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Everything posted by calperin

  1. I have a pair that I replace for HID. They are in good shape. 50$ + Shipping.
  2. Welcome to the Yamaha RipOff I had to purchase the standard bracket, and the passing lamps. Then after a year I migrate to the HD, and yes use my previous cases since both HD and TriBar don't come with the housing cases. They want to charge you now, what they didn't did at the time to purchase the bike... I don't think that on the future I'll going to purchase anything back for them, If I have an option brand. :sick::sick:
  3. Of course NOT MY WIFE!!!! :rotf::rotf: But i do...
  4. Sorry, but it is not black. Is one of the brown ones.
  5. Nice Larry, Good job as always.
  6. Did somebody installed the Air Kit Baron BA-00-2000 for RS or RSTD 96-2000? Any recommendation? Still cannot improve mileage on my 97... :confused24:
  7. I take off the sealed beam, and install the halogen ones. Huge increase and lower power consumption.
  8. If most of the people decide for Oberlin Inn, may be that will be the selection...
  9. Joe, it looks like a RoyalWing 1300!!! :rotf::rotf:
  10. Congratulations, It looks great. Let me know how it goes with the paint. I have an 84 to paint too.
  11. Hey, how wide it is? if fits an XXL I 'm interested. I can pick it. We're neighbors. Carlos
  12. Very sad to read this news. Our toughts are with you & your family.
  13. I started to feel guilty when I read your title.... At least you still have the bike.... :rotf::rotf:
  14. Gary, Our condolences and glad you was able to be with him one more father's day. Carlos
  15. Did somebody knows where is the best place to get diaphragms and jets for the RS 1997 carbs? Thanks
  16. Congratulations Grand Pa!!! Now you will need to add a sidecar to the bike.
  17. Happy birthday!!! What do you mean with 35??? I tough you had 25!!! Regards, :Crazy_139::Crazy_139::Crazy_139:
  18. If the fuel pump drains much more than 10 amps (And that is why it burn the power supply), you 're in trouble. That means that you have some shortcut on any of the internal coils. There are a couple of them on AutoZone or Advance Parts for around 45$. Try those ones. Regards,
  19. OOOOOPS!!!! Too much responsibilty to be in this site!!!
  20. The problem is not that your multimeter is highspeed. The issue is that you're not able to notice fast enough the changes. If around 5000 rpm you don't get around 14 V, it means that your battery is not holding charge (may be a bad cell), or your alternator is not providing current enough to charge it (That is why I suggested a DC Clamp Amp-meter). Regards, Calperin
  21. No, you need a clamp DC Amperimeter to do that. Regards, Calperin
  22. Ok, You asked for it!!! Here is the list: Passing Lamps (HID or Kuryakin LED are the preferred to be seen without excuses). LEDs, LEDs, LEDs, LEDs, and also before to forget about more LEDs. (Remember that your battery has limits as well as your alternator, so LEDs are the solution). Remember to add lights not only on the front, but also to be seen from the rear.... Regards, Calperin :lightbulb::lightbulb:
  23. Karls, Nice arrange. With those mufflers I can guess how loud they will sound. Thanks for the pictures. Carlos
  24. Don, Our thanks are going to you & wife. It's my third time, and this time it was harder for me due to my surgeries, but still I made it. However, everything was wonderfull. Thanks again, Carlos
  25. Don, All you need to do is a webcast. Microsoft used to have a multimedia server for streamcast. I did that around 6 years ago. Next one, we can check that again. Regards, Carlos
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