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Everything posted by calperin

  1. Do I need to go for a 3rd Mortgage???
  2. So, how much did you spent?
  3. calperin = Carlos Alperin
  4. Check fuses, if fuses are Ok, you need to verfify that power and ground are Ok up to the unit, and also that the terminal in the handlebar is correctly connected to the main unit. If this is not the case, you need to open the main unit to verify that there is not internal fuse blow out that is causing this.
  5. Well, if somebody is looking for a 1984 mine is in sale for 1300$. I don't use it since 2009, and I stop using it when I got my 1997 RS. I fixed a lot and also finished all the wiring for the CB and dual antenas. Of course it will need new battery, and carb clean before to restart it. Oil and filter was change just before to stop using it, and also I have a lot of spare parts for it.
  6. Well Sebring is a 2002 Convertible LXI, Kelly Blue Book is 2600$ average in good running condition. So no big difference. Here the issue is if the Saturn Aura XR 2007 is worth for 5500$ that is between the 5265 to 7550$ that shows in KBB for that model with the mileage. Only thing I saw was the lid on the hood is rusted inside, and that seems to be a common issue on these models. New hood is around 130$ without paint it.
  7. Not, I believe that only the bottom of the engine (metals on the crankshaft) is affected due to the noise I can hear. [h=1][/h]
  8. I have a Sebring 2002 LXI that had the issue on the timing chain 2 years ago and make the engine to stop working. Since I had health issues, I had never the money to decide between fix it or replace it for another one. Today they ask me around 4800$ for the total replacement of the engine with 5 years warranty from Jasper, or I have as option a good deal on a Saturn Aura XR 2007 with 125000 miles for 5500$, and as far as I can see only some rust in the hood latch internally, that I was checking and it is a normal issue. Did somebody has any experience with Jasper or Saturn that can help me to decide what to do? Thanks in advance for any opinion about it. calperin
  9. Is somebody on the group doing tanks and paint repairs? I had an accident taking my bike to the storage, and as a consecuence a ding on the tank with loss of paint on the ding, and scrachtes on my saddlebags. I have a Venture 2000 on Red and Burgundy color. Thanks,
  10. For me, it 's a cable holder for a 3 wires poley system.... To be sure the cables when they 're not tense don't leave the poley wheel. Old stuff.
  11. Well, Yes, you miss the Surround TAPE DECK System, that also includes de Audio Amplifier...
  12. Sorry to hear about your loss. We 'd been through the same a couple of years ago when we loose our first dog Tommy (Chocolat Lab) since we move to Michigan. Today we'd recover and we have two others: an Australian Sheppard and the youngest another chocolat lab that of course is Tommy the 2nd. However, we still miss our first one that allways will be on our hearts...
  13. I purchased and install the LED from E-Bay that was on another article here. THey 're brighter than the originals, and you can see around during the night more clear than with the originals. I believe that the cost was around 129$ the pair, but it took 2 weeks before they show up since they 're comming from China.
  14. Gary, Glad to hear about your recovery. I had a car accident last year that broke my knee too, and it toke me around 6 months until I was in a mood to ride again. Was painful at the beginning but now I'm Ok. Hope to see you soon. Carlos
  15. Yes, I was thinking on do it in this winter. In that way I have no ride lost... (Already lost all due to my job!!!!)... I don't ask, I guess your back parts can testify about it!!! :cool10::cool10:
  16. Jay, Yes I have it Ok, and also the broken part of the bolt in the nut. I'll unscrew it, but I tried not to open the whole seat to replace it. I don't know if already somebody did it, or may be I should do it when I do the buttler seat modification... :detective::detective:
  17. I think that I'm not the first one, but finally I make it. Not realize that was doing to much effort and finally broke the bolt on the right side of the driver seat. Any suggestions on how to fix it? Thanks, :whistling::whistling:
  18. So, if I move to an Indian I'll be outside all statistics???? I'll go back to my DUCATTI!!!! :rotf::rotf:
  19. How bad was the fit? I had to remove the bezzels I had with the standard. And it was really painfull to make one of them to adjust. Light is wonderfull...
  20. if Not Ubuntu, you can use any other CD-Live version as CentOS or any other linux. Then you can access the physical drive and then you can back up all that you need before to install a new Hard Drive (HD) with a new Operating System (OS). Knoppix has a powerfull set of tools and it is easy to download (The only problem is that you will need another PC to do that), and it fits on a full CD. Good Luck
  21. 1rooster, No, the switch is inside the internal fairing close to the lightning socket, on the left side. That is why I assumed the fuse should show up following that switch. Or in the worst case, I can follow the +12V from it following the cables connected to the switch. I don't know if there is a relay connected to it. That could be the other reason: defective relay or with the vibration got loose... If none of those are the cases, then I need to go back to the fuse, if I don't have voltage on the line. Thanks, :sick::sick: :detective::detective:
  22. On a 2001 Venture RS, did somebody knows where is the fuse connected to the switch of the passing lamps? Yesterday I noticed that after my ride comming back home from the office my passing lamps where off. I cannot find the diagram on the Maintenance book. And before to start taking the fairing off, I 'm trying to be sure is not on inside of the side covers... Thanks in advance...
  23. When this trip is going to be? Never knew about this...
  24. Mine has 4 muflers, but one thing is for sure, the end is not open like you have yours. And even the one on my venture also is not open like that. Somebody removed the baffle.
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