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Everything posted by calperin

  1. I have a pair that take off of my 84, but needs to be chromed again to look like new. I purchased another pair two years ago that were almost brand new. Can go for 150$ + shipment if you wanted. Regards,
  2. I'm sorry, but you're doing everything but what all asked. You need to check voltage with the bike battery connected, without the nothing else. And you can do it, putting the voltmeter when you have the jumper from the car on it, and then remove the jumper and check the voltage even if the machine stop running. Moving in and out, will not let anybody understand what is going on. :doh:
  3. I got the same kind of problems when I purchased my 97'RS. Believe or not after every kind of searches, I found that all was due to loose connections on the battery. Even when they looks firm, I was able to move the cables with my hand really easy. I finally attached a lock washer on each positive & negative screws, and after 3 years it never happened again. Still with the same battery, and it starts after winter sleep. my 2 cents.... Regards, :dancefool:
  4. Nice to see that you're back, Joe. There is a Yamaha show in Holly this weekend. Somebody posted on the forum. May be sunday morning I'll ride over there. Regards, calperin:thumbsup2:
  5. Our prayers will be with her. As another said, better plastic body than her own. Regards, :starz:
  6. Try to find a differential breaker. It is the only device that checks and protects you from current flowing to ground, instead of comming back to neutral. That means, you have some device or wire that goes to ground in a better way that goes back to neutral. That is your problem IMO. Regards,
  7. On the RS I only a "UNIQUE TRIP"....
  8. Thanks, I'll try all the options. calperin
  9. Did somebody has take off and put back the carbs on a 96-00 Royal Star? The real question is how to put it back fitting properly on the rubber boots that goes to the cylinders? after replace the boots, It seems that even when everything is ok, there is no way to put the carbs back on place. All that I reach was my finger hammered till now with the rubber hammer. Thanks
  10. Yes, I 'll take this weekend, but no confusion. The originals don't come with backrest. Driver and passenger pad only. Mustangs are not on sale, only if goes with the bike... calperin
  11. I purchased a Mustang both driver & passenger with driver backrest. I have the originals for sale, since I have no plans to go back to use it anymore. Both for 125$ plus shipping. They looks like new, and the Mustang box goes for free!!! calperin
  12. My light comes on like the rest. about 20 to 30 miles before next stop on the gas station. About the mileage, I got close to 34 mpg, but I'm ready to change sparks, air filter and the rubber boots on the carbs that looks craked from outside. May be air is going in the cylinder for that. I hear from other drivers said that they get 44 mpg. That 's what I used to get on my 1984 VR. Never on the RS!!! Regards, calperin
  13. Hey Peg, Where did you get the carbs from? Any clue? I have an additional set from the First Gen. But I don't know if those are the ones. Regards, Carlos
  14. Gary, The piezoelectric efect from a glass isn't new, but the idea to exploted as a low freq device is. May be next one will be to replace the speakers with the fabric of the internal roof. I still remember the old flat pannels that replaced the big baffles. Electricity efficiency is the goal. Regards, Carlos
  15. I have a 97'RS not TD. I got the whole Corbin with back support. They 're great. Stock seat sucks. Regards, Calperin
  16. Ok, Only black colombian (don't know about pesticides???), at least 2 or 3 mugs a day. I think I'm a little dependent on it. And, yes totally as the previous pictures showed. :97::97::97::97::97::97::97:
  17. Hey, I want two: one with pockets another one without it. Size 3 XL, so I can put the whole family inside. Let me know how to send the paypal, or CD or whatever is. Regards, Carlos
  18. Hey Chaharly, It is better that this happened in your car than in your VR... Even if it's a first gen, it could be cold to handle that... I think still I have a pair of mufflers but they are not shinning ones. You 'll need to rechrome them. Regards, calperin :rotfl:
  19. Al, I think this year I will not be able to. My son is still on the hospital. Please take pictures of it and posted it. Thanks Carlos
  20. To understand what are they running from you will need to be there for a long time...
  21. Thanks to each and everyone. Carlos
  22. An e-mail from Renate (Germany) make me come back to let everyone knows how is our son: After a whole month, still in ICU with Respiratory Assistance but our of Risk. Neumonia consequences were so strong that his recovery will be really slow, however they're confidents on a full recovery. He had two minor surgeries: Traqueostomy and an Esofagic tube to feed him. All we afraid at this time is an Infection from the Hospital itself, that is something usual when you're too long in. Happy thanksgiving for all of you, were you are and thanks for all your prays. Carlos
  23. Dudes, NO question about, has to be an Iron 7. That nevers fails. :Im not listening to:Im not listening to
  24. I think I 'm going to use it. How much for the shipping to Mi?
  25. First at all, Thanks a lot to all of you guys. This is a great group. Now, Jonathan is getting better. The level of Oxigen on the respiratory assitance machine went down in two days from 100% to 40%, so soon he will out of tubes. Fever is gone, and started to get some food through the tubes. I have to thanks to his epidemiologist, that didn't wait when he saw Tamiflu wasn't working and request a new drug from CDC, what it was sent on 5 hours from Georgia. After 3 days, started to revert the situation. Only to clarify, when I said we have no hope I didn't mean it about my son. I was referring to the way institutions take a handle on this: College never warn about it was another case before my son on school, First Doctor didn't pay any attention on his case until it was too late, the County called after 10 days to find out how this happened, if we (Me and my wife) were vaccinated, and were else my son was in contact with.... 10 days is to long to take any action. I send an e-mail immediatly to the School, his soccer & beisbol team as soon as we get the diagnostics to warn everybody. Doctors don't even told or provide us with the vaccine (I have Asthma) and luckly we didn't had any problem. This if for everybody safe, I didn't went to my job for a week, and avoid all contact with people, including neighbors and friends. And of course, we follow all recommendations about cleaning, washing and protecting that you can think about. Every virus can be prevented and his damage minimized if everyone take the right actions, but the people on charge of protect the other people seems to be very busy to provide faster actions. Again, thanks for all the prays and support friends. Carlos
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