dell. Specifically the Operating System. You will need to install the Operating SYstem on the big hard drive, then once it is everything working (including applications), you can put back the old hard drive as a second one, and then you can move all your files to the big HD. The only problem with this is that you need to have all the software you have on the small HD, and you need to know how to install each piece of it. Are you able to do that? Carlos
  3. 55 and counting. And I ride both 84 and 97 RS. :Cool_cool36:
  4. I had one, and yes it keeps warm for a long time. I can't say 6 hours, but much more than other ones. Since the logo has been faded by the mug holder, i'll go for another one. Thanks
  5. Hey, I want one Dark Grey and One Black on XL, and one patch if it is possible. Please confirm, and I'll paypal or Money order. THanks calperin
  6. Yes, I want two more...
  7. Mines are set to be on with low beam. When I switch to high beam they are off. That was the way that Yamaha specified on the mounting & wiring. I'm thinking on move it off the low beam, attach a multiple baron switch on top of the brake reservoir, and manage a relay to made the lights independent of the headlight position. Also, change the wire to the lights, since they looks lower intensity right now. About charging issues, I have also an XM Radio, additional HD stop lights bar but I decided to switch stop lights to led and that stop the charging issue I had in the past. Regards, Carlos :witch_brew:
  8. NO NO NO.... Did you got the YAMAHA NO WHINE HELMET???? THAT IS THE ONLY ONE YOT (YAMAHA OFFICE TRANSPORT) NOT WHINE APPROVED. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  9. Hey, don't get pest. Didn't you see that your profile show you're member of this group since 1873!!! That was all the joke about. And about to be on the floor, I'm talking about to find the release valve to be able to check it. You need to know if that valve works.
  10. Hey Jonsmyth, Since you should be the first member on the group (member since 1873!!!), you should know better, and on any case, still ridding??? :missingtooth: If you only can put air, but not release it, then one of the release valves is not being activated. you need to follow the circuits going to the shock. Is this on the front or rear shock? Best should be to check it out of the bike, if you can or if at your age you still can lay on the floor....
  11. I had the same problem when I bought my 84. Only one solution: SEAFOAM
  12. Bummer, Downloaded from your web site, take 9,296 kB and was OK. Fast from the office (we got a couple of DS3 here). Regards, Carlos
  13. I start to believe that in GA kill a motorcyclist is part of the policeman job according with the newspaper. Is this also going south??? I don't know who is worst? the police or the newspaper... :crying:
  14. 10 MB are not going to feet as attachement on an e-mail. We will need an FTP to put it there to download. IF there are more people interested on it, I can arrange it. Carlos
  15. Oh NOOOOO.... Comming from the far far south, this is not something tolerable to me!!!! What do you mean going SOUTH????? Are you going to cross the border now????? Or we, the far southern people are the devil ??? And now, over all now Swifty loves going south???? You guys make me crazy. I belive I loose one of my CD of "Ingles sin Barreras".... :stickinouttounge:
  16. I have those on my 84'VR. They already lost the shine of the chrome, but they work. Also have 13 on my shoes, so they 're small for me. Enjoy it.
  17. Of course is an asian fraud. There are pleny of this ones going through addressess stolen from Network Solutions or Big Daddy. Sorry, you'll need to keep working. No Millions coming from that source... :smash2::bang head:
  18. I knew that I read this write !!!!.... Too good to be true. I love to have a diesel bike, but a little heavy to hold it!!! :rotfl::rotfl:
  19. Hey, what is going on here in the north with all this issues with kids???? So many episodes like the one you referr during this year... :thumbdown:
  20. Hey, I have a short one (17") that I don't use any more. I comes from a RS 97. This works for you? calperin :rain2:
  21. Regarding the calendar Pork on the Pines is in September 4th, not in August. So we're Ok. :happy34:
  22. I think is this: http://www.killboy.com/
  23. I think I can make this one. Is not so far from Southfield, a little north from Frankenmutten. See you guys!!!
  24. I agree with Buddy, it's a Honda CD50 :clap2:
  25. I don't know what is this all about, but I would like to get 3 shirts. :snow2:
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